外研版初中英语七年级上册Module 9 Unit 2 随堂小练笔

试卷更新日期:2021-10-21 类型:同步测试


  • 1. Don't __________________ the bus until(直到...为止) it stops.
    A、turn off B、put on C、get off D、set up
  • 2. Please take some photos __________________ the pandas and send them to me __________________ email.
    A、of; by B、of; in C、by; in D、to; by
  • 3. Sometimes in different _______ of the world, some people are doing _______ thing.
    A、place; same B、places; same C、place; the same D、places; the same
  • 4. Most students enjoy _______ TV in the evening.
    A、watch B、to watch C、watches D、watching
  • 5. Look! The children _______ football in the playground.
    A、play B、plays C、is playing D、are playing
  • 6. Thank you__________ postcards from America.

    A、for you B、of you C、to your D、for your
  • 7. —Are Lucy and Lily having lunch at school now?


    A、No, they aren't B、Yes, she is C、No, they are D、Yes, they aren't
  • 8. —Are they doing their homework now?


    A、Yes, they are B、Yes, they do C、No, they don't D、No, they are
  • 9. I   the blackboard carefully, but   nothing.

    A、look; look at B、look at; see C、see; see D、see; look at
  • 10. —What is the boy doing?

    —He__________ in his bedroom.

    A、sleeps B、is sleeping C、is sleep D、sleep


  • 11. 完成句子


    Many old people enjoy .


    The children are seeing a film at the cinema .


    Some people books or doing housework .


    Would you like to ?


    When does your father every day?



  • 17. 完形填空

        It's 10:00 am on Sunday. My family and 1 are on the beach. I'm not swimming 2 the water is a little cold. I'm playing 3 my sister on the sand(沙). My sister Grace is 4 a house with sand. 5 are my parents? Oh, they are over there. My father is 6 a picture. He's good at it. My 7 is listening to music on the beach. What are those women doing? They are 8 beach volleyball(沙滩排球). That's very 9. I like it. Look at those men! They are 10 a boat race(比赛). Everyone is happy.

    A、we B、you C、I D、they
    A、because B、and C、but D、so
    A、on B、in C、with D、for
    A、getting B、making C、giving D、working
    A、How B、What C、When D、Where
    A、drawing B、checking C、searching D、using
    A、aunt B、brother C、mother D、uncle
    A、catching B、calling C、playing D、sending
    A、fun B、happy C、different D、tired
    A、hearing B、talking C、living D、having


  • 18.


      Mr. Turn er is standing near the window. His wife, Mrs. Turner, is sitting behind him. She is reading a book. She closes the book and asks her husband. “What are you looking at?”

      “I'm looking at a boy. ”Mr. Turner answers. “He's under the tree near our house. He's looking at my bike. ”

      “Oh. ”Mrs. Turner says, “What is he doing now?”[

      “He's cleaning the seat. ”says Mr. Turner. “Now he is riding my bike. ”

      Mrs. Turner looks out of the window and then she says“Ah, don't you know who he is?He is our son! He is going to school. You must wear glasses! ”


    (1)、Where are Mr. and Mrs. Turner?

    (2)、Is Mrs. Turner sitting or standing?

    (3)、What's Mr. Turner looking at?

    (4)、Where's Mr. Turner's bike?

    (5)、Why is the boy riding the bike?