2022年中考英语专项复习:动词(二 )

试卷更新日期:2021-11-27 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. Paper, one of the four greatest inventions in ancient China, ________by Cai Lun about 2, 000 years ago.
    A、was invented B、is invented C、were invented D、are invented
  • 2. —Where does Bill live?

    —He ______ me his address, but I can't remember it now.

    A、tells B、told C、is telling D、will tell
  • 3. —What were you doing at the time of the rainstorm yesterday?

    —I ________ at the library after school.

    A、read B、was reading C、am reading D、was read
  • 4. Over the past few months, Chinese COVID vaccines (疫苗) ________ in many other countries.
    A、have arrived B、arrived C、will arrive D、had arrived
  • 5. These gifts         by children in their last summer holidays.
    A、made B、were made C、make D、are made
  • 6. —Our computer is working again!

    —Yes, Our IT teacher     it. It took him about an hour.

    A、has fixed B、will fix C、is fixing D、was fixing
  • 7. — Let's eat some snacks.

    — Better not. Eating ________ in the library.

    A、are not allowed B、doesn't allow C、is not allowed
  • 8. —Every year, millions of plastic bottles ___________away, polluting the land and waterways.

    —That's terrible. We should protect our environment.

    A、threw B、are thrown C、have thrown D、were thrown
  • 9. —Has he decided yet?

    —No, he hasn't. He ________ your plan carefully before he gives you a reply.

    A、considers B、considered C、will consider D、has considered
  • 10. By 2025, many of our "human" jobs ____________ by machines.
    A、is done B、are done C、will be done D、were done
  • 11. — Amy, you must be hungry after waiting for us for such a long time.

    — Don't worry. I ____________ some cookies already.

    A、am eating B、will eat C、was eating D、have eaten
  • 12. It is reported that millions of masks ____________ abroad last week.
    A、were sold B、will sell C、sold D、will be sold
  • 13. So far, the number of people using 5G mobile phones     a lot.
    A、is increasing B、are increasing C、has increased D、have increased
  • 14. —Lily, cars are increasing very fast nowadays.

    —Actually, lots of convenience (方便) __________ for us.

    A、provided B、provided C、is provided
  • 15. — Jack, how do you like the new movie Hi, Mom! directed(导演) by Jia Ling?

    — Well, it's really a funny movie. I ______ it for three times.

    A、am watching B、will watch C、have watched
  • 16. Rainbows ___________ when sunlight passes through small drops of water in the sky.
    A、produce B、produced C、are produced D、were produced
  • 17. The spirit of ox (牛) _________ an important role for China's development this year.
    A、is playing B、was playing C、played
  • 18. The Monkey King is a traditional Chinese cartoon hero. Today, he ________ by people of all ages.
    A、will love B、was loved C、is loved D、will be loved
  • 19. —Is Helen here?

    —No, she isn't here, She ________ in half an hour.

    A、arrives B、arrived C、will arrive D、has arrived
  • 20. —Have you been to Wangfujing Shopping Center in our city?

    —No. Although it ________ for many years, I'm too busy to go there.

    A、has opened B、was opened C、has been open
  • 21. After studying for a long time, the boy ________ on the bed to have a rest, ________ his book beside him.
    A、lay, laying B、lied, lying C、lay, lying
  • 22. — Did you notice the students __________ a few why questions in Mr. Zhang's class?

    — Yes, I think he wanted to train their abilities of deep thinking.

    A、are asked B、must be asked C、have been asked D、were asked
  • 23. — The new shirt looks good on you. When did you buy it?

    —On July 7th. I________ it for a week.

    A、have bought B、have had C、bought D、buy
  • 24. Today, many winter Olympic sports__________ even by children.
    A、enjoyed B、enjoy C、were enjoyed D、are enjoyed
  • 25. — What good books did you read recently?

    — I __________ Tales of China since last year, and now the third time.

    A、read B、am reading C、have read D、will read
  • 26. It's ________ three years since we came to Xiaohong Middle School.
    A、/ B、been C、A and B
  • 27. Mobile phones _____________ in our daily life now, like making phone calls, paying and reading.
    A、will widely use B、are widely used C、have widely used D、were widely used
  • 28. Bill ____________________ a lot about Chinese culture since he came to China.
    A、learns B、learned C、is learning D、has learned
  • 29. She was heard ______ an English song in her home last night.
    A、sing B、sang C、to sing D、singing
  • 30. My sister             for 2 years.
    A、has married B、have got married C、has been married D、married
  • 31. - The TV program Voice of Youth is really great.

    - I think so. It ______ the hearts of lots of fans since it started.  

    A、lose and touch B、won and touched C、has won and touched D、has lost and hit
  • 32. We're sure that the environment in our city _____ greatly through our work in the near future.
    A、improved B、was improved C、has improved D、will be improved
  • 33. Zhang Yimou is a famous director. So far, he ________ many excellent films. Red Sorghum ________ by him in 1987 is one of his masterpieces(杰作).
    A、has directed; was directed B、was directed; was directed C、has directed; directed D、was directed; directed
  • 34. Her father         in 1990 and her husband         for more than five years.
    A、died; dead B、has died; dead C、died; has been dead D、has died; has die
  • 35. Han Yang was made __________at least 3 hours a day during the summer holiday by his mother.
    A、study B、studying C、studied D、to study