
试卷更新日期:2021-12-11 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. To tell the truth, I would rather I _____ the pain instead of you. You don't know how worried I was.
    A、took B、had taken C、take D、should have taken
  • 2. Had you listened to the doctor, you ________ all right now.
    A、are B、were C、would be D、would have been
  • 3. This is her only request that the room________ after being used.
    A、be cleaned B、is cleaned C、would be cleaned D、will be cleaned
  • 4. — Who would you rather ______ your graduation ceremony tomorrow, your parents or friends?

    — All of them.

    A、will have attended B、have attended C、attend D、attended
  • 5. I wish I         the book to you last week.
    A、returned B、has returned C、had returned D、would return
  • 6. I would have attended Jacky Cheung's live music concert had it been possible, but I ______ so busy at that time.
    A、had been B、Were C、would be D、was
  • 7. If I hadn't been faced with so many barriers, I _____where I am.
    A、won't be B、wouldn't have been C、wouldn't be D、shouldn't have been
  • 8. Had the governments and scientists not worked together, AIDS-related deaths          since their highest in 2005.
    A、had not fallen B、would not fall C、did not fall D、would not have fallen
  • 9. On AIDS Day, the minister of Health Department advised that the problems          paid special attention to.
    A、referred to being B、referred to be C、refer to being D、refer to be
  • 10. You'd better keep in your mind my advice that you should          theory on practice if you intend          a further improvement.
    A、be based; see B、base; to see C、base; see D、be based; to see
  • 11. ________ for the doctor's careful treatment, he ________ till last year.           
    A、  Had it not been, couldn't have lived B、Were it not, couldn't live
    C、  If it were not, can't live D、If they were not, couldn't live
  • 12.         , the damage would be incalculable.
    A、Should such a disaster occur B、If such a disaster had occurred C、Had such a disaster occurred D、If such a disaster should be occurred
  • 13. ____ then what I know now, I would have made different decisions.
    A、Should I know B、I knew C、I did know D、Had I known
  • 14. Many coral reefs in warm water areas would not be dying out ______ for the pollution accumulated over the previous years.
    A、if it is not B、were it not C、had it not been D、if they were not
  • 15. ________ for the wrong turning on the highway, I would be having dinner with my friends now.
    A、Had it not been B、Were it not C、It had not been D、It were not
  • 16. ________ the mistake in the beginning, the problem could have been prevented at its source.
    A、Had not the company ignored B、If the company didn't ignore C、Had the company not ignored D、Would the company not ignore
  • 17. He would have been willing to accompany me _______ him how important it was to me.
    A、if I have told B、had I told C、should I tell D、if I could tell
  • 18. ___________for the efforts of medical staff, the spread of the novel coronavirus would not be controlled, which astonishes the whole world.
    A、Were not it B、Were it not C、Had not it been D、If it were
  • 19.       fired, your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off.
    A、Would you be B、Could you be C、Should you be D、Might you be
  • 20. You could come back by Friday ________ today which can ensure your presence at my birthday party.
    A、should you start off B、did you start off C、had you started off D、would you start off
  • 21. If Mrs. Brown     Mary to literature in junior high school, She wouldn't be a writer now.
    A、hadn't introduced B、didn't introduce C、shouldn't introduce D、hasn't introduced
  • 22. If _________, Kate will certainly go to Jane's birthday party tonight.
    A、invites B、invited C、to invite D、inviting
  • 23. — Mary's got crazy and has been sent to the mental hospital. Did you tell her boss about that?

    — Yes, but I _____ her husband first.

    A、should have told B、shouldn't have told C、must have told D、needn't have told
  • 24. Emphasis is laid on the necessity that all the objectives to be attained ________ into account before staring a new project.
    A、be taken B、should take C、would be taken D、have to be taken
  • 25. You shouldn't accept a lift from a person ________ you don't know him.

    A、until B、unless C、if D、whether
  • 26. ___________________, the experiment will be successful.
    A、If carefully doing B、If it was done carefully C、If carefully done D、If doing carefully
  • 27. It doesn't matter________you're a few minutes late.We'll wait for you.

    A、unless B、since C、because D、if
  • 28. —What are you to plan for the weekend?
    —________,I am going to call on an old friend of mine.                  
    A、If ever B、If busy C、If anything D、If possible
  • 29. What a pity! You missed the sightseeing, or we ________ a good time together.
    A、had B、will have C、would have had D、had had
  • 30. I would have come earlier, but I ________ that you were waiting for me.
    A、didn't know B、hadn't known C、would have known D、haven' t known