
试卷更新日期:2021-07-28 类型:期末考试


  • 1. —You seem to be in a really good mood.

    —I finished my last test today. ______! Now I'm free.

    A、What a pity B、What a relief C、I've got it D、You can't be serious.
  • 2. China, ______ largest developing country in the world, has made great progress in ______ area of space exploration.
    A、a; an B、the; the C、the; an D、a; the
  • 3. —Excuse me, sir, can I take this road to Tianjin Railway Station?

    —Sorry, you'd better not. A bridge to it ______ at the moment.

    A、is being repaired B、has been repaired C、will be repaired D、is repaired
  • 4. I'm considering buying a dictionary, ______ is a great help in our study.
    A、which B、what C、that D、as
  • 5. If        in a scientific way, this kind of dog will be able to work as a guide for the blind.
    A、training B、having trained C、trained D、to train
  • 6. —Is Lucy knocking at the door?

    —No. It ______ be Lucy. She is in France now.

    A、needn't B、can't C、mustn't D、daren't
  • 7. When I am travelling, I always take something          in case I am hungry.
    A、to eat B、eaten C、eating D、eat
  • 8. Mr. Zhao, who           as a teacher for 8 years, is now a lawyer.
    A、works B、had worked C、is working D、worked
  • 9. ______, important advances have been made in medicine and environment science thanks to increasing computer power.
    A、By accident B、After all C、In addition D、On average
  • 10. Don't worry. I'm sure your missing glasses will                 sooner or later.
    A、stand up B、turn up C、get up D、set up
  • 11. 完形填空

    I walked to the park after school and sat under a tree. I pulled my sketchbook(素描册)and colored pencils from my school bag and looked around for ideas. I turned my1 to the girls who were playing nearby and began sketching. After I had drawn the outline(轮廓)of the girls, a shadow fell across my sketchbook. The shadow was a boy, who was surveying my drawing over my shoulder. I was embarrassed and2my sketchbook.

    "No offence(冒犯)"the boy laughed, pulling his sketchbook out of his school bag and 3

    it to me."Want to look at my drawings?"4, I exchanged my sketchbook with his. I was really 5with his drawings of nature. Trees, leaves, rocks and rivers were done with great details."You are so 6!" I said," What's your name?" "Kenyi Thompson. My family just moved here." He replied. Kenyi sat down next to me. While looking at my drawings, Kenyi said, "You are also talented. I really 7with drawing people, but you make it look easy."I have a great idea!" I declared." Let's make drawings together! You can draw8 on one sheet of paper while I draw the people on another. Then we'll 9and finish each other's drawings. That way, both drawings would display our talents."

    About an hour later, we10our drawings. Our drawings combined our talents with a new friendship, which I believe would last forever.

    A、attention B、stomach C、wheel D、bag
    A、designed B、printed C、tore D、closed
    A、handing B、sending C、returning D、posting
    A、Out of curiosity B、Out of control C、Out of order D、Out of breath
    A、angry B、busy C、disappointed D、impressed
    A、embarrassed B、delighted C、talented D、educated
    A、struggle B、work C、start D、meet
    A、girls B、people C、boys D、nature
    A、search B、exchange C、imagine D、destroy
    A、began B、made C、finished D、sold
  • 12. 阅读理解

    As a people-pleaser, you care about pleasing other people so much because you want to be liked and don't want other people to think ill of you. It's a bad, never ending way of life, because people are always going to ask things of you.

    Here's how you can stop being such a people-pleaser:


    Next time someone texts or emails a request, wait to reply. Wait up to 24 hours if you can! Show people how to treat us. And train them on what to expect from us.

    Provide a choice

    For those who want to say no in a gentle way, instead of giving an excuse, you can provide a choice. It's more useful too! Something like," I'd love to help you pick out a new sofa but not this weekend. Lucy has an excellent eye for sofas." is much more helpful.

    Realize you have a choice

    More times than you think, you can say no. Stop for a second when a choice comes up that feels uncomfortable. Then decide if, finally, a yes or no feels like freedom--and choose that.

    K(no)w it gets easier

    Saying no needs practice. The more you do it, the more used to it you become and the less people expect from you. Once you say you are unavailable a few times, people stop asking so much from you.

    Recognize you can't please everybody

    Other people will always control our lives if we let them. You can't please everyone. And a rich, wonderful life has lots of those "yes" moments--as well as plenty of loving "nos".

    (1)、The passage is written for the people ________.
    A、who like satisfying everyone B、who always make requests C、who need to buy sofas D、who want more freedom
    (2)、What are you advised to do when someone makes a request through email?
    A、Pretend not to see it. B、Give an immediate answer. C、Teach him a good lesson. D、Avoid giving a quick reply.
    (3)、Giving someone a choice can make saying no ________
    A、less helpful B、more important C、less believable D、more acceptable
    (4)、What will people do if you say no a few times?
    A、Lose touch with you. B、Leave you immediately. C、Stop asking you so much. D、Consider you to be impolite.
    (5)、How many suggestions does the author give us?
    A、3. B、4. C、5. D、6.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Mr. Hadley was my 6th grade teacher. At that time I was a short girl weighing 70 kilograms. Boys always laughed at me because of it. So I became an extremely shy young lady.

    One day Mr. Hadley told us that we would be required to come to the front of the class and read the reports that we had completed.

    When my turn came, I refused to stand in front of all those students and open up to their tricks. Mr. Hadley handed me my report and asked me to read it. I gave it back to him. He walked to the font and said, “Martha has a very good report here and I think everyone needs to hear her read it. If you make strange noises or make fun of her in any way, I will let you fail right here and now. OK?”

    Mr. Hadley walked back to me and handed me the paper again, asking me to go to the front of the class. I walked there on legs that were shaking and I felt a rabbit in my chest. Everyone was all quiet, including those boys. I stood there trying to be calm.

    Mr. Hadley walked over to me and put his arm around me, “You can do it. I have confidence in you!” His words helped me calm down. I read the report and instead of the kids laughing at me and making fun of me, they all stood up and clapped their hands.

    From that day on the kids never made fun of me and some actually made friends with me. I continued to be quiet and shy all through school but 1 knew if I had to stand up in front of the class, I could do it.

    (1)、Martha felt extremely shy because of her ______.
    A、study B、age C、appearance D、beauty
    (2)、Martha refused to read her report in front of the class because ______.
    A、she didn't like the teacher of the 6th grade B、she knew her report was not good C、the teacher wouldn't listen to her D、she was afraid of being laughed at
    (3)、How did Martha feel when she came to the front to read her report?
    A、Curious B、Excited C、Nervous D、Angry
    (4)、From the passage we know that ______.
    A、Martha's report was well written B、Martha had a rabbit as her pet C、Martha was a good-looking girl D、the teacher helped Martha with her report
    (5)、Mr. Hadley helped Martha gain ______.
    A、satisfaction B、self-confidence C、humor D、happiness
  • 14. 阅读理解

    For years and years people have been saying that railways are dead. “We can do without railways,” people say--as if motorcars and planes have made those railways unnecessary. We all keep hearing that trains are slow, lose money and are dying. But this is far from the truth. In these days of expensive oil, railways have become highly competitive with motorcars and planes. If you want to carry people or goods from place to place, they're cheaper than planes. And they have much in common with planes. A plane goes in a straight line and so does a railway. What's more, a railway takes you from the city centre into another centre. It doesn't hold you up as a car does in endless traffic jams. And a single train can carry goods which no plane or motorcar could ever do.

    Far from being dead railways are very much alive. Modern railway lines give you a smooth, untroubled journey. Where else can you eat well, sleep in comfort, feel safe and enjoy the scene while you are travelling at speed at the same time? And we are only at the beginning, for we have just entered the age of super-fast trains, which are travelling at 250 miles an hour or more. So we will be wondering why we spend so much on motorcars we can't use and planes we can't fly in. After all, we have not enough money to buy the oil.

    (1)、People say railways are unnecessary because they think ______.
    A、trains cause traffic jams B、trains carry goods only C、trains go in a straight line D、trains are slow and lose money
    (2)、The writer's idea seems to be that ______.
    A、motorcars and planes are better than trains B、trains go as fast as motorcars and planes C、we still need railways in modern times D、trains have nothing in common with motorcars
    (3)、Compared with planes, one of the advantages of trains is that they ______.
    A、can take you from place to place B、carry goods and people cheaply C、don't hold you up on the way D、can travel at 250 miles an hour
    (4)、According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
    A、It is more expensive to travel by train than by plane. B、No railway station is at the city centre. C、It is comfortable travelling on a train. D、Planes and motorcars have replaced trains.
    (5)、What would be the best title for the passage?
    A、Railways, Still Alive. B、Planes Are Dead. C、Trains, Motorcars or Planes? D、Super-fast Trains.


  • 15. 阅读表达。

    In the United States the most popular form of folk dancing has been square dancing since the earlier days. In those days, men and women worked in groups to build a house or harvest crops. When the work was done, they usually danced merrily and happily in a store or in a farm kitchen.

    Nowadays square-dancing is still performed. A square, which has four sides, is formed by four couples. Each couple stands on one side of the square, the man on the left and the woman on the right. That is to say, one square has eight people and they stand facing the center of the square.

    Large or small numbers of people can dance together. Sometimes as many as 800 or 1,000 people may be dancing all at the same time.

    Costumes are worn by those who do the square-dancing. This makes the dancing more colorful to watch. Men may have colored shirts and western trousers they wear only on special days. Women often wear full skirts of different colors with a pretty blouse. In some country areas, everyone wears their best clothes.

    Today in all parts of the US you will find some schools, clubs, or other groups that are square dancing for fun. They enjoy it very much.

    (1)、In the earlier days, when did people do square-dancing?
    (2)、How many people are square-dancing if there are 100 squares?
    (3)、What does the underlined word "costumes" mean in Paragraph 4?
    (4)、What do people in some country areas wear in square-dancing?
    (5)、How do people of the US like square-dancing today?
  • 16. 书面表达。


    Date of Birth

    December 30th, 1930

    Place of Birth



    Peking University (1951-1955)


    1. discover Qinghaosu

    2. contribute to the traditional Chinese medicine

    3. improve human health

    We should...






  • 17. 选词填空


    (1)、I can't work out the problem and it is really my ability.
    (2)、If you need any help, don't to call us.
    (3)、Just look at how her dress is being by the wind.
    (4)、If you have enjoyed this live , subscribe to find out where I'm visiting next.
    (5)、Franklin's spirit of exploration is still considered an inspiration.
    (6)、The little boy had the courage and perseverance to make his dream a .
    (7)、We have an incredible to think and create, which is the real spirit of invention.
    (8)、It is better to respect your parents' and ask for their advice.
    (9)、Clear communication is one of the to repair your friendship.
    (10)、My biggest was my laziness.


  • 18. This e of Chinese art starts on 1 August and continues to 15 November. (展览)
  • 19. The painting is m made of different shades of yellow, with a little orange and green thrown in.(大部分)
  • 20. One of my favourite sayings is "Understand all and f all." (宽恕)
  • 21. This famous e with lighting has introduced generations of children to science.
  • 22. Presently I am going to p the lever, and off the machine will go.
  • 23. The well built by Ryan solved the problem of worldwide water s.
  • 24. His plan was to e money to build a well somewhere in Africa. (赚)
  • 25. Before speaking, just take a deep b and think first.
  • 26. Florence Nightingale, founder of modern nursing, made great c to society.
  • 27. He was awarded a prize for his a (成就) in physics.