
试卷更新日期:2021-08-31 类型:期末考试

一、Read and choose.(选出能替换划线部分单词的字母。5分)

二、Read and choose.(选择合适的词补全句子。5分)

  • 6. They are going to see a film ____________________ space.
    A、at B、about C、above
  • 7. The mice are afraid ____________________ the cat.
    A、to B、with C、of
  • 8. Is it ____________________ Italian restaurant?
    A、a B、    an C、/
  • 9. In China, drivers dove on the ____________________ side of the road.
    A、left B、right C、two
  • 10. What should I do ____________________ I feel ill?
    A、if B、because C、so

三、Read and choose.(选择单词的恰当形式补全句子。5分)

  • 11. Let's_________ Chinese together.
    A、study B、studies C、studying
  • 12. I want ____________________ how to make robots.
    A、learn B、learns C、to learn
  • 13. The ____________________ are hard-working.
    A、postman B、postmen C、postmans
  • 14. Look! The tiger ____________________ the rabbit.
    A、chase B、chases C、is chasing
  • 15. John ____________________ Beihai Park next week.
    A、visits B、is visiting C、will visit

四、Read and circle.(选出合适问答语的字母 。5分)

  • 16. — ____________________

    — Yes. Do you have storybooks?

    A、Excuse me, sir. B、Where is the bookstore? C、Can I help you?
  • 17.  —Can I also be his pen pal?

    — ____________________

    A、Sure. Why not? B、No, you can't. C、Really?
  • 18.  — We are going to take a trip this weekend.

    — _______________________

    A、Not well. B、Have a good time! C、I see.
  • 19.  — It's rainy today. We can't go for a picnic. We can go next time.
    — _________
    A、Don't be sad. B、OK. Let's go. C、You should take a deep breath.
  • 20. —I can't find the way.
    A、Follow me, please! B、Where is it? C、That's nice.

五、Read and write,(按要求完成下列各题。10分)

六、Read and choose.(从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。5分)

  • 26. 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话

    A. Vie are going at 4 o'clock.

    B. I'm going with my father.

    C. I'm going to the bookstore.

    D. What are you going to buy?

    E. How are you going there?

    Tom: Where are you going this afternoon?


    John: Who are you going with?



    John: I'm going to buy a dictionary.

    John: What time are you going?



    John: We are going by car.

七、Read and number.(给下列句子排序,使之成为一段通顺的对话。5分)

  • 27. 给下列句子排序,使之成为一段通顺的对话。

    It's near here. Go straight and turn left at the crossing.

    We can see the bus stop.

    Great! How can we get there?

    Jim, let's go to the cinema.

    We can go by bus.

       6   OK. Let's go now.

    But where is the bus stop?


  • 28. 阅读理解

    When a lion is sleeping, a little mouse runs up and down around(围绕) him. This soon Wakes up(吵醒)the lion. He is very angry, so he catches(抓)the mouse. "Let Me go, please!" cries the little mouse. "I may be able to help you one day. "The lion thinks," How could this little mouse help me?" But he lets him go. The next day, the lion is caught(被捉). The hunters(猎人)tie(绑)him to a tree and go away. Just then the little mouse sees the sad lion. He goes up to him and saves(解救)him. After that, the lion and the mouse become good friends.

    (1)、Read and write.

    ①The lion now.

    ②The lets the go.

    ③The lion is caught by the .

    ④The saves the .

    ⑤The mouse and the lion become .

    (2)、The little mouse wakes up the lion.
    (3)、The lion is happy when the little mouse wakes him up.
    (4)、The mouse is caught the next day.
    (5)、The little mouse helps the lion at last.
    (6)、The hunter tied (绑) the mouse to a tree and went away.


  • 29. 假设你是Nick,请根据提示写一篇不少于5句话的小短文描述寒假计划。

    提示: Who: Nick's family   Where to go: Sanya  When: next Tuesday How: by plane What to do: visit Luhuitou Park, go fishing, eat seafood(海鲜)