
试卷更新日期:2021-11-22 类型:期末考试



  • 6. 选择合适的答语(  )
    A、On Tuesday. B、By bus. C、Yes, you may.
  • 7. 选择合适的答语(  )
    A、It's about 278 kilometres. B、It's about 278 metres. C、It is three years old.
  • 8. 选择合适的答句(  )
    A、They are my friends. B、He is my friend. C、She is my friend.
  • 9. 选择合适的答语(  )
    A、Yes, I can. B、Yes, I do. C、Yes, I am.
  • 10. 选择合适的答语(  )
    A、I want Kim to come. B、I want to go on a trip. C、I go to Beijing.



  • 12. 完成短文。

        Hello!This is my family. The man is my father. My mother has long . She likes to . I'm a happy girl. like to watch a film on Sundays. I love my family.


  • 13. 判断每组单词画线部分读音是(T)否(F)相同。

    A. hello   B. no

    A. teacher    B. weather

    A. fly    B. many

    A. know    B. slow

    A. family    B. China


  • 14. 看图,选择对应的单词。

    A. between     B. house     C. photo     D. plant     E. clock





  • 25. 为下列对话选择合适的图片。

    ⑴—How many dogs?—Two.   A.

    ⑵—What's this?—It's an elephant.    B.

    ⑶—Can I have a sandwich?—Here you are.    C.

    ⑷—Nice to meet you.—Nice to meet you, too.    D.

    ⑸—Happy birthday.—Thank you.    E.


  • 26. 给下列句子选择合适的应答语。

    A. Great.

    B. Nice to meet you, too.

    C. It's a tiger.

    D. Thank you.

    E. Here you are.

    (1)、—Nice to meet you.

    (2)、—What's that?

    (3)、—Happy birthday!

    (4)、—Can I have some Coke?

    (5)、—Let's make a puppet!



  • 32. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。

    My name is Liu Yun. Look, I have a yellow bag. A red pencil box is in the bag. A blue ruler, a brown crayon, a black pen and a white pencil are in the pencil box. I have many(许多) books. The books are in my bag, too. I like yellow. I like my bag.

    (1)、The bag is ________.
    A、yellow B、red C、blue
    (2)、The pencil is ________.
    A、red B、white C、black
    (3)、The crayon is ________.
    A、blue B、brown C、white
    (4)、The pen is________.
    A、black B、blue C、yellow
    (5)、I have many________.
    A、bags B、crayons C、books


  • 33. 你喜欢旅行吗?你想去哪里?你为什么想去那里?你想和谁一起去?围绕上面的问题,写一篇小作文。不少于8句话。