
试卷更新日期:2021-09-30 类型:小升初真题


  • 1. I want to be       . I want to fly a spaceship to the Moon.
    A、a dancer B、an astronaut C、an artist D、a pianist
  • 2. We shouldn't       in the classroom.
    A、read books B、draw pictures C、shout loudly D、write words
  • 3. In China, we often have some       and steamed buns for breakfast.
    A、porridge B、cereal C、bread D、sausages
  • 4. Lily is going to watch an interesting film       .
    A、yesterday B、next week C、every day D、now
  • 5. Sam can make a sentence        "cake ".
    A、in B、on C、to D、with
  • 6. Last month, they       a running race. We cheered for them.
    A、have B、has C、had D、are having
  • 7. —      will your mother stay in the UK?

    —She will work there for one month.

    A、How far B、How long C、How much D、How many
  • 8. —My daughter has a cough. Can you      her? I'll call the doctor.

    —All right.

    A、look after B、look for C、look at D、look around
  • 9. Look at the sign "Danger!" near the river. It means      .
    A、We should fish by the river B、We can swim in the river. C、We can fish by the river. D、We can't swim in the river.
  • 10. To keep the city clean and tidy, we can        .
    A、throw rubbish on the street B、use plastic bags C、move some factories away D、waste energy
  • 11. I like spring, because the weather is       . I can fly kites.
    A、cold and snowy B、cool and cloudy C、warm and windy D、hot and rainy
  • 12. We usually get red packets at       .
    A、the Dragon Boat Festival B、the Spring Festival C、the Double Ninth Festival D、the Mid-Autumn Festival
  • 13. —Do you throw rubbish in the bin?

    — Yes, I do.

    A、↓↑ B、↓↓ C、↑↓ D、↑↑
  • 14. A young mouse is getting out of Nancy's house.句中四个斜体单词划线部分读音与众不同的是       .
    A、young B、mouse C、out D、house
  • 15. —Where did Country Mouse decide to stay in the end?

                                                     (选自 Country Mouse and Town Mouse)

    A、He decided to stay in a small hole. B、He decided to stay in the city. C、He decided to stay in the town. D、He decided to stay in the country.


  • 16. 补全对话

    A. I went there by plane with my parents.

    B. Why do you want to stay at home?

    C. Did you have a good time in Sanya last year?

    D. I am going to stay at home.


    Bill: Yes. I had a lot of fun there.

    Mike: How did you go there?


    Mike: Where are you going this summer holiday?



    Bill: Because my grandparents will come to see me.


  • 17. 从II栏中选出与I栏句中相对应的答语。

            I                                    II

    ⑴When is the Earth Day?                 A. The library.

    ⑵Could he write ten years ago?             B. Some presents.

    ⑶Where did he go just now?                C. It's on 22nd April.

    ⑷What are you going to buy at Christmas?     D. No, he couldn't.

  • 18. 从II栏中选出与I栏句中相对应的答语。

           I                                    II

    ⑴Do you want to be a traveler?             A. They're 15 yuan.

    ⑵How many eggs do you eat a day?         B. Because I can ski.

    ⑶Why do you like winter?                 C. Only one.

    ⑷How much are the balloons?             D. Yes, I do.


  • 19. 排序:

    A Great idea! What food are you going to cook?

    B I am going to cook some food for my mother.

    C Tomatoes. My mum likes vegetables very much.

    D Tomorrow is Mother's Day. What are you going to do?

  • 20. 排序:

    A They brought a lot of fruit and some flowers for him.

    B So his mother asked him to stay in bed and have a rest.

    C On Sunday afternoon, his friends came to see him.

    D They talked and ate the fruit together. Bobby felt better at last.

    E Bobby was very sad last weekend. He had a high fever.


  • 21. 将下列图片与句子对号入座。

    ⑴The man is singing badly at the party in the evening.     A.

    ⑵John has a good habit. He makes the bed every day.    B.

    ⑶A little boy pointed at the king and laughed happily in the street.    C.

    ⑷Anna is going to buy some  flowers on Chinese New Year's Eve.     D.

  • 22. 将下列图片与句子对号入座。

    ⑴Mother takes me to the market to buy some wheat, rice and sugar.     A.

    ⑵At night, some little naked elves made nice shoes for the old man.     B.

    ⑶Now, Linda gets into her special helicopter. She is flying home. C.

    ⑷The next day, the parrot comes back with flowers in its mouth.   D. 


  • 23. 每小题四个选项中,只有一项是最佳选项。

    Nowadays, people live a busy life. They don't have1time to cook breakfast. They sometimes go to work without breakfast. After a short time, they may feel2. It's not a healthy lifestyle.

    Your body needs food, or you can't 3well. For breakfast, you can have some bread, an egg and some milk. It4 you to work better. 5 a cold morning, you can have some hot drinks.6 fruit is also good for you. So after breakfast you can have some fruit. If you want to keep healthy, remember (记住) to have a good breakfast7Breakfast is very important for us.

    A、much B、many  
    C、some D、no
    A、sleepy B、angry C、excited D、hungry
    A、works B、take C、work D、takes
    A、wants B、helps C、asks D、does
    A、On B、For C、At D、To
    A、Drawing B、Buying C、Picking D、Eating
    A、sometimes B、every day C、at a time D、at weekends


  • 24. 阅读并判断下列句子是否正确。

    What do you usually do in your free time? Play games? Go shopping? Or read books? Books are very important. Reading books is good for us. It can help us know more about the world. It can also help us get a lot of knowledge (知识) and open our mind. It usually brings us a new and different world.

    In a word, good books are treasure( 财宝 ) and we should love them. Most of the books are useful. Before we read, we can ask our parents or teachers about what books to read. Some children like animal fables. Some children like detective stories (侦探故事). Some children like history books. They are all interesting. Please love book and read books.

    (1)、We can get little knowledge from different books.
    (2)、Reading books can help us know more about the world.
    (3)、Animal fables, detective stories and history books are interesting.
    (4)、All the books are useful and  helpful. They are good for us.


  • 25. 阅读短文,并选择正确答案。

    Once there was a rabbit. He was proud of his long ears and long feet. He was also very proud of how fast he can.

    "No one can catch me," Rabbit said proudly ,"I'm wonderful!"

    "We should teach him a lesson," said Mouse." What can we do?"

    "I know what to do." "said Turtle slowly.

    "Would you like to have a race?" Turtle asked Rabbit." Let's race to Big Rock."

    "Do I want to race? With you?" laughed Rabbit loudly. "You are just a slow turtle."

    Turtle smiled." I can win," he said.

    "Let's go!" Rabbit said.

    They began to race. Rabbit ran fast. He left Turtle far behind. Then he saw a restaurant." Tm hungry. And Turtle runs slower than me. Have enough time for dinner," he thought happily.

    When Rabbit was having a delicious meal, Turtle went past the restaurant. He didn't stop. But Rabbit caught up with him quickly and left him behind again.

    Rabbit felt a little tired then. He found a stump. He slept against the stump. Turtle did not stop. He went past the stump. He ran slower than Rabbit, but he ran and ran.

    Suddenly Rabbit opened his eyes. He jumped up quickly. He ran faster than before, but it was too late. Turtle won the race.

    (1)、What was Rabbit proud of?
    A、His short ears and short feet. B、His long ears and long feet. C、His big eyes and short tail. D、His white hair and short tail
    (2)、What's the destination(终点) of the running race?
    A、Stump. B、Big Rock. C、A restaurant. D、A house.
    (3)、Why did Mouse and Turtle want to give Rabbit a lesson?
    A、Because Rabbit was too proud. B、Because Rabbit was findly. C、Because Rabbit was helpful. D、Because Rabbit was kind.
    (4)、Who won the race at last?
    A、Rabbit. B、Mouse. C、Turtle. D、Dog.
    (5)、What can we learn from the story?
    A、When we have a race, we should have arrest. B、We shouldn't have a running race with our friends. C、Turtle runs quickly, but Rabbit runs too slowly. D、We should be modest (谦虚的) and not laugh at ohes.



  • 36. 根据思维导图和所给提示展开想象,完成一篇小作文

    小学即将毕业,Jack和他的朋友们都拥有了自己的梦想。请根据下列提示,以"Children's dreams"为题,写一篇短文介绍Jack和他朋友们的梦想。



    Children's dreams

    Everyone has a dream. Jack, Mary and Tom have different dreams.

    Jack wants to be        ▲▲▲             . He wants to      ▲▲▲            .

    Mary wants to be     ▲▲▲                                           .

    Tom          ▲▲▲                                                .

    To make their dreams come true, Jack will        ▲▲▲                    .

    Mary will                                     ▲▲▲                 .

    Tom                                     ▲▲▲                    .

    Their dreams are                          ▲▲▲                      .