
试卷更新日期:2021-12-11 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. I was surprised by her words, which made me recognize ___ silly mistakes I had made.
    A、what B、that C、how D、which
  • 2. The student completed this experiment to make come true __________ Professor Joseph had said.
    A、that B、what C、when D、Where
  • 3. He told me __________ his father had died and __________ he had to make a living alone.
    A、that, what B、what , that C、that, that D、what , what 
  • 4. All the Chinese workers do ________ they can ________ through the hard time.
    A、what; get B、what; to get C、all what; get D、that; to get
  • 5. You can't imagine ________great danger the firefighters were faced with when they tried to put out the big fire.
    A、which B、how C、whether D、what
  • 6. I shall never forget those days outside the school ________ I studied on line at home, ________ is always making me think of________ I can do more for my homeland.
    A、that; which; which B、which; that; that C、when; as; what D、when; which; how
  • 7. There is no doubt _______he will come tomorrow, but I do doubt _____he will come on time.
    A、that; that B、that; whether C、whether; whether D、whether; that
  • 8. You'd better check________ the driver has a driving permit and make sure________ the taxi has a business permit.
    A、that; that B、if; if C、whether; if D、that; whether
  • 9. In fact, more than one account suggests that________.
    A、there, on no account, is proof that the falling apple hit Newton on the head B、on no account should there be proof whether the falling apple hit Newton on the head C、on no account is there proof whether the falling apple hit Newton on the head D、there, on no account, should be proof that the falling apple hit Newton on the head
  • 10. You can't imagine ___ when I get a cell phone for my birthday.
    A、how I was excited B、how excited I was C、how excited was I D、I was how excited
  • 11. -I wonder ___________that bus service is provided in the Mount Qomolangma National Nature Reserve.

    -To better balance tourism development and environment protection.

    A、why is it B、why it is C、how is it D、how it is
  • 12. The headmaster wanted to know ______at the entrance of the school.
    A、who were you waiting for B、who are you waiting for C、who you were waiting for D、who you are waiting for
  • 13. —Could you tell me_________?

    —He is in the library.

    A、where Simon was B、where is Simon C、where was Simon D、where Simon is
  • 14. I think ___ just now.
    A、it was important what he said B、that important what he said C、that was important what he said D、it important what he said
  • 15. He explained        for his father's birthday party.
    A、why was he late B、why is he late C、why he is late D、why he was late
  • 16. The true value of life is not in ______, but _______.
    A、which we get; what give we B、what we get; what we give C、which do we get; what do we give D、how we get; that we give
  • 17. The owner of the shop came up to see _____.
    A、what was the matter B、what the matter was C、what is the matter D、what the matter is
  • 18. — I'd like to know ___________.

    — Maybe in the forest.

    A、whether we will go camping B、where will we go camping C、whether to go camping D、where we will go camping
  • 19. Peter asked his wife ________ with her car.
    A、what the matter was B、what was the matter C、what the matter is D、what is the matter
  • 20. —Could you tell me ________? I'd like to take part in it.

    —On June 5th.

    A、when will the fashion show be held B、when the fashion show will be held C、when will the fashion show be taken place D、when the fashion show will be taken place
  • 21. After a heated discussion, they still don't know at all _______.
    A、what is he working out B、what he is working on C、what did he work on D、what he is working out
  • 22. I insisted that it ________ late and that we ________ for the night.
    A、was; stopped B、was; stop C、be; stop D、be; stopped
  • 23. The teacher told us the other day that light ______ faster than sound.

    A、travelled B、is travelling C、travels D、had travelled
  • 24. —What did Tom say to you just now, John?

    —He asked _____________.

    A、why I am so happy today B、what will I do for the weekend C、Who did I play football with after school D、if I could go to the movie with him tonight
  • 25. I don't know when he              back. Please tell me when he            back.
    A、comes, comes B、comes, will come C、will come, comes
  • 26. —I wonder if Professor Watson ________ the party tonight.

    —I don't know,but I'll let you know if he ________.

    A、will attend;will come B、will attend;comes C、attends;will come D、attends;comes
  • 27. Mr Green asked Lily ________ she had written to her father _______.
    A、whether; the day before B、whether; yesterday C、that; the day before D、that; yesterday
  • 28. All the doctors in the hospital insisted that he ____ badly wounded and that he ____ at once.
    A、should be; be operated on B、were; must be operated on C、be; was operated on D、was; be operated on
  • 29. It has been suggested that the school sports meet _______ till next weekend because of the recent storm.
    A、should be put off B、should put off C、put off D、would be put off
  • 30. My adviser recommended that I ______for advanced literature because I like English.
    A、sign up B、signed up C、was signed up D、am signing up
  • 31. It is highly recommended that the general public________ one- metre social distance to avoid any possible risk of getting infected.
    A、keep B、will keep C、must keep D、keeps
  • 32. In order to minimize economic losses, the manager demanded that the problems ______paid special attention to.
    A、referring to being B、referred to be C、refer to be D、referring to be
  • 33. —Why not join us in the game?

    —I'd love to, but mother insists that I          all my homework first.

    A、finish B、will finish C、must finish D、have finished
  • 34. Most of the local people insist that the old temple _______ as it has a long history.

    A、should not pull down B、must not pull down C、not be pulled down D、would not be pulled down
  • 35. The WHO urged that all the countries ______ measures to prevent COVID-19 spreading.
    A、take B、must take C、are to take D、took
  • 36. Do you believe _____ true ____ you find high wages, you generally find high prices?
    A、that; that B、that; that what C、it; when D、it; that where
  • 37. The book is of great help to ______ wants to do the job.
    A、who B、whomever C、no matter who D、whoever
  • 38. The young man insisted that he ____ nothing wrong and ___ free.
    A、did; set B、had done; should be set  C、should do; be set D、had done; must be set
  • 39. Her pale face suggested that she _____ seriously ill. To our surprise, she still suggested that she___ to Beijing on business.
    A、be; went B、was; would go C、was; could go D、was; go
  • 40. I insisted      to see a doctor, but he insisted nothing      wrong with him.
    A、on him to go; should be B、he went; be C、he go; was D、he should go; is