
试卷更新日期:2021-12-07 类型:期中考试



  • 6. My best friend is ________ than I.
    A、popular and friendly B、more popular and friendly C、more popular and friendlier
  • 7. Mr. Smith's speech is good ________ I think it could be better.
    A、because B、as C、though
  • 8. Tom studies _______.He _______plays with his friends.
    A、hard; hardly B、hardly; hardly C、hardly; hard
  • 9. —Which of the two magazines will you buy?

    —I will take ________. They are useful to me.

    A、neither B、both C、none
  • 10. Who jumped ________ in the long jump, Tony, Mark or Tom?
    A、long B、longer C、the longest
  • 11. —Is the film interesting?

    —I thought it would be. But ________, it's very boring.

    A、such as B、for example C、in fact
  • 12. —Can you ________ when the train will leave?

    —OK, wait a minute.

    A、find out B、feel like C、make up
  • 13. This movie wasn't ________. He fell asleep half way through it.

    A、  interesting enough B、enough interesting C、interested enough D、enough interested
  • 14. The show was so funny that it made everyone ________.
    A、to laugh B、laugh C、laughed
  • 15. —May I use your bike?

    —________ Here you are.

    A、Good idea! B、Of course! C、You're welcome.


  • 16. 完成对话从文后选项中选择正确选项(选项中有一个选项与对话内容无关)

    A:Linda, what do you usually do in your free time?


    A:What's your favorite program?

    B:They make me happy and relaxed.

    A:And which do you like better, sports shows or TV plays?

    B: They often tell us good stories. What about you, Bill?

    A: I usually go camping or climb mountains if I'm free.

    B:Who do you do these with?

    A:We both love outdoor activities.

    B:Sounds exciting. Maybe I can join you next time.

    A:That's great.

    A. I'd like to choose TV plays.

    B. My cousin, Jeff.

    C. I don't like watching TV.

    D. I usually watch TV.

    E. Science is very interesting.

    F. I love sports shows and TV plays best.


  • 17. 根据所给对话,填写适当的内容

    A:Hi, Alice. ?

    B:It was great. I had a good time last weekend.


    B:I went to the science museum. It's the biggest museum in our city. I saw many interesting things and took lots of photos.

    A:! But I don't like museums. I like watching movies. I went to the movies with my friend last weekend.

    B:I heard there are many good new movies on these days.  did you see?

    A:My People My Homeland.

    B:Really?Many people say the movie is great. ?

    A:It's wonderful! I like it very much. If you go to see it, I am sure you'll like it.

    B:OK. I'll go this weekend.


  • 18. 短文填空从所给方框中选择正确选项,完成短文

    A. But    B. So    C. lose    D. price    E. wanted      F. successful

    G. an    H. gave    I. born    J. too    K. pictures    L. greatest

    Walt Disney, the great film﹣maker, was in Chicago, the U. S. A. in 1901. His dream was to becomeartist. When he was a young man, he to work in a newspaper office in Kansas City. one day he took some pictures to the newspaper office, and showed them to the people there. All of them laughed at his pictures and said, "Sorry, young man. We don't think your are good enough. "

    Walt didn't get the job, but he didn't heart. He went on with his pictures. Later Walt moved to the west, and there he saw a mouse in his garage. The little mouse him some ideas. So he made pictures of the mouse, and he became very. The little mouse in his pictures got famous, . It is called Mickey Mouse and it is known all over the world now.


  • 19. 阅读上面的信息,选择正确答案。

    Longmen Grottoes

    Opening Hours:

    8:00 a. m. ~ 5:00 p. m. Nov. ~ Apr.

    7:30 a. m. ~ 5:30 p. m. May. ~ Oct.

    Ticket Price:100 yuan each person

    On the first day, my father and I visited Longmen Grottoes. When we saw those grottoes with a history of more than 1,500 years, we felt great. They're so wonderful and special.

    Yuntai Mountain

    Opening Hours:

    6:00 a. m. ~ 6:00 p. m. in spring and summer

    7:00 a. m. ~ 5:00 p. m. in autumn and winter

    Ticket Price :

    150 yuan each person in spring and summer

    60 yuan each person in autumn and winter

    On the second day, we three went to Yuntai Mountain. Yuntai Mountain is famous for its beautiful mountains and rivers. My mother and I took quite a few photos there.

    Shaolin Temple

    Opening Hours:

    8:00 a. m. ~ 5:00 p. m.

    Ticket Price:100 yuan each person

    On the third day, we went to Shaolin Temple. Shaolin Temple gets its name from the forests around Shaolin Mountain. Many movies are about Shaolin Temple. I wonder what life was like there in the past.

    (1)、Visitors can go to Longmen Grottoes at     .
    A、7:45 a. m. in March B、8:15 a. m. in April C、5:15 p. m. in February D、6:45 p. m. in July
    (2)、How much may the writer's family pay for the tickets to Yuntai Mountain?    
    A、150 yuan. B、300 yuan. C、180 yuan. D、400 yuan.
    (3)、How long is Shaolin Temple open every day?    
    A、For 5 hours. B、For 8 hours. C、For 9 hours. D、For 13 hours.
    (4)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?    
    A、Yuntai Mountain is famous for its beautiful mountains and forests. B、The writer took many photos of Longmen Grottoes. C、It's cheaper to visit Yuntai Mountain in autumn than in summer. D、The writer wanted to watch movies about Shaolin Temple.
    (5)、What's the best title of this passage?
    A、My vacation in Henan. B、My Happy Family. C、My Favorite Place. D、The Best Place to Go in Henan.
  • 20. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

    Lucy Brown teaches English in a junior high school. She loves her students very much, and she works hard. She often tells them some interesting stories in class and her students like her, too.

    Yesterday, Lucy found some boys always made faces in class. She didn't want them to do that again, so she got all her students together and said, "Boys and girls, when I was young, I liked making faces in class, too. But one day, my grandmother told me not to do that again. She said, "If you make faces again, you will be ugly when you grow up.' So you shouldn't do that again. " One of the boys put up his hand.

    "Oh, Tom! What do you want to say?" asked Lucy.

    The boy stood up and said, "Miss Brown, you must regret(后悔)not listening to your grandmother now. "

    (1)、Lucy is                .
    A、a Chinese teacher B、a math teacher C、an English teacher D、a history teacher
    (2)、In her class, Lucy often                 her students.
    A、sings English songs to B、performs magic tricks for C、tells interesting stories to D、plays the piano for
    (3)、What did Lucy find yesterday?   
    A、Some boys always didn't listen to her. B、Some boys always ate snacks in class. C、Some boys always had fights in class. D、Some boys always made faces in class.
    (4)、How did Lucy make them not to do that again?
    A、She called their parents and told them about it. B、She told her grandmother about it. C、She made the boys stand in front of the other students. D、She told them a story about herself.
    (5)、From the passage, we know                .
    A、Tom didn't think Lucy was beautiful B、Lucy will be happy after hearing Tom's words C、Lucy's grandmother didn't like Lucy D、Lucy thought the boys in her class were very ugly
  • 21. 判断正误.

    Find and keep your friendship

    Every one of us, rich or poor, should at least have one or two good friends. Your friends will listen to you when you speak, will take care of you when you are sick, and will be together with you in your journey through life.

    Everyone needs friends. Friendship can make us happier. How can we find a good friend and get on well with each other?Here is some advice.

    ★Make friends with a person who is easy to get along with.

    ★You should make friends with a person who has something in common with you.

    ★Give your friend a hand when he or she is in trouble. Friends should always be ready to help each other.

    ★Believe in each other. This is the most important thing in a friendship.

    ★Even the best friends may have quarrel (争吵)sometimes. If this happens, don't let your quarrel last too long. Try to make up with(和好) your friends soon.

    Friendship is a kind of treasure in our life. It is like a bottle of wine, the longer it is kept, the better it will be.

    (1)、Rich people don't need friends.   
    (2)、If your friends are in trouble, you should help them.   
    (3)、Make friends with people who are not difficult to get along with.   
    (4)、Don't believe in your friends.   
    (5)、Best friends don't have a quarrel.


  • 22. 阅读短文,把A~E五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整

    John, a farmer, was riding his cart along the country road. He had to arrive at the market early so that he could sell his vegetables. It rained heavily the day before, so it was very difficult for the horse to move on in the mud(泥).

    It was more difficult for the horse to move the cart from the mud. John climbed down from his seat and stood beside his cart.  He felt really sad. But he didn't try to lift the wheels up by himself. Instead, he looked up at the sky and started shouting, "I am unlucky!"

    After some time, an old man walked by. "Do you think you can move the cart by simply looking at it and shouting?" he asked. "Did you try to get the wheels out of the mud by yourself?Come on, put your shoulder to the wheels, and you will soon find the way out. "

    John did as the old man said. John learned his lesson. He thanked the man and went happily on his way.

    A. Why has this happened to me?

    B. Soon the wheels were out of the mud.

    C. Nobody will help you unless you help yourself.

    D. He looked around but couldn't find anyone to help him.

    E. Then suddenly the wheels of the horse cart sank deep into the mud.

  • 23. 阅读理解

    The listening test is one of the important parts of the English exam. Here are some tips for you.

     Before you start to listen, you need to relax. Don't be nervous. And try to read the questions. These questions usually help you understand the dialogue or the passage.

     The first sentence tells us a lot about the whole passage. For example, if in the beginning you hear "Welcome to BBC news",you know you will hear a piece of news.

     When you're listening, try to do some thinking. For example, you can think of the following questions:What happened?When, where and how?

    It's important for you to remember some important facts. For example, if the passage is a science report, you should try to remember its results and how the scientists got them.

     When you hear some words you don't know, don't spend too much time on them. Very often, you'll find out what they mean later when you go on with the listening.

    A. Listen to important facts

    B. Listen to the first sentence carefully

    C. Relax before listening

    D. Think when you're listening

    E. Don't think about one or two words for too long


    Tips for Listening Test

    Relax and do some preparations, such as . It can help you understand the passage better.

    The is very important. It usually can tell you what the passage is about.

    When listening, you should some questions:What happened?

    When, where and how?

    Remember some such as the results of a science report.

    If you hear some words you don't know, don't. Go on listening.

  • 24. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

    Charlotte's Web(《夏洛特的网》)is a popular American children's book about the friendship between a pig named Wilbur and a spider named Charlotte. The writer, E. B. White, shows that a real friend will help you even though he or she has nothing to get from doing so.

    In the book, Charlotte is always helping Wilbur. She spins (吐) words into her web to save Wilbur's life, even though spinning the words is tiring and difficult for her. Charlotte is a true friend. She helps Wilbur for only one reason—she cares about him.

    Templeton, the rat, on the other hand, is not a real friend to Wilbur. Templeton only helps others when there is something in it for him. When he is asked to help save Wilbur's life, he says "no" at first. Later on, he agrees to help, but only because he wants to keep eating Wilbur's meals.

    At the end of the book, Wilbur learns the true meaning of the friendship. He helps Charlotte to save her babies. He does this not for other reasons, but because he cares about his friend.

    Reading this book lets me know how important it is to help others. Being a good friend means being there when you are needed.

    (1)、Who is the writer of Charlotte's Web?              
    (2)、What does Charlotte do to save Wilbur's life?              
    (3)、Why does Charlotte help Wilbur?              
    (4)、Does Templeton agree to help Wilbur at first?              
    (5)、What does Wilbur learn at the end of the book?              


  • 25. 学生心目中的好老师应该是什么样子的?下面是学生和家长的讨论,请将下面讨论补充完整,每空一词。

    Students and parents have different opinions about what a good teacher should be like. As for students, they think a good teacher should getwell with their students, and they are supposed to try to make their classes and active so that students can learn better with great interest. Parents think it's veryfor a good teacher to have plenty of knowledge. What's more, teachers should be strict their students.

    In my opinion, a good teacher should be able to help their students learn to learn well.

  • 26. 假如你叫李华,来自英国的Sally是你们班新来的转校生。她发邮件向你询问学校周围的环境。请你根据以下的提示回一封邮件。


    1)The best movie theater is Happy Time.

    2)Things in Sunny Supermarket are cheap.

    3)East Restaurant is a good place to eat.





    Dear Sally,

    Welcome to our school. There are many places for you to enjoy your time.


    Li Hua