
试卷更新日期:2021-09-16 类型:月考试卷

一、Complete the words(完成单词。)(10分)

  • 1.  Complete the words(完成单词)。
    (1)、sh ld
    (2)、c try
    (3)、in de
    (4)、a r d
    (5)、the UN b lding

二、Translation (英汉互译。)(10分)

  • 2. Translation (英汉互译。)
    (4)、Don't talk!
    (5)、stand in line
    (8)、take a photo
    (9)、make a big family
    (10)、visit the Changjiang River


  • 3. — Where are you going?


    A、To the library B、At the library C、In the library
  • 4. Please            quiet.
    A、to be B、is C、be
  • 5. Look         the library rules.
    A、at B、to C、likes
  • 6. Please stand           line.
    A、in B、on C、under
  • 7. It says,“        in the library.”
    A、Can't talk B、Don't talk C、Aren't talk
  • 8. Go straight          !
    A、in B、for C、on
  • 9. It's ten          five (4:50).
    A、to B、for C、past
  • 10. Don't           in the road.
    A、running B、run C、ran
  • 11. Amy ___ mum ____ apples.
    A、want; to buy B、wants; to buy C、wants; buy
  • 12. Beijing is very big ____ very famous.
    A、and B、but C、or 

四、Read and write. (按要求写单词。)(10分)

  • 13. Read and write. (按要求写单词。)
    (1)、fly (现在分词)
    (3)、come (-ing形式)
    (4)、lots of (同义词)

五、Read and choose. (填入单词的对应序号) (10分)

  • 14. Read and choose. (填入单词的对应序号)

    A.play  B. are  C. often   D. restaurants  E. There's

    Dear Mum and Dad,

    I love New York. It's a very interesting place. There many people and there are lots of restaurants. People in New York like to eat in. a big park there. I go there and I've got a present for you. I hope you like it.



六、Read and complete. (完成句子) (10分)

  • 15. We want to visit the UN building. (改为一般疑问句)

    want to visit the UN building?

  • 16. There are 193 countries in the UN. (就画线部分提问)

    are there in the UN?

  • 17. There are flags from all around the world.(就画线部分提问)

    are there from all around the world ?

  • 18. Do you want to show Daming a train?(作肯定回答)

    , .

  • 19. We want to go inside.(改为否定句)

    We to go inside.


八、Read and match.(选出对应的答语。)(10分)

  • 25. Read and match.(选出对应的答语。)
    A. Yes, she does.
    B. No, they don't.
    C. Yes, we do.
    D. There are 193 flags.
    E. They want to go shopping.
    (1)、Do you want to go home?
    (2)、How many flags are there?
    (3)、What do they want to do?
    (4)、Does Amy go inside?
    (5)、Do Sam and Amy want to see a film?


  • 26. 阅读判断

    Jack and Li Xuan are good friends. On Sunday they are in Li Xuan's room. Li Xuan's room is very clean and tidy. There are two windows in his room. Near the window there is a desk. On the desk there is an ink bottle, a lamp and some books .Beside the desk there is a bed. On the wall there is a phone of Li Xuan's family.

    (1)、Jack and Jane are good friends.
    (2)、Li Xuan's room is clean but not tidy.
    (3)、There are no windows in Li Xuan's room.
    (4)、There is a chair and a table in Li Xuan's room.
  • 27. 阅读理解

    Dear Laura,

    I'm happy to receive (收到)your letter. Daming has told me about you on the phone(电话). Daming is my good friend. And he used to teach me Chinese. I have lived in China for two years. I often miss English tea. I also miss my English friends.


    (1)、The letter is from Daming.
    (2)、Amy received this letter.
    (3)、Laura wrote the letter.
    (4)、Amy has lived in China one year.
    (5)、Daming used to teach Amy Chinese.