牛津版(深圳·广州)初中英语九年级上册Module 4 Unit 7 随堂小练笔

试卷更新日期:2021-10-24 类型:同步测试


  • 1. What about ______ a cup of tea?
    A、have B、has C、to have D、having
  • 2. Would you like ______ ball games?
    A、playing B、to play C、to playing D、play
  • 3. —What do you think of the football match yesterday?

    —Well, I was surprised that the strongest team ______.

    A、won B、was lost C、was successful D、was beaten
  • 4. He ______ drink a glass of water.
    A、want B、would rather C、expect D、prefer
  • 5. They have to work every day ______ Sunday, so they can have a rest.
    A、except B、besides C、except for D、beside
  • 6. —My father is ill in hospital. I'm looking after him.


    A、Not at all B、I'm afraid C、I'm sorry to hear that D、It doesn't matter
  • 7. —CCTV has produced a TV show—Chinese Poetry Com petition, Have you seen it?

    —Sure, Wu Yishu, 16, ______ studies at the high School Affiliated to Fudan University, is the winner.

    A、which B、where C、who D、whom
  • 8. The girl had to come to the meeting, ______?
    A、hadn't the girl B、hadn't she C、didn't the girl D、didn't she
  • 9. I guess Tom and his sister Celia enjoyed ______ at the party.
    A、myself B、himself C、herself D、themselves
  • 10. My teacher often encourages us ______ hard.
    A、study B、to study C、studying D、studies



  • 16. 他默默地吃完饭然后离开了。

    He finished his meal and then left.

  • 17. 真可惜!你已错过了那场运动会。

    ! You have missed the sports meeting.

  • 18. 我们爬上山顶。过了一会儿我们看到了日出。

    We climbed to the top of the mountain. , we saw the sunrise.

  • 19. 这个贼撞倒了一个老人,然后迅速跑掉了。

    The thief an old man and ran away quickly.

  • 20. 你已经工作这么长时间了。你需要停下来休息一下

    You have worked for such a long time. You need to stop to .


  • 21. 完形填空

        One day a man met Socrates and said, "Do you know what I just heard about your friend?" "1a minute," Socrates replied. "Before you talk to me about2friend, it might be a good idea to take a moment to filter (过滤) what you're going to3. I call it Three Filter Test. The first filter is Truth. Have you made absolutely4that what you are about to tell me is true?" "Well, no," the man said. "5I just heard about it and…" "All right," said Socrates. "So you don't really know whether it's true or not. Now, let's try the second filter, the filter of 6. Is what you are about to tell me about my friend7good?" "No, on the contrary…" "So," Socrates continued, "you want to tell me something bad about my friend, but you're not certain it's true. You may8pass the test though, because there's one filter left—the filter of Usefulness. Is what you want to tell me about my friend going to be9to me?" "No, not really." "well," concluded Socrates, " if what you want to tell me10true, nor good, nor even useful, why tell it to me at all?"

    A、Take B、Hold on C、Go on
    A、my B、your C、his
    A、write B、say C、read
    A、wise B、sure C、uncertain
    A、Totally B、Correctly C、Actually
    A、Goodness B、Badness C、Usefulness
    A、something B、everything C、nothing
    A、never B、still C、soon
    A、true B、good C、useful
    A、both B、neither C、either


  • 22. 阅读理解

        At the age of nineteen, Xiliu married Gao Sheng, who had just lost his wife and had a son named Changfu. A year later Xiliu gave birth to a boy Changhu. Before long, Gao Sheng died of illness.

        Seeing Changfu didn't often go to school, Xiliu sent him to work with the poor boys as punishment. Changfu could not stand and wanted to return to school, Xiliu refused, and Changfu, like a beggar (乞丐), huddled (蜷缩) himself up with cold. Xiliu said to Changfu, "If you are ready to take a beating of 100 strokes, I'll take you back." Changfu decided that he would take the beating. Aware of Changfu's regrets for his mistakes, Xiliu did not beat him and asked him to continue his studies.

        Changhu was a slow-minded child, so Xiliu asked him to quit school and work in the fields.

        But Changhu was so lazy that' he often ran away from work. Xiliu then asked him to do business, but he used up all his money in gambling (赌博). At last, Xiliu sent him to luoyang to sell goods, where he was put into prison for using fake (假的) silver. In prison he suffered a lot. Xiliu told Changfu, "I gave the fake silver to your brother on purpose, intending to make him suffer. Now you go and get him out."Back home, Changhu knelt before his mother and finally gave up bad and returned to good.

    (1)、How many children were there in Xiliu's family?
    A、Zero. B、One. C、Two. D、Three.
    (2)、Why did Xiliu send Changfu to work?
    A、Because she didn't have enough money for his schooling. B、Because she didn't like him. C、Because she wanted to give him a punishment. D、Because Changfu wanted to go to work.
    (3)、What kind of person would Changhu probably be when he grew up?
    A、Hard—working. B、Lazy. C、Quick-minded. D、Lost in gambling.
    (4)、Which of the following did NOT Changhu experience?
    A、Giving up school and working at an early age. B、Having some experiences in the business field. C、Being given some sufferings by his mother. D、Being behind bars because of stealing some silver.
    (5)、What may the passage be?
    A、A story about how a woman educated her children. B、A piece of news from China Daily. C、A fairy tale from Andersen's Fairy Tales. D、An advertisement for selling a storybook.