
试卷更新日期:2021-12-08 类型:期中考试



  • 6. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、What class is Sam in?
    A、Class 1. B、Class 2. C、Class 3.
    (2)、How many students are there in Sam's class?
    A、40. B、30. C、20.
  • 7. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、What's the weather like?
    A、It's warm. B、It's cool. C、It's hot.
    (2)、What haven't the speakers got at home?
    A、Beans. B、Potatoes. C、Carrots.
    (3)、What's Tony's dad's favourite drink?
    A、Cola. B、Tea. C、Coffee.


  • 8. 听短文,回答问题。

    Jenny Smith's Family

    Jenny Smith

    She is 1 years old.

    Her father

    He is a 2 at a school.

    Her mother

    Her favourite color is 3.

    Her brother

    He likes playing 4.

    It is a 5 family.

    A、ten B、eleven C、twelve
    A、teacher B、worker C、driver
    A、green B、blue C、brown
    A、basketball B、volleyball C、football
    A、nice B、big C、new


  • 9. I have        big apple in my bag, and it's red.
    A、a B、an C、the D、/
  • 10. — Let's go and buy some        for our new house.

    —OK. I need a new bed.

    A、pictures B、flowers C、furniture D、food
  • 11. — How many        do you have?

    —Let me see. My mother has two sisters.

    A、aunts B、uncles C、cousins D、brothers
  • 12. — Can you        "desk", Jack?

    —Yes, D-E-S-K. There's an "e" in the middle.

    A、see B、close C、draw D、spell
  • 13. She has four lessons in the morning, so she is a bit       .
    A、healthy B、fat C、tired D、nice
  • 14. I live in a house        two rooms. It's small but clean.
    A、of B、from C、about D、with
  • 15. — Jim, give me        books please. They are on that desk.

    —OK, Mum.

    A、this B、that C、these D、those
  • 16. — Who is your favourite actor?

    —Deng Chao,        I don't like his TV show Running Man.

    A、but B、and C、so D、or
  • 17. — Why do you stand up, Alice?

    —Because I can't see the blackboard. The boys        me are tall.

    A、next to B、in front of C、on the right of D、on the left of
  • 18. — Tina, you look good in your new dress.


    A、You're welcome B、Thank you C、Yes, I do D、No, it's not very good


  • 19. 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    A baby bird lives in a nest. He loves his nest. It is very 1 in the cold winter. When he is hungry, his mother always comes with some 2 he likes. "I love 3 family!" he says.

    But one day his mother doesn't come to the nest. He is very afraid. It is the 4 time that his mother is not with him for so long.

    After two days, his mother comes back with some nice food. But his mother 5 the food at a very high place and the baby bird 6 get it. He is so sad, "Mum, 7 do you do this to me? I have nothing to eat and I'm hungry!"

    "Baby, come 8 get it," his mother says. The baby bird wants to fly but he can't.

    "Come on. Do it 9!" says his mother to the baby bird. The baby bird tries and tries. At last, he can fly to his mother and get the food.

    To the baby bird, his mother is not just a mom but a good 10. Thanks to his mother, the baby bird can fly now.

    A、hot B、warm C、cold D、cool
    A、water B、fruit C、milk D、food
    A、his B、her C、my D、its
    A、first B、last C、good D、new
    A、opens B、puts C、eats D、plays
    A、can B、can't C、does D、doesn't
    A、why B、what C、when D、where
    A、and B、or C、but D、so
    A、too B、not C、here D、again
    A、nurse B、driver C、teacher D、manager


  • 20. 阅读下面材料,掌握大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Sisley Café

    The best place to have a break with your friends!


    Orange juice $1.40

    Lemonade $0.85

    Coffee $2.20

    Coke $1.40

    Milk $2.50


    Hamburger $2.40

    Hot dog $2.25

    Ice cream $2.50

    Fried chicken $1.60

    Fish and chips $5

    Opening Hours: 10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m.

    Call us at 7364-9388 and we will send the food to your home.

    (1)、How much are two cups of coke?
    A、$1.40. B、$1.50. C、$2.80. D、$3.00.
    (2)、What can you buy with $2.00?
    A、Orange juice. B、Milk. C、A hamburger. D、Fish and chips.
    (3)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    A、You can go to Sisley Café at 9:00 a.m. B、You can't have the food from Sisley Café at home. C、You can call 7364-9388 to buy drinks and candy. D、You can have a good time with your friends in Sisley Café.
  • 21. 阅读理解

    Tom has a happy family. There are some rules in his family.

    Keep healthy

    Being healthy is important. Tom's family play sports for one hour every day. Tom is in the school Swimming Club. And his parents run every morning.

    Also, they eat healthy snacks like fruits, yogurt or cheese. In fact, eating healthy snacks between meals is a good idea. But they don't eat snacks as a meal. It's not healthy.

    Have family time in the evening

    Eating dinner together every night allows family members to share the things of the day and plans for tomorrow. Tom's family time starts from dinner. They don't watch TV or play computer after dinner. The family usually sit on the sofa and talk. Tom always talks about his school and friends.

    Always say "I love you" and "Thank you"

    Tom says "I love you" in the morning before he goes to school and in the evening before he goes to bed. His parents say it to him too. When Tom helps his mother, she says "Thank you". They show their love and thanks all the time.

    (1)、The passage is mainly about       .
    A、Tom's family time B、Tom's family rules C、being healthy D、saying thanks
    (2)、What does Tom usually do after dinner?
    A、He plays sports for an hour. B、He says thanks to his mother. C、He watches TV with his parents. D、He shares his school life with his family.     
    (3)、Tom says "I love you" to his parents       .
    A、before he goes to bed B、before he gets up C、before evening D、before lunch
    (4)、What can we learn from the passage?
    A、The family rules don't make Tom happy. B、Tom's family life is healthy but too busy. C、With the family rules, Tom can't eat snacks. D、People in Tom's family are happy and love each other.
  • 22. 阅读理解

    Tom likes strange things. One day he sees a very old strange mirror. He asks his parents to buy it from an old man. When Tom gets the mirror, he goes to see himself in it. He looks very upset in the mirror at first.

    Tom feels surprised. Why does he look upset in the mirror? He goes to buy some chocolate to make himself happy. After eating chocolate he is happy, but he still looks upset in the mirror. He then buys all kinds of toys to play with. Nothing is different.

     "The mirror is bad!" Tom puts it under the bed.

    He then goes to the park to play. He sees that a little boy is crying there. Tom talks with the boy and knows that the boy can't find his parents. So Tom helps the boy find his parents. The parents thank Tom and take the boy back home.

    When Tom gets home, he remembers the mirror. He takes it out and sees himself in the mirror again. This time he doesn't look upset. He looks so happy!

    (1)、The underlined word "upset" in paragraph 1 means        in Chinese.
    A、疲劳的 B、饥饿的 C、生气的 D、沮丧的
    (2)、Why does Tom put the mirror under the bed?
    A、Because he really likes the mirror. B、Because his parents ask him to do so. C、Because he doesn't want to see the mirror. D、Because he doesn't want his parents to use it.
    (3)、From the passage we can know that       .
    A、mirrors are really bad things B、helping people can make us happy C、it's important to talk with people D、we can't buy strange mirrors


  • 23. 从方框中选出符合语境的句子补全对话。

    A: Betty, we will have a party tomorrow.

    B: OK. Let's get some apples.


    B: Great! Have we got any meat?

    A:  We've got some chicken.

    B: OK. Can I get some cola?

    A: No cola!

    B: Well.

    A: Good! Juice is a healthy drink.

    A. All right!

    B. How about some orange juice?

    C. Let's go shopping for food and drinks.

    D. Cola is bad for you.

    E. Yes, we have.



  • 29. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。

    bread,  for,  remember,  China,  she

    (1)、Look! The girl is playing with  brothers.
    (2)、 people are good at playing table tennis.
    (3)、We have lots of . We can have some for lunch.
    (4)、Come here! This book is  students. Let's read it.
    (5)、It's very important  your parents' telephone numbers. 


  • 30. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成以下短文。

    Jerry is an English boy. He is (十一) years old. He has a little sister, Tina. His mum, Mrs. Brown doesn't work. She looks after the (小孩) at home. His father works in London. It is the (首都) of England.

    Jerry doesn't like going shopping, but he likes (听) to music and playing games very much. One (周日) morning, Mrs. Brown asks, "Jerry, I am making (早餐) for you and your sister. Now I need some (糖) and potatoes, but I haven't got (一些). Can you buy them for me?" There is a supermarket (在……附近) their house. Jerry goes out and buys some food for the family. Then they enjoy a very (美味的) meal.


  • 31. (★★)假设你是来自Sunshine Middle School七年级一班的李华,你和家人将要参加一档美食节目,现节目组要求你写一篇短文介绍自己和家人,内容包括:职业、饮食喜好等。


