
试卷更新日期:2021-10-18 类型:期中考试


  • 1. —Look! The man is running so fast with a big box.

    — It must be _______ empty box.

    A、a B、an C、the D、/
  • 2. English is very important and it is ________ used all over the world.
    A、badly B、especially C、widely D、exactly
  • 3. All the apples are picked ________ hand. It's a hard job.
    A、in B、by C、with D、on
  • 4. Jimmy is very helpful.        I stay with him,       I like him.
    A、The more; the most B、The most; the most C、The more; the more D、The most; the more
  • 5. —I don't know _______ next.

    —Let's ask our teacher for help.

    A、what to do B、what should I do C、how to do D、how should I do
  • 6. —Do you believe that paper is made _______wood?

    —Yes, I do. And you can see that books are made _______ paper.

    A、from; from B、from; of C、of; from D、of; of
  • 7. Alan, you can't go out to play football ______ you clean your room.
    A、if B、unless C、since D、because
  • 8. —Excuse me. Do you know ________ to buy some apples?

    —Sure, there's a supermarket next to the bank.

    A、where I can go B、who will help me C、what I should take D、when is the right time
  • 9. Mrs. Brown can't go to the meeting ________, but she'll send someone to speak for her.
    A、in danger B、in public C、in fact D、in person
  • 10. Even though you're right, you should not ________ to your teachers in class.
    A、talk to B、talk with C、talk about D、talk back
  • 11. —The Dragon Boat races are so exciting, but our boat is still behind.

    —Don't worry. I am sure ________ our team will win!

    A、if B、that C、whether D、why
  • 12. If you don't know a word, you can _______ in a dictionary.
    A、look up it B、look it up C、look over it D、look it over
  • 13. —How do you study English, Mary?

    —By ______ English magazines.

    A、read B、to read C、reading D、reads
  • 14. — Mike cut his finger, but nobody knows how to treat it.

    —Too bad. Maybe we should learn how to treat the _______.

    A、wounded B、sick C、dying D、missing
  • 15. Americans can hardly avoid ______ products made in China. Things that are made in China are everywhere.
    A、buying B、to buy C、buy D、bought
  • 16. — In the basketball match we lost to Class Two.

    — __________!

    A、Well done B、Not at all C、Bad luck D、Have fun


  • 17. 完形填空

    I used to feel hopeless and frustrated. Last year my mother became 1 ill and had an operation on her brain. I felt my whole world turn upside down and I had no 2 what I could do to help her to reduce her pain. My eyes were filled with tears 3 I was alone.

    Last month I 4 a watch, which was an 18-year-old birthday gift from my father. I could not fall asleep for a couple of nights because I felt 5about the loss.

    There have been many bad things like these in my life. I could never know how to deal with such tough things 6 I read "If You Have a Lemon, Make Lemonade."

    "When the wise man is handed a lemon, he says, "What 7 can I get from this? How can I improve my situation? How can I turn this lemon into a lemonade?" "the author wrote.

    I suddenly 8 that life is full of ups and downs, so I need to stay positive all the time. Now when I think of my past, I wish I could have done with things 9. When my mother was fighting against her illness, I should have held her hands in mine, telling her things would get better 10 hiding and crying.

    Several weeks ago, I took part in a school singing competition. I didn't 11 a prize. If I had not read this article, I would certainly have felt 12 again. But instead, I smiled after the competition. I was happy that 13 I had got some stage experience.

        Life is not just a bed of roses. There are thorns(刺) 14, but these thorns help us become brave and strong. When life 15 us a lemon, let's try to make a lemonade.

    A、exactly B、seriously C、possibly D、hardly
    A、hope B、wonder C、idea D、doubt
    A、whatever B、wherever C、whenever D、whoever
    A、received B、sold C、fixed D、lost
    A、unbelievable B、comfortable C、angry D、terrible
    A、when B、until C、whether D、since
    A、lesson B、lemonade C、decision D、challenge
    A、realized B、thought C、discovered D、predicted
    A、silently B、differently C、easily D、suddenly
    A、because of B、except for C、instead of D、away from
    A、expect B、miss C、win D、refuse
    A、Embarrassed B、disappointed C、excited D、scared
    A、at once B、at times C、at last D、at least
    A、too B、either C、also D、though
    A、shows B、makes C、gives D、sends


  • 18. 阅读理解

    Mandy: Is it ever OK to lie to a child? My 8-year-old son likes playing soccer, but he's not very good at it. Yesterday he played badly on the school team. When he finished the game he asked me, "Am I a bad player?" I said, "Of course not! You've played well!" Did I do the right thing?

    Emma: Yes, you did the right thing. White lies are a necessary part of life. Sometimes you have to tell lies that hurt nobody. You just wanted to make him feel good.

    Bobo @ Emma: I don't think there is ever a good reason to lie to our children. Children learn honesty from the examples they see. As the first teachers, we parents should always be honest in order to teach our children to be honest, too. If you keep hiding truth(真相) from them and they find the fact in the future, they will not believe you anymore. I believe honesty is the first step to a good parent-child relationship.

    Ruby: You lied to make your son feel better, but you missed a good chance to teach him how to face difficulties in our life. People should work hard for what they want. Maybe next time you can say, "Sorry, dear, I'm afraid not. But we can practice more, because great soccer players practice a lot." 'The truth will make him stronger.

    Alex @ Ruby: Agree. Parents should be honest to their children. Yet, sometimes we don't need to be so direct. Or we can let our kid talk about his feeling first. If I were you @ Mandy, I would ask my son "What do you think?" first. Then he will tell you his thoughts. In that way, everything you say is true, and you can also avoid hurting him.

    (1)、Mandy's son loves________ but he doesn't do well in it.
    A、playing volleyball B、playing soccer C、telling lies D、telling the truth
    (2)、________believes that we can tell white lies to our children.
    A、Emma B、Bobo C、Ruby D、Alex
    (3)、Ruby thinks that telling the truth to children helps them become________.
    A、better B、sadder C、healthier D、stronger
    (4)、The following sentences are true EXCEPT________.
    A、Mandy has an 8-year-old son who is not good at soccer. B、According to Bobo, love is the first step to a good parent-child relationship. C、They are talking about whether it is fine to cheat our children D、Alex, Bobo and Ruby all agree that parents should be honest to their children.
    (5)、The passage is probably from a________.
    A、report B、diary C、storybook D、website
  • 19. 阅读理解

    One day after school, I went to the teacher's office to see my teacher, but nobody was there. As I was about to leave, I noticed a piece of paper on the floor. I picked it up and saw the words" FINAL TERM EXAMINATION" at the top. I put the paper into my school bag secretly and ran out of the room.

    After I came back home, I took out the paper quickly. It was the exam paper of my worst subject, history. I felt excited. My heart beat fast. I took out my history book and started working on the answers. I had never answered any questions so seriously.

    On the day of the history exam, I went into the exam hall confidently. When the paper was sent to me, I dream of getting the highest mark in the whole grade and could not help smiling. "My history teacher always encouraged me to work hard and get better grades, but I let him down time and the time again. This time I will give him a big surprise." I thought.

    When the teacher said we could start, I turned the paper over. To my surprise, all the questions were different. Later I felt nervous. In the end, I almost left the paper undone. After the exam, I ran to the toilet, took out the paper and carefully read it from the top. Oh! It was last year's exam paper. I read all the questions but I hadn't read the date.

    This is a lesson in which I know I have to put my feet on the ground. I regretted doing such a silly thing. After that, I told my teacher the truth and I promised to be honest. From then on, I worked harder than ever before.

    (1)、According to this passage, we can know that the writer always ______.
    A、goes to see the teacher when he is free B、does dilly things in his life. C、left the paper undone in exams D、let his teacher down in his history exams
    (2)、How did the writer feel when he first saw all the questions were different?
    A、Surprised B、Excited C、Nervous D、Crazy
    (3)、What does the underlined word "regret" mean?
    A、懊悔 B、怀念 C、抱怨 D、惋惜
    (4)、What might the writer write in his diary?
    A、I'm glad that I did very well in the exam. I gave my teacher... B、After the exam, my teacher asked me to go to his office. My heart... C、I'm truly sorry for what I did. Everyone should be honest. I'll... D、When I turned over the paper, I couldn't help smiling. My teacher...
  • 20. 阅读理解

    It's early in the morning and the alarm clock has already rung several times. You have to drag yourself out of bed and rush to school, afraid of missing the first school bell.

    As a school student, this is probably a common experience for you.

    But thanks to new rules, many students in Zhejiang and Helongjiang provinces can now stay in bed longer than before.

    On Feb 23, the Zhejiang Department of Education published a new guideline(指导方针) that asks primary schools to start school later, reported Xinhua News Agency(新华社).

    According to the guideline, start times could vary among different grades and seasons, with students in Grade 1 and Grade 2 starting no earlier than 8:30 am. Some schools in Zhejiang province have been chosen to test this new guideline, which is expected to be used in other areas in 2019.

    A similar guideline was announced(宣布) by the Education Department in Heilongjiang Province on Feb 24. Since the new semester began in March, students from all primary and junior high schools in the province have been repaired to arrive at school no earlier than 7:30 am.

    These changes are aimed at making sure students get more sleep and enough time for breakfast. Before the guideline was published, many primary school students in Zhejiang were required to arrive at school as early as 7 or 7:30 am, which left many of them arriving feeling tired and hungry.

    According to a 2016 study by the Zhejiang Department of Education, only 54.1 percent of students in Grade 4 slept nine hours or more a night, while the required sleep time for primary school students is 10 hours.

    These changes have received much praise. "I am sure to welcome the move, since this will ensure my son has enough time for breakfast, which is important for his health and growth," a mother surnamed Xu from Hangzhou, whose son is a first-grade student, told China Daily.

    Pushing back school times isn't unique to China. In the United States, schools in at least 21 states began to start school later in 2017, as various studies have shown that later school start times could benefit students, reported The Atlantic.

    (1)、This year students in ______ province can go to school later.
    A、Zhejiang and Jiangsu B、Jilin and Helongjiang C、Sichuan and Henan D、Zhejiang and Heilongjiang
    (2)、From the passage, we know ______.
    A、according to a study, the required sleep time for primary students is 9 hours B、according to the guideline, students in Grade 1 and 2 start no earlier than 8:30 a.m. C、students from senior high schools in Heilongjiang province have been required to arrive at school no earlier than 8 a.m. D、after the guideline was published, many students in Zhejiang were required to arrive at school as early as 7 or 7:30 a.m.
    (3)、ow do the parents feel about the new guideline?
    A、Surprised B、Happy C、Angry D、Sad
    (4)、What will happen next according to the passage?
    A、School starts times will be later all over the world. B、School starts times will be earlier all over the world. C、School starts times will be later in most provinces in China. D、School starts times will be different in different provinces in China.
  • 21. 阅读下面短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中 选出最佳选项。

    Rubbish is a kind of environmental pollution. Each person produces two kilograms of rubbish every day, but most of us throw away the rubbish directly. Have you ever wondered where your rubbish goes after you throw it away? Cleaners have to collect the waste, move it to landfills(垃圾填埋地) and then sort(分类) it out to see if it should be burned(燃烧), buried(埋葬) or recycled(回收利用). So if we can sort it out first, it can make a big difference.

    Each year, China produces about 300 million tons of rubbish. Only about a quarter of that waste is recycled. Most rubbish is buried in landfills or burned without being sorted. Landfills take up a lot of space. There's also a risk of polluting the nearby land and water. In order to solve this problem, China has been developing rubbish sorting these years. Shanghai, for example, announced(宣布) a "sorting for prizes" plan earlier six months ago. According to the plan, people get shopping cards or even money as prizes by sorting out the rubbish.

    In some other countries, the recycling rate of rubbish is higher because of their sorting system(系统). ________. People must put the right rubbish in the right place at the right time. The rubbish is usually sorted into eight kinds: burnable, non-burnable, plastic bottles, recyclable plastic, other plastic, paper, harmful(有害的) and then hard rubbish like desks and old TV sets. So in Japan, burning the waste becomes more easily with careful sorting.

    With the World Environmental Day coming, our school is now requiring every student to develop a habit of sorting the waste. Here in our school we lay four different colors of rubbish bins for different kinds of rubbish. The red is for harmful waste; the blue is for waste that can be recycled; the green is for kitchen waste; the black is for other waste.

    It is not WASTE until it is WASTED.

    (1)、How much rubbish can be recycled each year in China?
    A、About 75,000,000 tons. B、About 150,000,000 tons. C、About 225,000,000 tons. D、About 300,000,000 tons.
    (2)、Which of the following can be put in the "________" in Paragraph 3?
    A、Burning waste is another idea to protect the environment. B、Here is how the Shanghai "rubbish sorting for prizes" plan works. C、In Japan, for example, there are strict rules for throwing away rubbish. D、To reduce the influence that rubbish causes, simply recycling is not enough.
    (3)、Which of the following is true according to the passage?
    A、Waste paper should be put into the green rubbish bin. B、People in Shanghai can get prizes by sorting out rubbish. C、Rubbish burning is easier in Japan because of less rubbish. D、Each cleaner has to collect two kilograms of rubbish every day.
    (4)、What's the best title for the passage?
    A、Recycling Rubbish B、Sorting Out Rubbish C、Reducing rubbish D、Throwing away rubbish


  • 22. 从方框中所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 补全短文。

    Build a good home learning environment.

        School is not the only place for study. It is important to provide a workplace of their own, so that they can read books or just write a letter to their friends.

        Kitchen and dining room are not suitable for regular study, because books and pens get in the way of daily uses of those areas. Find a place where a child can leave his papers and pens without having to clear everything away every night. For a child that likes being alone, give him a corner in his bedroom. .

    Keep things in order.

         Parents should encourage their children to leave them neat and orderly when they aren't using their workplaces. It is important for the children to have room for themselves. The workplace should be personal, but not another part of the playroom.


        Encourage the whole family to help support the environment that children need for success at school. Give them a good example of how to deal with problems, how to manage time and how to get things done in the right way. Study will be more enjoyable when it is supported by the whole family.

    A. Choose a suitable place.

    B. Children have to learn how to organize their own places.

    C. In fact, home can also be a great place for children to study.

    D. Support from the family.

    E. But remember to keep it away from things like games, music and so on.


  • 23. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Are you still doing the V for victory sign? It's out. The (late) popular hand gesture(手势) is putting both of your hands together to make a heart-shape. It is (call) "hand heart".

    Many young pop stars in the US have done the move in recent photos. "The 'hand heart' gesture (mean) something between 'I love you' and 'thank you', " said Taylor Swift, the country singer. "You can send a sweet, simple message  saying a word."

    Swift often does it at her concerts. And she is (believe) to be the first to make it popular.

    Last month, Justin Bieber and his superstar friends did the" hand heart" and put the photos online. They did it to help out three kids whose parents were killed in car accident.

    "It (use) to take much longer for nonverbal(非语言的)culture to move.  now, it moves faster  we have smart phones and the Internet.

    In the Republic of Korea, the" hand heart" has been popular for a long time, but in a different way. People there put their hands above their heads making a much(big) heart shape with their arms. It means: "I love you."


  • 24. 阅读是同学们未来参与社会应具备的关键能力,无论你喜欢哪种阅读方式,它都能让你增长知识,开阔眼界。最近,某出版社在两万人中,针对人们喜欢的阅读方式做了一项调查,下图是相关的统计结果,其中包括电子阅读和纸质阅读的人数。





    参考词汇:different interests, hobbies, easy to take, good for eyes, relaxed, moved, old feelings, open one's eyes, increase knowledge…

    Recently, a survey was done among 20,000 people about the ways of reading.