外研版(三起点)小学英语六年级上学期Module 7单元练习

试卷更新日期:2021-08-21 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. 选出不同类的单词(   )
    A、simple B、worry C、healthy D、less
  • 2. 选出下列单词中不同类的单词(   )
    A、twelve B、eleven C、drink
  • 3. 选出不同类的单词(   )
    A、company B、paint C、school D、park
  • 4. 选出不同类的单词(   )
    A、monkey B、tiger C、foot
  • 5. 选出不同类的单词(   )
    A、write B、play C、big


  • 6. Where is _______?   
    A、it B、you
  • 7. —Do you often play ________ basketball?

    —No, I don't. I often play ________ guitar.

    A、the; / B、/; the C、the; the
  • 8. I like _______ and _______.
    A、run; clap B、running; claping C、running; clapping
  • 9. Daming is walking in the park, but it's starts ______.
    A、rain B、rains C、to rain
  • 10. Point ___ the pictures .
    A、off B、to C、of
  • 11. Sun Jian             to help people.

    A、likes B、liking C、to like
  • 12. We will have __________ English party.
    A、a B、an C、/
  • 13. We can do ______to help.
    A、lot B、a lot of C、a lot
  • 14. He is standing ____ a chair.
    A、on B、in
  • 15. I _______ like ice cream.
    A、am not B、don't C、can't


  • 16. 妈妈对你说“Try some!”时, 你会说:              
    A、Bye. B、Thank you. C、Excuse me.
  • 17. Lily 愁眉苦脸的,你关心地问道:       

    A、What's wrong? B、What do you do?
  • 18. 你想说你很喜欢熊,你说:
    A、I like pigs. B、I like bears.
  • 19. 爸爸问你想吃葡萄时他会说:            

    A、Do you like grapes? B、Are these grapes?
  • 20. 当你劝说朋友吃鸡时,你说:
    A、Taste the chicken. It's nice. B、Touch the carrot. It's hard.




  • 29. 选出合适的选项完成句子。

    A. pleased   B. meet  C. pet   D. address   E. Australia

    (1)、— Do you come from England?

    — No, I am from.

    (2)、Look, this is my brother's dog. It is very beautiful.
    (3)、— When I him, he always tells some interesting things.

    — Yes, he is an interesting man.

    (4)、— How can I get your home?

    — This is my, you can go there.

    (5)、— Why are you so?

    — Because today is my birthday.


  • 30. 连词成句


    (2)、believe;I;not ;do;it(.)


    (4)、sleep;winter;bears; in; the(.)



  • 31. 根据上下文填空,每空一词。

    A: What do you want to be in the ?

    B: I to be a cook.

    A: Why?

    B: Because I like eating nice food.

    A: Oh, your is great.


  • 32. 你的周末都会有什么活动?你会帮爸爸妈妈做家务。还是和同学朋友一起去踢足球、打篮球,还是会看书呢?请向大家具体介绍一下你上周末或者平时的周末会做些什么吧。

    参考词汇:do housework,read books,weekend,listen to music,play football