人教版(PEP)小学英语三年级上册Unit 6 Happy Birthday 单元测试卷

试卷更新日期:2021-08-17 类型:单元试卷

一、词图匹配: 将下列单词与其内容相符的图片连线。

  • 1. 将下列单词与其内容相符的图片。

    ⑴ball         A.

    ⑵balloon   B.

    ⑶kite   C.

    ⑷boat   D.

    ⑸girl   E.

    ⑹car   F.

    ⑺plane   G.

    ⑻seven   H.

    ⑼five   I.

    ⑽six   J.


  • 2. 从每组中选出与其它三个不属于同一类的单词。
    A、ten B、tea C、four D、five
    A、nine B、seven C、eight D、nice
    A、one B、Coke C、coffee D、juice
    A、three B、six C、two D、too
    A、dog B、doll C、cat D、rabbit
  • 3. 从每组中选出与其它三个不属于同一类的单词。
    A、ball B、balloon C、plane D、seven
    A、bear B、cat C、car D、elephant
    A、four B、boat C、kite D、car
    A、cake B、bread C、eight D、milk
    A、yellow B、plane C、white D、orange


  • 4. 读算式从方框中选答案。

    A. six  B. seven  C. three  D. five  E. ten  F. eight  G. one  H. two  I. nine    J. four

    (1)、two + four =
    (2)、nine ÷ three =
    (3)、four + = nine
    (4)、seven + three =
    (5)、 - one= six
    (6)、two × four =
    (7)、three -= two
    (8)、three × three =
    (9)、five - one=
    (10)、8÷ = four


  • 5. 按要求把下列单词进行归类。

    dog green white book banana pencil cat ball pen orange sofa bird black peach
    monkey pencil-case ruler yellow panda blue elephant brown sharpener red

    (4)、Things in a room(房间里的物品)
    (5)、Things for study (学习用具)


  • 6. — Are you seven?

    — __________

    A、Yes, I'm. B、No, I am. C、Yes, I am.
  • 7. — How old are you?

    — __________

    A、I'm nine. B、I'm Zip. C、OK.
  • 8. — How many candles?

    — __________

    A、Two candle. B、A candles. C、Two candles.
  • 9. — Happy birthday!

    — __________

    A、Happy birthday! B、Thank you. C、Great.
  • 10. — This cake is for you.

    — __________

    A、Yes, please. B、You're welcome. C、Thank you.


  • 11. 根据汉语及答语提示从下列方框中选择问句。

    A. How old are you?

    B. Happy birthday to you!

    C. Let's eat the cake!

    D. How many candles?

    E. This doll is for you!

    (1)、A: (祝你生日快乐!)

    B: Thank you!

    (2)、A: (你多大了?)

    B: I'm 9 years old.

    (3)、A: (有多少支蜡烛?)

    B: 9.

    (4)、A: (咱们吃蛋糕吧!)

    B: Great!

    (5)、A: (这个玩具娃娃是给你的!)

    B: Thank you!
