人教版(PEP)小学英语六年级上册Unit 4 I have a pen pal 单元同步检测题(含完整音频)

试卷更新日期:2021-09-24 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. 听录音,找出你所听到的单词(   )
    A、study B、play C、sing
  • 2. 听录音,找出你所听到的单词(   )
    A、idea B、goal C、join
  • 3. 听录音,找出你所听到的单词(   )
    A、hobby B、puzzle C、shall
  • 4. 听录音,找出你所听到的单词(   )
    A、club B、pen C、goal
  • 5. 听录音,找出你所听到的单词(   )
    A、share B、study C、amazing


  • 6. 听录音,完成下列句子。
    (1)、Amy is a girl.
    (2)、Amy likes and friends.
    (3)、Jane likes sports.
    (4)、Ben's home is the school.
    (5)、Amy and Alice go shopping this Sunday.


  • 7. 听录音,选出符合问句内容的答语(   )
    A、I watch TV every day. B、I don't like playing football. C、I like playing football.
  • 8. 听录音,选出符合问句内容的答语(   )
    A、Yes, she does. B、She is my aunt. C、She likes Chinese food.
  • 9. 听录音,选出符合问句内容的答语(   )
    A、Yes, she does. B、Yes, I do. C、Yes, I am.
  • 10. 听录音,选出符合问句内容的答语(   )
    A、By bus. B、He likes doing kung fu. C、He goes to work at 7: 00 a. m.
  • 11. 听录音,选出符合问句内容的答语(   )
    A、I am going to do my homework. B、It's Monday. C、I am writing an email to my new pen pal in Australia.


  • 12. 选出不同类的一项。
    A、goes B、does C、buses
    A、listening B、morning C、playing
    A、idea B、goal C、join
    A、share B、photo C、picture
    A、amazing B、reading C、doing


  • 13. —What are your ________, Mike?

    —I like singing and dancing.

    A、hobby B、hobbys C、hobbies
  • 14. —________ your pen pal live in New Zealand?

    —Yes, he ________.

    A、Is; is B、Does; does C、Can; can
  • 15. My grandfather ________ in Beijing.
    A、live B、lives C、living
  • 16. Miss Li likes ________ hiking. She ________ hiking every Sunday.
    A、go; go B、going; going C、going; goes
  • 17. Linda ________long hair.
    A、does B、have C、has



  • 23. 询问对方喜欢什么,你可以说:
    A、What do you like? B、What are you doing? C、Where are you from?
  • 24. 询问汤姆是否住在农场,你可以说:
    A、What's Tom's job? B、Does Tom live on the farm? C、How does Tom go to work?
  • 25. 询问玛丽的喜好时,你可以说:
    A、Who is Mary? B、What are Mary's hobbies? C、How is Mary?
  • 26. 询问对方是否喜欢跳舞,你可以说:
    A、Do you like dancing? B、What are you going to do? C、Where are you going?
  • 27. 你想知道对方是否住在上海时,你可以说:
    A、Where do you live? B、Do you live in Shanghai? C、I live in the country.


  • 28. I often do my homework in the evening. (用he替换I改写句子)

    often his homework in the evening.

  • 29. He comes to school on foot. (改为一般疑问句)

    he to school on foot?

  • 30. What is your hobby?(用draw cartoons回答)

    I like .

  • 31. likes, my, new, playing, pen pal, the, piano(. )(连词成句)
  • 32. —Does your aunt live in Australia?(作否定回答)


  • 33. 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。

    A. Where is he from?

    B. Who is this boy?

    C. Good idea!

    D. I will go to China to visit him.

    E. Really?

    A: Come on, Susan. Look at my photos.

    B: They are great!

    A: He's my new pen pal.


    A: China.

    B: China is a great country.

    A: Yes.

    B: Can I go with you?

    A: Why not?

    B: Great! I'm excited.


  • 34. 阅读短文,判断正误。

    There are three people in my family: my father, my mother and I. We have different hobbies. My father likes playing football. He is busy. So he often plays football for a rest. My mother likes dancing. She says it can help her keep healthy. Do you know what my hobbies are? I like doing kung fu and doing word puzzles. Oh, I also like sleeping. These are my family's hobbies. I love my family.

    (1)、There are four people in my family.
    (2)、My father and I have the same(相同的) hobby.
    (3)、My father often listens to music for a rest.
    (4)、Dancing can help my mother keep healthy.
    (5)、I have three hobbies.