人教版(2019)选择性必修三高中英语Unit 4 Adversity and Course Period 4素养检测

试卷更新日期:2021-10-11 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 阅读理解

    I once complained to my friend Mike," I often cycle two miles from my house to the town center but unfortunately there is a big hill on the route." He replied," You mean fortunately." He explained that I should be glad of the extra exercise that the hill provided.

    My attitude to the hill has now changed. I used to complain as I approached it but now I tell myself the following. This hill will exercise my heart and lungs. It will help me to lose weight and get fit. It will mean that I live longer. This hill is my friend. Finally I comfort myself with the thought of all those silly people who pay money to go to a gym and sit on stationary exercise bicycles when I can get the same value for free. I have a smile of satisfaction as I reach the top of the hill.

    Problems are there to be faced and overcome. We cannot achieve anything with an easy life. Helen Keller was the first deaf and blind person to gain a university degree. Her activism and writing proved inspirational. She wrote," The character cannot be developed with ease. Only through experiences of suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved."

    One of the main determinants of success in life is our attitude towards adversity. From time to time we all face hardships, problems, accidents and difficulties. Some are of our making but many are no fault of our own. While we cannot choose adversity, we can choose our attitude towards it.

    Douglas Bader was 21 when in 1931 he had both legs cut off following a flying accident. He was determined to fly again and went on to become one of the leading flying aviators in the Battle of Britain with 22 aerial victories over the Germans. He was an inspiration to others during the war. He said," Don't listen to anyone who tells you that you can't do this or that. That's nonsense. Make up your mind, and you'll never use crutches or a stick, and then have a go at everything. Go to school, and join in all the games you can. Go anywhere you want to. But never, never let them persuade you that things are too difficult or impossible."

    The biographies of great people are full of examples of how they took steps to overcome the difficulties they faced. The common threat is that they did not become depressed. They chose their attitude. They chose to be positive. They took on the challenge. They won. Nevertheless, there is still the problem of how you change your attitude towards adversity.

    (1)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the author of the passage? 
    A、One who wants to achieve success can't expect to live an easy life. B、Climbing hills on bicycles is the best way to take exercise. C、Going to a gym is greatly beneficial to people's health. D、People's attitude to hardships is the only factor of their success.
    (2)、What does the author intend to tell us by quoting what Douglas Bader said? 
    A、Failure is the mother of success. B、A bad workman quarrels with his tools. C、If you risk nothing, you will have nothing. D、Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.
    (3)、What will the author further talk about in the following paragraph? 
    A、How his friend helped him to change his attitude towards the challenge he faced. B、Why it is important to keep optimistic in the face of trouble. C、What steps to take to change your attitude towards the difficulties you face. D、What great people have in common.
    (4)、Which of the following might be the best title of the passage? 
    A、Different attitudes towards misfortune B、Face difficulties with a smile C、Nothing is impossible D、Life is full of adversity


  • 2. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。

    How to Discover Your Talent

    Talent tends to refer to that inborn skill that everyone seems to be born with. . It's good to try and identify and practice that skill.

    Revisit your childhood. A good way to figure out where your talents lie is to go back to your childhood. . This is often the time when you had plans that weren't limited by what people tend to think of as" reality".

    Consider what it is that you do when you lose track of time. One of the chief things you can do is focus on what you love to do so much that you have a tendency to forget everything else for a while. . You might have to research a bit deeper into the things you enjoy to discover what makes you feel satisfied.

    . Sometimes, when you're having difficulty seeing clearly, it's good to get an outside opinion. Your friends and family members know you well and they should be able to offer you some insights into the areas they think you're talented in.

    Try new things. Especially if you're not sure what your talents might be, you should get out and try new things. This way you're more likely to hit on what it is that you're really good at and that really makes you happy. . In your quest for your own talent you should look into the talents of other people.

    A. Consider what you loved to do as a child

    B. Ask others for better advice

    C. You can use your talents in the service of kindness

    D. Focus on the areas that you're less talented in

    E. Not all talents are going to be super obvious

    F. Observe and enjoy the talents of other people

    G. It's true that having a talent can help you in life


  • 3. 完形填空

    A (n) optimistic girl is proving that you can seek your dreams even in a wheelchair.

    Since the age of four, Katie Hilton had dreamed of becoming a dancer." The1thing that I loved was dance." She told CNN news. That 2nearly ended one night in 2007. Hilton, then a 16-year-old high school senior in St. Maria, Texas, was in a car accident that put her in the hospital for 56 days and left her 3from the 4down. For most people, that would have 5 any hope of a dancing career. For Hilton, it was the 6. 7 a barrier, her wheelchair 8 her." I wanted to 9 to my community and myself that I was still 10." She told the journalist. 

    So she11 dancing in her wheelchair along with her non-disabled classmates every day in her whole student age. After 12, she set up a website to include women like her. She met people online who had suffered similar injuries and shared her determination, and she 13 them to dance with her. 

    Hoping to reach more people in a14 city, Hilton moved to New York in 2017 and formed a team of disabled dancers, which is very famous in the US now." I just want to spread the belief that 'dance is dance, whether you are walking or 15'" She was in favor of any activities that were beneficial to them. 

    Hilton has achieved what many of us never will:  her childhood dream. She is a real dancer.

    A、same B、different C、only D、lucky
    A、dream B、habit C、situation D、recreation
    A、asleep B、dead C、paralyzed D、blind
    A、wrist B、toes C、waist D、fingers
    A、abandoned B、acquired C、consisted D、destroyed
    A、dilemma B、ending C、section D、beginning
    A、Rather than B、More than C、Other than D、Or rather
    A、handled B、squeezed C、demanded D、inspired
    A、prove B、unite C、motivate D、absorb
    A、gifted B、normal C、healthy D、qualified
    A、insisted on B、exposed to C、left out D、broke down
    A、school B、class C、graduation D、work
    A、invited B、ordered C、admired D、suggested
    A、large B、modern C、convenient D、beautiful
    A、jumping B、rolling C、climbing D、running


  • 4. 语法填空

    Suppose you broke a cup or a bowl by accident, would you deal with the broken pieces? One day, Alice (wash) dishes when she broke a beautiful plate carelessly. (hear) the sound, her father ran out of the study at once to see if his daughter was hurt. To his (relieve), she was fine, so the father comforted her and told her just to throw the broken pieces directly into the dustbin. 

    However, Alice said nothing. She picked up the pieces on the floor one by one. She even looked everywhere to make sure there were no pieces (leave). Then Alice asked her father for some old newspapers and a plastic bag.

    The father felt (confuse). He wondered what she was going to do. After Alice (wrap) the broken pieces with newspapers, she then put them into the plastic bag, together with a card (say)" Danger! Broken plate!" Finally, she placed the plastic bag into the dustbin. Not until then did the father realize how (consider) his daughter was. He learned a lesson from her. If everyone in the world (show) thoughtful concern for others, we could make a really big difference!


  • 5. 阅读理解

    A city in Korea, which has the world's largest number of people using smartphones, has placed flashing lights and laser beams at a road crossing to warn" smartphone zombies" to look up and drivers to slow down, in the hope of preventing accidents.

    The designers of the system were motivated by growing worry that more pedestrians glued to their phones will become victims in a country that already has some of the highest road death and injury rates among developed countries. State-run Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT) believes its system of flashing lights at zebra crossings can warn both pedestrians and drivers.

    In addition to red, yellow and blue LED lights on the pavement," smombies" —smartphone zombies—will be warned by laser beam projected from power poles and a warning sent to the phones by an app that they are about to step into traffic.

    "Increasing number of smombie accidents have occurred in pedestrian crossings, so these zombie lights are essential to prevent these pedestrian accidents," said KICT senior researcher Kim Jong-hoon. Drivers are warned by the flashing lights, which have shown to be effective 83. 4 percent of the time in the institute's tests involving about 1, 000 vehicles.

    In 2017, more than 1, 600 pedestrians were killed in auto related accidents, which is about 40 percent of total traffic deaths, according to data from the Traffic Accident Analysis System. For now, the smombie warning system is placed only in Ilsan, a suburban city about 30 km northwest of the capital, Seoul, but is expected to go nationwide, according to the institute.

    Kim Dan-hee, a 23-year-old resident of Ilsan, welcomed the system, saying she was often too absorbed in her phone to remember to look at traffic." This flashing light makes me feel safe as it makes me look around again, and I hope that we can have more of these in town," she said.

    (1)、What do the underlined words" smartphone zombies" in Paragraph 1 refer to?
    A、Drivers driving after drunk. B、Pedestrians buried in their phones. C、Passengers crazy about phones. D、Policemen in charge of traffic.
    (2)、What do we know about the warning system?
    A、It has reduced death rate by 83. 4%. B、It has been spread nationwide. C、It gives a warning to the smartphones. D、It is being tried out in many places.
    (3)、What was the residents' attitude to the traffic system? 
    A、Negative. B、Unconcerned. C、Disapproving. D、Favorable.
    (4)、What is the best title for the text? 
    A、Korea Warns Smartphone Zombies of Traffic B、Flashing Lights Are Used to Prevent Accidents C、Smartphone Zombies Are Causing Traffic Accidents D、Korea Uses a New Traffic System