
试卷更新日期:2021-12-08 类型:期中考试

一、听小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择符合对话内容的图片。(每小题1分,共5分) (本题有15小题,第一节、第二节第三节每小题2分,满分20分。)


  • 6. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、Where is the library?         
    A、on the left of the gate B、in front of the classroom building C、next to the sports hall
    (2)、How many classroom buildings are there in your school?
    A、Three B、One C、Two
  • 7. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、Where are Li Ming's grandparents from?
    A、Hangzhou B、Ningbo C、Jinhua    
    (2)、What's LiMing's grandparents' favourite sport?    
    A、Basketball B、Swimming C、Table tennis
    (3)、Who is next to Li Ming's grandparents ? 
    A、His mother. B、His father. C、His aunt


  • 8. 听独白,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。

    Cathy's lunch at school

    Nationality(国籍) and age

    Cathy is an 1 girl. She is2 years old.

    Food in the lunchbox

    There is  3 , chicken, apples and vegetables in the lunchbox.

    Place to have school lunch

    Cathy often has lunch in the4

    Cathy thinks milk is 5 .

    A、Chinese B、English C、American
    A、thirteen B、fourteen C、twelve
    A、noodles B、rice C、hamburgers
    A、classroom B、playground C、dining hall
    A、cold B、healthy C、delicious


  • 9. — Look! What's on _____ floor?

    —Oh, it's _____ English book.

    A、a; the B、a; an C、the; an D、the; a
  • 10. —Tom, don't stand ______ me, I can't see the words on the blackboard.

    — Sorry, Nancy.

    A、behind B、in front of C、between D、next to
  • 11. —What 's your new house like, Cindy?

    —It's very big, there ______a lot of furniture in it.

    A、are B、isn't C、  is D、aren't
  • 12. —Is your brother a _______?

    —Yes. He works in Renmin Hospital and helps lots of people.

    A、driver B、actor C、policeman D、doctor
  • 13. —It's very______ outside. Please close the window, Jack.

    —OK, dad.

    A、cold B、cool C、hot D、warm
  • 14. —Are there _______ pandas in Wenzhou Zoo?

     —No, there aren't. But there are ______ tigers in it.

    A、some; some B、some; any C、any; some D、any; any
  • 15. —Can you ___ it again in English, Frank?

    —Yes, I can. Mr Liu.

    A、spell B、say C、talk D、tell
  • 16. — _____ is the old man in the photo?

    — Oh, he is Zhong Nanshan, a great doctor from China.

    A、What B、Who C、How D、Where
  • 17. — They are my friends. _____ names are Alice and Tom.

    —Let's go and say hi.

    A、Our B、 Your C、 His D、Their
  • 18. — It's sunny today. Let's play football in the park!


    A、You're welcome B、Nice to meet you C、Good idea D、See you    


  • 19. 阅读下面的短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Hello! I'm Peppa Pig and I'm four years old. These are my parents Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig. My mother has no1 . She looks after2 and my little brother George at home. I love 3in muddy puddles. George likes to jump in muddy puddles, 4. I have a good friend. 5 name is Suzy Sheep. We're at the same kindergarten and we often play together. Madame Gazelle is our teacher. She's very 6 to us and we all love her. I like eating vegetables, 7George doesn't. George's favourite toy is Mr Dinosaur. When he has lunch, he 8 next to Mr Dinosaur. When he goes to bed, he sleeps9 him. Tomorrow is Saturday. George and I are going to visit our grandparents. We're going to plant trees in the garden. 10a happy day! We can't wait.

    A、job B、money C、time D、child
    A、him B、me C、them D、us
    A、sleeping B、dancing C、jumping D、sitting
    A、too B、also C、very D、well
    A、Your B、His C、Her D、My
    A、nice B、new C、old D、happy 
    A、and B、but C、or D、so
    A、sits B、stands C、talks D、listens
    A、for B、on C、at D、with
    A、How B、Why C、What D、Where


  • 20.

    What do you think of “double reduction”? Our readers from Teens have different ideas. Here are four of them.

    Shen Yuzhe, 13, Beijing

     The “double reduction” really helps me. Our homework is less than before. I can finish it at school . I'm also happy to find that there are fewer exams.

    Zhang Hangming, 13, Tianjin

    The best thing about the “double reduction” is that we have more time to do after-school activities* such as dancing, volleyball and cooking. I can also learn a lot of things.

    Yu Zhiyue, 14, Jiangsu

    With the “double reduction”, I have really got less homework to do. But I need to take an online class on the computer at home after I come back from school. I often feel tired. But I can still have happy weekends.

    Cui Ruqi, 12, Liaoning


    I have got more time to read books and play sports. The art subjects are becoming more important. So I need to learn music well. And I have less learning stress now.

    (1)、What happens to (发生) Shen Yuzhe with the “double reduction”?
    A、He has less homework and fewer exams now.   B、He has more homework and exams now. C、He has no homework and exams now.          D、He is sad to have fewer exams now.
    (2)、What after-school activities does Zhang Hangming do after the “double reduction” except(除了)________?
    A、dancing B、cooking C、volleyball D、gardening
    (3)、Who has to take online classes at home after coming back from school? 
    A、Shen Yuzhe B、Yu Zhiyue C、Zhang Huangming D、Cui Ruqi
    (4)、Why does Cui Ruqi need to learn music well?
    A、Because art is becoming more important. B、Because art is her favourite subject. C、Because she is good at art. D、Because her friends learn music.
    (5)、What's the reading about?
    A、homework B、after-school activities   C、hobbies D、changes(变化) in students' life after the “double reduction”
  • 21. 阅读理解

    In English, the given names come first and the family names come last. Family names are also called last names. Westerners get their family names in different ways.

    Some family names such as Smith, Cook and Taylor are all about a person's job. For example, John Smith, here “Smith” means the name of a job as well as Cook, Miller and Fisher. Some westerners get their family names from their living places such as Bush, Cliff and Lake. So does a famous American writer Jack London.

    Some family names are from colors. For example, the family names Black means “布莱克” and White means “怀特”. Larry Brown —a famous basketball player in America also gets his family name from colors. Other family names are from the name of a parent. For example, “David's son” becomes Davidson, and “Peter's son” becomes Peterson. What does your last name mean? Let's find more on the Internet.

    (1)、What is the family name “Smith” about in the passage?
    A、a place name B、a color C、a job D、a name of a parent
    (2)、Where might Jack London's family live long time ago(以前) according to(根据)

     his name?

    A、New York B、Sydney C、Paris D、London
    (3)、What does Larry Brown's family name “Brown” mean in Chinese?
    A、布朗 B、布莱克 C、怀特 D、格林
    (4)、How many ways of family names do westerners get according to the passage?
    A、Three B、Four C、Five D、Two
    (5)、What is the passage about?
    A、family members B、family names C、colors and jobs D、friends
  • 22. 阅读理解

    Here comes autumn! The leaves turn yellow and red. It's a great season for kids to play outside. What do children do in autumn in different countries?

       In China, students often have an autumn picnic. Usually, they go to an amusement park or out into nature. Most children also like to play games with their classmates, like rope skipping and soccer.

    Japanese children often go hiking with their parents or classmates .It is a good way to get exercise. Mountain climbing is also a good way.

       For most children in the US, biking is a good autumn activity. Take a mountain bike ride and you can find new roads. Playing with leaves is popular, too. Kids jump onto dry leaves. They are happy to see the colorful leaves fly all around. They also make leaf rain. It's all a lot of fun.

       In the UK, school kids love to camp outside with their parents. They make food by themselves and tell stories. At night, they look at the stars and the moon in the sky.

    (1)、What do students do in China in autumn?
    A、go hiking B、go bike riding C、camp outside D、have an autumn picnic
    (2)、What does the underlined word "camp" mean in Paragraph 5?
    A、远足 B、郊游 C、野营 D、探险
    (3)、Which of the following(下列的)activities do American children do in autumn ?

    ① make leaf rain  ②take a mountain bike ride  ③have a picnic   ④play with leaves

    A、①②③ B、②③④ C、①③④ D、①②④
    (4)、What's the best title(题目)for this passage?
    A、Four seasons B、Autumn activities for children C、Different weather D、Parents and children
    (5)、What do you usually do in autumn? (至少说出两个活动)


  • 23. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。

    teacher   for    theatre   America    go

    (1)、How many are there in our city?
    (2)、There is a desk at the front of our classroom.
    (3)、It's five o'clock in the afternoon now. It's time home.
    (4)、 people are good at playing basketball.
    (5)、Come and have a look! These T-shirts are boys.


  • 24. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成以下短文,每空限填一词。

    Look at the(照片) . Do you know the (女孩)? Her name is Quan Hongchan. She can  (游泳) well. She is a diver. She's  (十四) years old and she's very popular now. She is from Guangdong, (中国). She likes (玩) computer games after training. Her favourite colour is (红色). She is from a(大的) family. Her parents are (农民). They have five children . Quan Hongchuan is the third child in the family. Her mother is ill at home. So she wants to make more money for her mother and her family. She is a good (女儿) and a great player. We're proud of her.



  • 30. 我校英语节下周要举行“My new school life”为主题的英语演讲比赛,假如你叫Li Lei,代表班级参加此次比赛,向大家介绍你的校园生活情况。请根据下面的提示信息,简要描述自己的校园生活。




    My new school life

    Hello, everyone! My name is Li Lei. I'm very happy to be here to talk about my new school life.