牛津译林版必修二高中英语 Unit 4 Exploring literature单元基础检测

试卷更新日期:2021-12-07 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. Her (devote) to the job left her with very little free time.
  • 2. She shows great  (determine) to learn English.
  • 3. Your clothes are often a (reflect) of your personality.
  • 4. The booklet gives a brief  (describe) of each place.
  • 5. The result is of great  (significant) for the future of the province.
  • 6. —Is the letter from your mother?

    —Yes. But she have written the letter herself, because she doesn't even know one word.

  • 7. —Where on earth did you get the book?

    —It's from Mary, if you  know.

  • 8. —A man is asking to meet you in the waiting room. he come in?

    —Let him in, please.

  • 9. —Mummy, I would really like a laptop.

    —You  get a laptop as long as you pass your entrance examination.

  • 10. —Will your mother be at home this Saturday?

    —Hard to say. She  go to the countryside to see my grandparents.

  • 11. She usually writes about some environmental (issue).
  • 12. He appeared hardly capable conducting at conversation.
  • 13. Why are you (sense) about your age?
  • 14. It is of great  (significant) that he changed his will only days before his death.
  • 15. The paper provides a detailed (describe) of how to create human embryos by cloning.
  • 16. She found it (extreme) difficult to get a job.
  • 17. A survey showed people were (confuse) about what they should eat to stay healthy.
  • 18. Don't lean back in your chair—please (straight) yourself up.
  • 19. Being (sense) to temperature, she can feel small changes in it.
  • 20. It was a great  (achieve) that a month later a global agreement was reached.
  • 21. I have told you the truth. I keep repeating it?
  • 22. I have watched that movie—it'll give me horrible dreams.
  • 23. — I take the book out?

    —I'm afraid not.

  • 24. You not to watch TV now; you have a lot of homework to do.
  • 25. —I have taken someone else's coat by mistake.

    —It  be Joan's. I heard that she had lost her coat just now.

  • 26. What questions does the text make you reflect ?
  • 27. I could only devote two hours a day to  (do) the work.
  • 28. The new model will  (launch) in July next year.
  • 29. He appealed  the voters to go to the polls(投票处) tomorrow.
  • 30. They were all  (determine) to go there the next Sunday.


  • 31. 选词填空


    (1)、He is the director of the finance
    (2)、She said she would herself to her career.
    (3)、This drink doesn't  any alcohol.
    (4)、The government that all the people go back home to fight against the flood.
    (5)、Please give me a  of the thief.
    (6)、Our newspaper aims to  the views of the local community.
    (7)、He appeared hardly  of conducting at conversation.
    (8)、Young people are very  about their appearance.
    (9)、It is  that he made a breakthrough in the field.
    (10)、Someone has made an  to kill the president.
  • 32. 选词填空

    devote oneself to;a range of;in store for sb.;in summary;draw on;be capable of;appeal to

    (1)、He will  the state for an extension of unemployment benefits.
    (2)、The man  running a mile in four minutes.
    (3)、If we  a task, we have every reason to do it well.
    (4)、He  his experience as a monitor to communicate with all the teachers.
    (5)、There is  effective ways to get the task done.
    (6)、 , this was a disappointing performance.
    (7)、If she had known what lay , she would never have agreed to go.



  • 36. 语篇语法填空

    Literature is the expression of life in forms of truth and beauty, the (write) record of man's thoughts and feelings, and the history of the human soul. Up to now, we  (reach) a point where we wish to enjoy and understand literature. As we all know, literature has at least three significant (quality).The first quality of literature is  (it) description of truth and beauty, which remain unnoticed until a  (sense) human soul brings them to our attention. The second quality is its appeal to our feelings and imagination (lie) more in what it awakens in us than what it says. The third quality is its permanence.(achieve) this, literature should contain two elements: universal interest and personal style. summary, good literature appeals to  most basic of human nature-love and hate, joy and sadness, fear and hope, and it also takes on a personal style  no writer can describe human life without reflecting his own life and experiences.

  • 37. 语篇语法填空

    Lucy is an outgoing lady. She play many kinds of musical instruments. Actually, she play the piano when she was 8 years old. Lucy also keeps taking exercise every day. She says that she has to do some sports because she keep slim. “You get fat soon if you don't take exercise every day.” She usually says to her friends.

    As for her, an elegant lady should try to keep fit. However, last week, she found that she  put on weight and her husband suggested that she  lose weight. However, she is always lacking in time because she has to take care of her children.

    One night after supper, she walked quickly to go dancing at the park. On her way, she thought that the dancing must(begin) and the coach have taught many new moves, but the coach was absent that night, so she was regretful.