外研版(2019)选择性必修四高中英语Unit 5 Into the unknown课时素养评价3

试卷更新日期:2021-11-09 类型:同步测试


  • 1.  female college graduates get a job appears to be rather difficult nowadays in China.
  • 2. It's hard for elderly people to see convenience a smart phone can bring to them.
  • 3. All these listening lessons can allow you to learn  the English language works
  • 4. Air pollution is  most Chinese people are concerned about nowadays, because their health is being threatened.
  • 5. She discovered a new treatment for malaria. That's  she won the Nobel Prize for Medicine.
  • 6. It is generally believed that communication skills are becoming  it takes to be a good teacher.
  • 7. The shocking news made me realize terrible problems we would face.
  • 8. If you often feel tired and can't focus your attention, that is  you have to stop working too hard and to have a rest.
  • 9. The other day, my father drove his car down at  I thought was a dangerous speed.
  • 10. You have to know  you're going if you are to plan the best way of getting there.


  • 11. 选词填空

    which, why, where, When, what, that, whoever, whatever, how

    (1)、Good news has been spread  more new books will be bought by the school library.
    (2)、The reason  he was late was that he had taken a wrong bus.
    (3)、The news spread quickly through the campus that we would have a longer holiday,  made all the students wild with joy.
    (4)、—John looks down today, what's up?

    —Well,  happened between John and me is none of your business.

    (5)、The new shopping mall will be located in what used to be a wasteland and a huge garden will be constructed  there were numbers of tombs.
    (6)、His eyes stare at  is left of the brother's dinner on the table.
    (7)、Knowing how to book can be of help to  wants to do the job.
    (8)、 he will come back home is still a question.
    (9)、The difficulty we now meet with is  we can persuade him to tell the truth.


  • 12. 阅读理解

    A ship that sank off the coast of California decades ago was recently reconstructed in detail. The 3D digital model even included hundreds of sponges (海绵动物) that have gathered on the ship's surface since it sank.

    Named American Heritage, the supply ship sank in Santa Monica Bay on May 4, 1995, and for decades its exact location was unknown. Researchers with the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) spotted a strange shape in that area in 2008. But it wasn't until May 2018 that MBARI scientists identified its exact location and mapped the site in detail, showing what appeared to be a shipwreck (失事船只).

    Even then, the identity of the shipwreck was uncertain. Yet another MBARI team revisited the location to do further exploration. They sent remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and took photos of the damaged ship. Though it was covered with deep-sea sponges and other animals, the scientists were able to spot letters spelling out its name, confirming that the shipwreck was American Heritage.

    As one of the MBARI scientists who found American Heritage, chief ROV pilot Knute Brekke had worked on the ship before. And he was on duty with the diving company American Pacific Marine — the owner of American Heritage — that night the ship began taking in water and eventually sank.

    MBARI spokesperson Kim Fulton-Bennett said to Live Science about the discovery, "The model is not complete, as floating ropes and poor visibility kept the pilots from getting too close to the wreck. But the 3D reconstruction is detailed enough to show that American Heritage is now home to thousands of sponges. Shipwrecks often turn into the shelter for diverse communities of ocean life. "

    (1)、What is the main idea of the text?
    A、A valuable treasure was discovered. B、Special sponges were found under sea. C、3D model reconstructed a sunken ship. D、A sunken ship was gotten out of water.
    (2)、Which is the right order of the following events?

    ① Something strange was found in the area.

    ② ROVs were sent under sea to take photos.

    ③ A ship sank in Santa Monica Bay.

    ④ The identity of the ship was confirmed.

    ⑤ Scientists tried to locate the shipwreck.

    A、②③⑤④① B、③①⑤②④ C、⑤③①④② D、④③①②⑤
    (3)、What can we learn about Knute Brekke?
    A、He was familiar with the sunken ship. B、He was in charge of a diving company. C、He was responsible for the rescue work. D、He was the first one to witness the accident.
    (4)、What's Kim Fulton-Bennett's attitude towards the 3D model?
    A、Critical. B、Doubtful. C、Amazed. D、Objective.


  • 13. 完形填空

    On one June afternoon, Gene and his brother Rouco were1Gene's yard. It had grown brown and was almost in2in the heat, and the situation needed changing. The new grass was already there, but the job was3. Suddenly, Gene wasn't feeling good. He went inside to rest and4 the couch. Seeing this, his wife, Melissa, called 911 immediately.

    5he was dying, Gene had one thing in his mind:the lawn. If the grass wasn't put down that day, it would6. "While he was having his heart attack, almost in and out of 7, he kept begging me to put it down because he didn't want it to go8," Melissa recalled.

    Soon the medical workers arrived and took Gene and Melissa to the hospital, leaving Rouco behind to9the situation. Within an hour, he had10to remove the old grass. He was about to lay the new ones when seven men—the same ones who had11his brother—walked off the emergency vehicle. It turned out that Gene had told them how12 he'd wanted to get the grass down, so they returned to help.

    Fortunately, Gene had a successful operation. He's now fully recovered, 13his beautiful lawn at home. The couple are still amazed that those men went14their job duties. These men15Gene from death, and then came back to save his grass. That's just so awesome.

    A、tending B、exploring C、designing D、observing
    A、control B、innovation C、chaos D、condition
    A、difficult B、special C、regular D、new
    A、faded away B、fell off C、calmed down D、rolled over
    A、As if B、In case C、Now that D、Even though
    A、slide B、die C、rest D、mix
    A、consciousness B、celebrity C、experiment D、experience
    A、diverse B、decent C、different D、waste
    A、handle B、explain C、outline D、examine
    A、decided B、managed C、pretended D、emerged
    A、counted B、recovered C、treated D、connected
    A、quickly B、finally C、badly D、easily
    A、sharing B、trying C、missing D、enjoying
    A、within B、beneath C、beyond D、outside
    A、pushed B、dragged C、blocked D、pulled