外研版初中英语七年级上册Starter Module 1 随堂小练笔

试卷更新日期:2021-10-20 类型:同步测试


  • 1. — Hello, Miss Li This is Sam.

    — _________________ Sam.

    A、Good morning B、Hello C、I'm Li Ping D、My name is Li Ping
  • 2. _________________ is my friend. _________________ name is Lily.
    A、This; Her B、This; She C、It; My D、This; His
  • 3. 英语中共有_______个字母,其中有_______个元音字母,_______个辅音字母。
    A、26; 19; 7 B、26; 5; 21 C、26; 21; 5 D、26; 7; 19
  • 4. Jill is     friend.      in Class 2.

    A、I; He's B、my; He's C、my; His D、me; He
  • 5. This is my       . Her name is Mary.
    A、sister B、brother C、father
  • 6. What ________ his name?
    A、is B、are C、am D、be
  • 7. Lily ________ a student of ChenGuang Primary School.
    A、is B、are C、am D、be
  • 8. —__________, Mike.

    — Good afternoon, Daming.

    A、 How are you B、Good afternoon C、Goodbye D、Hello
  • 9. — Mom, this is my new friend, Jack.


    A、OK B、Thank you C、Nice to meet you D、You are very good
  • 10. — Hello, Jimmy! Long time no see.        ?

    — I've just bought a new car. It's great.

    A、What about you B、What's new C、How are you D、What's wrong


  • 11. 用所给单词补全短文。

    too    her    his    he   friend

        I have a good  at school. She is a girl.  name is Lucy. We are in the same grade. But we are not in the same class. Lucy's brother is a student, .  name is Tom.  is a good boy. He is fifteen.


  • 12. 补全对话。

    A. What's your name, please?

    B. Can you spell it, please?

    C. What?

    D. Sorry?

    E. Fine, thank you.

    F. Good afternoon.

    A: Good afternoon, I am Linling.



    B: My name is Zhang Hua.


    B: I say, my name is Zhang Hua.

    A: Oh, I see.

    B: Yes, Z-H-A-N-G-H-U-A, Zhang Hua.

    A: Thanks, Zhang Hua. How are you?

    B: And you?

    A: I am fine, too. Thank you, Zhang Hua.


  • 13. 阅读理解

    A: Good morning, class. I am Miss Li, your English teacher. Nice to meet you. Can I know(知道) your names?

    B: Yes. I am Jim. I'm an English boy.

    C: My name is Kate.

    A: Sit down, please.

    B & C: Thank you.

    (1)、When is it now'?
    A、In the morning. B、In the afternoon. C、In the evening. D、After (在……后) school.
    (2)、______ is a teacher.
    A、Jim B、Kate C、Miss Li D、Mr. Li
    (3)、Jim is a(n) ______ boy.
    A、Chinese B、English C、American D、Japanese
    (4)、Kate is a ______.
    A、student B、teacher C、worker D、doctor
    (5)、Which of the following is RIGHT?
    A、Miss Li is English. B、Kate is 10. C、Jim and Kate like Miss Li. D、Miss Li, Jim and Kate are in the classroom(教室).
