
试卷更新日期:2021-12-11 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. ________ the Games will be held in Beijing is not known.
    A、Whenever B、If C、Whether D、That
  • 2. ______ they have won the game made us excited.
    A、That B、/ C、What D、Which
  • 3. ______wants to stay in a hotel has to pay their own way.
    A、Whoever B、The one C、Anyone D、Who
  • 4. _____ is most important is ______ we shouldn't complain but calm ourselves down, _____ is the real spirit of dealing with any examination.
    A、It, that, as B、As, that, which C、What, that, it D、What, that, which
  • 5. ________ surprised me most was the news ________ our team won.
    A、That; that B、What; which C、What; that D、That; which
  • 6. — Hey, Joe, look at you! What makes you so happy?

    — ________ my son has passed the final examination.

    A、Because B、When C、That D、Whether
  • 7. ________ is against my principle, I think, is to cheat in the examinations.
    A、What B、As C、It D、That
  • 8. ________ is against my principle, I think, is to cheat in the examinations.
    A、What B、As C、It D、That
  • 9. ________, as a matter of fact, has been put forward at the conference is that the government should encourage the graduates to set up their own business.
    A、What B、Which C、It D、As
  • 10. _______ medicine works in a human body is a question _______ not everyone can understand fully.
    A、How; that B、That; which C、That; that D、What; that
  • 11.        seems strange to us is         the troublesome boy is getting along well with his teachers now.
    A、It; that B、What; how C、It; how D、What; that
  • 12.         nothing to do with us.
    A、What she did have B、What she did is C、What did she do has D、What she has done has
  • 13. _______ bothers me is that I can't keep my mind on the task, but on personal gains or losses.
    A、What B、It C、That D、One
  • 14.               is known to us all is that the old scientist, for  life was hard in the past, still works very hard in his eighties.
    A、As; whom B、What; whom C、It; whose D、As; whose
  • 15. It never occurred to me _____ you could succeed in persuading him to change his mind.
    A、which B、what C、that D、if
  • 16. ________ one of you breaks the window will have to pay for it.
    A、Whoever B、No matter which C、No matter who D、Whichever
  • 17. It is not a problem _____ we can win the battle; it's just a matter of time.
    A、whether B、why C、when D、where
  • 18. It soon became widely known ________ the attempt to save girl had failed.
    A、that B、what C、who D、which
  • 19. —      I watch TV, I'll turn it down and never make any noise.

    — Good.      you are doing should never disturb others.     how important you are, never forget about how others feel.

    A、Whenever; No matter what; No matter B、Whenever; Whatever; No matter C、No matter when; No matter what; / D、No matter when; Whatever; /
  • 20.       I want to tell you is the deep love and respect I have for my parents.
    A、That B、Which C、Whether D、What
  • 21. Maybe all Americans realize that _______ will be the next president will face masses of problems.
    A、who B、whoever C、whomever D、no matter who
  • 22. The spokesman noted ________ some individuals apparently lack is not the means to get the correct information, but the courage and conscience to admit the truth.
    A、which B、that C、whether D、what
  • 23.          life exists on any other planet in the solar system still remains a question.
    A、Why B、Whether C、How D、Where
  • 24.         football is such a simple game to play is perhaps the basis of its popularity.
    A、What B、Whether C、That D、Which
  • 25. _____ stops learning is old and stays learning is young, whether at twenty or eighty.
    A、What B、Who C、That D、Whoever
  • 26. ____ is known to us all is that the 2012 Olympic Games will take place in London.
    A、It B、Which C、As D、What
  • 27. — What do you think made the 92nd Academy Awards so special?

    ——_______ Parasite from South Korea won a total of four Oscars.

    A、Because B、What C、That D、Whether
  • 28. Throughout its early years, _______ we now call hip hop evolved without even having a name.
    A、which B、what C、when D、why
  • 29. ___ the old man's sons wanted to know was ___ the gold had been hidden.
    A、That; what B、What; where C、What; that D、Whether; if
  • 30. ___ picks up the wallet and hands it in will be praised by the teacher.
    A、Who B、Whoever C、That who D、Who that