外研版(三起点)小学英语六年级上册Module 1单元练习

试卷更新日期:2021-08-10 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. The modern Olympic games are different____ the ancient ones.
    A、of B、from C、at
  • 2. I am __________a coat.
    A、wear B、wears C、wearing
  • 3. — How _________ is the toy panda?

    — Twenty yuan.

    A、many B、much C、long D、far
  • 4. The children like _____________ many new toys.
    A、invent B、inventing C、invention
  • 5. How many _____________ are there under the bed?
    A、pair of shoe B、pairs of shoe C、pair of shoes D、pairs of shoes
  • 6. I get lucky money _________ my parents in winter.
    A、from B、to C、for
  • 7. I have a sister. ________ name is Lily.
    A、His B、Her C、She
  • 8. This ______is my father.           
    A、boy B、man
  • 9. I am going to the library ________________ my grandma.
    A、with B、in C、at
  • 10. _______ are your shoes?
    A、What size B、What about C、What colour


  • 11. —      it like?

    —It's yellow and in the shape of rabbit.

    A、what B、what's C、What's
  • 12. — Can you dance?


    A、Yes, you can. B、No, I don't. C、Yes, I can.
  • 13. 早上好,孩子们,可以说:
    A、Good morning, children. B、Good morning, Mum.
  • 14. Is it in your schoolbag?
    A、Yes, it is. B、No, I don't. C、Yes, I do.
  • 15. —What's your name ?


    A、Nice to meet you. B、My name's Bob. C、His name's  Bob.


  • 16. 选择正确的选项完成句子。

    A. How long    B. How big    C. Where    D. Can    E. Is

    (1)、—it in your country? 

    — Yes, it is.

    (2)、—is the Yellow River?

    — It is in the north of China.

    (3)、—is Beijing? 

    — It's got more than twenty million people.

    (4)、—you swim in the river? 

    — No, I can't.

    (5)、—is that big river? 

    — It is about ten thousand kilometres.


  • 17. 英汉互译。
  • 18. 英汉互译                  
    (1)、a lot of
    (2)、every night



  • 24. 连词成句

    (1)、it's,    the,    Wall ,   a ,   of,   Great ,  picture (.) 

    (2)、 it's,    people,    got ,   million ,   eight (.) 

    (3)、it's,    kilometres,     about ,    thousand,    seven,    six ,   hundred(.) 

    (4)、it ,   how,    long,     is(?) 

    (5)、now,    you,     about,    me ,    tell,     something,      New York(.) 


  • 25. 根据短文判断正(正确)误(错误)

        It is five in the afternoon. There are a lot of students in the playground. Some are jumping. Some are dancing. Some are playing football! Tom and Mike are playing ping-pong. The man with small eyes are watching them. He is their P.E .teacher. He is a good teacher. The children like him very much.

    (1)、It's five fifteen in the afternoon.

    (2)、Their P.E. teacher is a good girl.

    (3)、The students are playing in the sports hall.

    (4)、Some students are playing football.

    (5)、The children don't like their P.E. teacher.


  • 26. 假如你是约翰,请根据表格给出的信息,比较一下你与迈克的不同。






    1.60 metres

    45 kilograms



    1.64 metres

    52 kilograms
