
试卷更新日期:2021-10-26 类型:中考真卷

一、听句子选图,每小题你将听到一个句子,从 A、B、C 三幅图中找出与你所听内容相符的选项(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)

  • 1. 听句子,找出与你所听内容相符的选项。
    A、 B、 C、
  • 2. 听句子,找出与你所听内容相符的选项。
    A、 B、 C、
  • 3. 听句子,找出与你所听内容相符的选项。
    A、 B、 C、
  • 4. 听句子,找出与你所听内容相符的选项。
    A、 B、 C、
  • 5. 听句子,找出与你所听内容相符的选项。
    A、 B、 C、


  • 6. 听句子,选择该句的正确答语。
    A、I'm doing the dishes. B、I'm fine. C、How do you do?
  • 7. 听句子,选择该句的正确答语。
    A、It's right. B、It's rainy. C、It's mine.
  • 8. 听句子,选择该句的正确答语。
    A、Once a week. B、For two years. C、A month ago.
  • 9. 听句子,选择该句的正确答语。
    A、Thank you. B、Well done. C、Never mind.
  • 10. 听句子,选择该句的正确答语。
    A、It's my pleasure. B、Take it easy. C、It's up to you.


  • 11. Which season does Julia like best?
    A、Winter. B、Summer. C、Spring.
  • 12. When will the football match start this afternoon?
    A、At 4:00. B、At 4:30. C、At 5:30.
  • 13. Which sport does the woman like?
    A、Baseball. B、Basketball. C、Football.
  • 14. What day is it today?
    A、Saturday. B、Sunday. C、Friday.
  • 15. What is Linda going to do?
    A、Have breakfast. B、Have an interview. C、Have a rest.


  • 16. 听短文,选择正确答案。
    (1)、Why does the school plan to hold the competition?
    A、To make children enjoy their school life. B、To improve children's English writing. C、To improve children's spoken English.
    (2)、Where will the competition be held?
    A、In the school hall. B、In the meeting room. C、In the classroom.
    (3)、When will the competition be held?
    A、On September 2nd. B、On September 12th. C、On September 20th.
    (4)、Who is Mrs. Hill?
    A、A math teacher. B、A head teacher. C、An English teacher.
    (5)、What is the prize for a winner?
    A、An English storybook. B、A free camp. C、A trip to England.


  • 17. 听短文,根据短文内容填写表格中所缺单词,每空一词。

    The Concert

    The purpose

    To raise money for children in.

    Many families there are very.

    The land and the weather are not good for farming.

    The parents have no jobs, so they have no money to buy food.

    The influence

    It onlyone dollar to buy enough rice or corn to feed a family for three days.

    A responsible organization (组织)

    Agroup will spend the money on food for people there.


  • 18. Although he is          8-year-old boy, he can play the violin very well.
    A、a B、an C、the D、/
  • 19. — I don't care what people think.

    —Well, you     . Some opinions are worth weighing.

    A、might B、should C、could D、would
  • 20.      friend Nancy from France is crazy about Chinese culture.
    A、He B、Him C、His D、Himself
  • 21. Lang Ping is a symbol of courage and success, and we     her.
    A、proud of B、stand for C、take pride in D、get ready for
  • 22. The Communist Party of China is 100 years old this year. We will celebrate her       birthday on July 1st.
    A、hundred B、the hundred C、hundredth D、the hundredth
  • 23. If you keep learning English for     half an hour each day, your English will be gradually improved.
    A、at least B、at present C、at once D、at first
  • 24. —                                   .

    — Come on! Just give it a try.

    A、I'm afraid I can't ride the bike B、I'm sorry for breaking the window C、I'm glad to win first place D、I'm sure it's bad for your eyes
  • 25. Love your parents     they are alive. Don't wait until it is too late.
    A、while B、after C、until D、unless
  • 26. —Tom, where do you work?

    —I work in a shop     sells different kinds of vegetables.

    A、where B、who C、which D、what
  • 27. So far, the number of people using 5G mobile phones     a lot.
    A、is increasing B、are increasing C、has increased D、have increased
  • 28. In a conversation between two persons, 65% of     is done through body language.
    A、information B、pronunciation C、introduction D、communication
  • 29. —You have made great progress on your study.

    —Thank you. I believe     you work, the better grades you will get.

    A、the worse B、the harder C、the more careless D、the more careful
  • 30. —Have you ever been to Shanghai?

    —Of course. Actually, I         there for six years, but now I live in Beijing.

    A、worked B、was working C、would work D、have worked
  • 31. —I don't want to remember English words any more because I often forget them.

    —It's     to forget English words. Keep reviewing them and you'll succeed.

    A、false B、useful C、perfect D、natural
  • 32. —Jerry, could you remember                                 ?

    —Have you forgotten we agreed to go to the Summer Palace?

    A、where we are going to after the exam B、where are we going to after the exam C、where are we going after the exam D、where we are going after the exam


  • 33. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。

    Run for Class President

    Two months ago, when our class election (选举) started, I decided to run for class president. I enjoyed speaking in public and got along well with people, so I felt it easy to win. But I was1that people would feel bad for me if I lost.

    I was busy preparing in the following week. My plan wasn't to make promises to do things I couldn't2 but to show my class why I wanted to be the president. I put up my posters in hallways and in the classroom. I also spent three hours writing my speech, saying that I was the one they could turn to whenever they had a problem. Since I was 3  prepared, I felt that my chances of winning were strong.

    However, when I gave my speech on Election Day, the response (反应) wasn't what I had4. Few people actually listened. When it was my opponent's (对手的) turn, everyone was screaming (尖叫) his name. His speech was short,5 all to the point. By then, I realized I should have made6 shorter and clearer.

    It was obvious (明显的) who would7. For the rest of the day, I felt like it was over. I wanted to just go home and cry, but I made it through.

    My prediction was right: I didn't win.

    The next day, people were still talking about the8. I just pretended (假装) not to hear. But later, things got better. People9 about the election and talked to me just as they did before.

    I don't regret  putting time  and energy10  the election  because I've  learned that things aren't always going the way I expect. And moments of failure like this build character — since then I've learned to face disappointment and grown stronger.

    A、bored B、afraid C、excited D、hopeful
    A、compare B、remember C、manage D、repeat
    A、fully B、quickly C、freshly D、slowly
    A、feared B、faced C、mentioned D、pictured
    A、so B、or C、and D、but
    A、my B、myself C、mine D、me
    A、reply B、return C、wait D、win
    A、discussion B、election C、decision D、invitation
    A、forgot B、wrote C、cared D、discussed
    A、for B、into C、at D、on


  • 34. 阅读理解

    The title: ________

    By the Youth

    When we were scared, sad and helpless, you gave us courage, warmth and hopes.

    When we had to stay at home to keep away from the illness, you, workers, helped us buy living things; Leaving your children behind, you worked in the neighborhood every day, you never complained (抱怨) but smiled the whole day.

    When we needed all kinds of materials,

    you, drivers, drove them there without thinking twice;

    Running on the streets, between the cities, you made sure things went well as usual.

    When we had coughs or fevers,

    you, __________ tried your best to save our lives;

    Looking after the patients in the hospital day and night, you never gave up until the sick got well.

    There are many people doing jobs in silence; There are many people giving hands without telling their names.

    Thanks for your hard work and selflessness.

    You're the heroes of the times.

    You're the most beautiful in our hearts.

    We love you!

    (1)、We had to stay at home because     .
    A、we didn't want to go out B、we wanted to avoid the illness C、we didn't want to work D、we had enough food
    (2)、According to the poem, the drivers were     .
    A、kind B、awful C、funny D、polite
    (3)、Which can be the best for     ?
    A、scientists B、officers C、doctors and nurses D、drivers
    (4)、Why did the Youth write this poem?
    A、To show praises. B、To show regrets. C、To show worries. D、To show wishes.
    (5)、What's the best title for the poem?
    A、To the politest people. B、To the most beautiful people. C、To the cleverest people. D、To the most humorous people.
  • 35. 阅读理解

    ① Chemistry is everywhere in our daily life. Sometimes it's easy to see. At other times, it can be very hard to see the everyday chemistry at work, but nearly everything you touch has some chemicals (化学物质) in it.

    ② Chemistry helps to make products for use. Something as simple as toothpaste has at least three chemicals that keep your teeth clean. Other things in your daily life are created by chemistry, such as hair products and soap. Without chemistry, we would never have known that we need soap to get the oil out of clothes.

    ③ Chemistry also helps us understand the world around us. Thanks to chemistry, we know bleach (漂白剂) can't be mixed with vinegar (醋), because the mixture can produce harmful gas.

    ④ Chemistry plays a big role in food preparation. Cooking food causes it to go through a chemical change. That is why cooked food often tastes different from uncooked food. Too much or  too little of any chemical material makes a difference to the result of baking (烘焙). For example, the cake can be too soft or too hard.

    ⑤ Chemistry isn't something that just lives in a laboratory; it's something that you meet hundreds of times in life. Knowing how chemistry works will give you a greater understanding of the life.

    (1)、What can the chemicals in toothpaste help us?
    A、To keep the teeth clean. B、To make the teeth strong. C、To clean the oil off clothes. D、To make the clothes new.
    (2)、From the third paragraph, we know that     .
    A、we can mix bleach with vinegar B、the mixture can produce useful gas C、we can't mix bleach with vinegar D、chemistry can't help us make products
    (3)、The fourth paragraph mainly tells us that     .
    A、cooked food isn't as good as uncooked food B、chemistry plays a big role in food preparation C、there are no chemical changes while we are cooking D、the cake can't be too soft or too hard with chemistry
    (4)、Which of the following shows the structure (结构) of the passage? (① = Paragraph 1)
    A、 B、 C、 D、
    (5)、What's the main idea of the passage?
    A、Chemistry and food. B、Chemistry around the world. C、Chemistry and products. D、Chemistry in everyday life.
  • 36. 阅读理解

    When the sun rose and the blue sky came up, my father and I used to climb the mountain near my house. Walking together, my father and I used to have a lot of conversations through which I learned lessons from his experiences. He always told me, "You should have goals (目标) like climbing the mountain." Without the mountain-climbing that we both enjoyed, we couldn't have enough time to spend together because my father was very busy. I really got a lot from mountain-climbing. It gave me time to talk with my father and to be in deep thought as well as develop my patience (耐力).

    Once we climbed a very high mountain. It was so challenging for me because I was only ten years old. During the first few hours of climbing, I enjoyed the flowers and trees, and the birds' singing; but as time went by, I got a pain in both of my legs. I wanted to quit climbing. In fact, I hated it at that moment, but my father said to me, "You can always see a beautiful sky at the top of the mountain, but you can't see it before you reach the top. Only there at the top, can you see all of the nice things, just like in life. "

    At that time, I was too young to understand his words. But later after that, I got new hope and confidence. I found myself standing at the top of the mountain. And there, I could see the whole of the sky, which was as clear as crystal (水晶).

    (1)、The passage tells us that mountain-climbing was     for the father and the son.
    A、hard B、enjoyable C、painful D、comfortable
    (2)、The word "quit" in the passage means "                  ".
    A、keep on B、put off C、give up D、pick up
    (3)、Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the father's words in the second paragraph?
    A、You will get all you need at the top of the mountain. B、The sky is always as clear as crystal. C、You can find life is full of nice things. D、Never give up half-way.
    (4)、We can infer from the last paragraph that                     .
    A、the writer was very successful in his life B、the writer reached the top of the mountain C、though the writer was young, he could understand his father D、the writer used to stop half-way when he climbed the mountain
    (5)、The best title for the passage is "                 ".
    A、Reaching the Top of the Mountain B、Standing at the Top of the Mountain C、Conversations between the father and the son D、How to Get to the Top of the Mountain
  • 37. 阅读理解

    Facial recognition technology (人脸识别技术) is widely used today. For example, the police use it to search for bad guys. It's also used to unlock phones or doors.

    Now, a similar technology, known as facial detection (探测), is entering a new field: the business of advertising (广告).

    Such systems are going through tests in a small number of stores. One facial detection system can judge (判断) a person's "happiness" or "fear" level. Another system can detect whether someone is wearing eyeglasses. If so, stores can send advertisements for new glasses to him.

    Facial detection technology is also placed inside some large advertising boards. Cameras in those boards can detect information like people's ages and five levels of feelings — from "very happy" to "very unhappy".

    Supporters of the technology say it could improve buyers' experience by showing products they might like or by offering them products at lower prices.

    Some are against the idea of using such systems. Pam Dixon, the head of a privacy (隐私) group, is one of them. She thinks             . For example, a store could raise the price of a product according to a person's age and feelings.

    However, one store testing the technology explained people's information like names or ages wouldn't be stored. And the advertising board system maker said it didn't keep any personal information or record any videos.

    (1)、Facial detection technology can judge people's                , according to the passage.
    A、weight B、feelings C、height D、hobbies
    (2)、What does the underlined word "they" refer to?
    A、Supporters. B、Buyers. C、Products. D、Prices.
    (3)、Which of the following sentences can be put in the              ?
    A、nobody likes to have their feelings collected B、it is very important to protect people's privacy C、the strange actions may cause something unfair D、stores may use them to have more customers
    (4)、We can infer from the passage that facial detection technology                  .
    A、can detect buyers' names and record them B、is put inside some large advertising boards C、may be used to sell cheaper goods in all stores D、may need some time before being widely used
    (5)、The best title of the passage may be "                 ".
    A、Facial Recognition Technology Entering a New Field B、Facial Recognition Technology Looking for Bad Guys C、Facial Detection Technology Going into Advertising Field D、Facial Detection Technology Improving Buyers' Experience
  • 38. 阅读短文,根据文章内容,完成下列表格。每空一词。

    In some countries, lunch time often means soup time! However, soup is just one thing that can be eaten for lunch. What you eat for lunch may be different from the lunch of someone who lives in another country. Let's see together!

    Mexico: Tasting Tortillas (薄玉米饼)

    Many children in Mexico eat tortillas for lunch. Most tortillas are made from ground corn. But sometimes wheat flour (面粉) is used. Do you know the shapes of tortillas? Tortillas are usually flat and round, but they can also be made into other shapes. Delicious sauces, called salsas, are often  added to tacos (玉米卷). These sauces are made from tomatoes, onions and hot peppers.

    Russia: Sipping Soup

    Winters in Russia are very cold. Maybe that's why many Russian children eat soup for lunch. Two of their favorites are cabbage soup and beet (甜菜) soup. Many Russian soups also include potatoes. They are an important crop in Russia. They make soups thick and rich. Eating thick soups can help keep people warm and can fill them up, so hunger is not a problem.

    South Korea: Passing the Pickles (泡菜)

    Meals in Korea are made up of many dishes. No matter what else is served, there is always rice. Kimchi (泡菜) is also always on the table. Kimchi is a kind of meat or vegetable. Korean children mix together many dishes at meals. It's common for their food to be hot and spicy (辣的).

    These are what kids are eating for lunch around the world.

    The title:lunch from different countries


    Tasting Tortillas

    ◆They are made from ground corn.

    ◆They can be made into other shapesflat and round.

    ◆Delicious sauces (salsas) are often added to tacos.


    Sipping Soup

    ◆Cabbage soup and beet soup are the mosttwo soups.

    ◆Many Russian soups also include potatoes, making soups thick and rich.

    ◆Thick soups help people keep warm and feel.

    South Korea

    Passing the Pickles

    ◆Many dishes, like rice and Kimchi make up of Korean meals.

    ◆Hot and spicy food isin South Korea.


  • 39. I/pɑ:st/ the geography exam last year.
  • 40. We should/ʃeə/ our happiness and sadness with our friends.
  • 41. Firstly, you'd better skim the article to get the cthought when reading.
  • 42. The teacher nodded to show his ato the monitor.
  • 43. More and more teenagers' eyesight (视力) is becoming worse and worse, so parents and teachers should take action to stop the sfrom getting worse.


  • 44. Help(you) to some fish, Tom.
  • 45. My mother always tells my father to drive more(careful) at night.
  • 46. Rubbish is(separate) into groups in many other cities now, following the practice in Shanghai.
  • 47. As(secret), you need to check emails and arrange (安排) meetings for your bosses.
  • 48. (medicine) researchers will find a way to beat COVID-19 successfully in the future.


  • 49. All the(学生) from Grade Nine are having an important exam.
  • 50. Actions speak louder(比) words.
  • 51. Miss Wang often(告诫) us not to make friends with strangers online.
  • 52. As long as we pull together, we will build a more beautiful China and our Chinese Dream will come(真实的).
  • 53. No matter what( 困难) we meet, we should try to face them instead of running away from them.


  • 54. 从方框中选择适当的答语完成下面的对话,备选答语中有两项为多余选项。

    A: Hi, Li Hua. I haven't seen you for days.  

    B: I have been to Beijing.

    A: What did you do there?


    A: Really? How did you perform?


    A: Congratulations! You're always the best. Whose poem did you choose?

    B: I chose Li Bai's. He is my favorite poet.

    A: I love his poems, too.

    B: Fantastic. You know, our Chinese ancient poems are really great. We should learn more.

    A:  It's our duty to keep and spread our traditional culture.

    B: That's right.

    A. Why did you go there?

    B. I agree with you.

    C. Where have you been?

    D. I won the first prize.

    E. Do you like Li Bai?

    F. And what do you think of the competition?

    G. I took part in the First Chinese Ancient Poem Reading Competition.


  • 55. 正能量偶像宛如指路明灯,可以引导我们成为更好的人。近期,你们学校的英语报刊以"My guiding star"为题正在征稿,请你积极投稿。

    要点:1)Who is your guiding star?

    2)What did he/she do?

    3)What have you learned from him/her?

    4)What are you going to do in the future?



    3)词数 90 词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。



    My guiding star

    The people we admire are like guiding stars that guide us to be better. My guiding star is    ▲