外研版(2019)高中英语必修1:Unit1 A new start 单元综合卷

试卷更新日期:2021-07-26 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. 阅读理解

    It was hard to accept, but the sad day had finally arrived. I still remember the tears welling up in my six­year­old sister's eyes as she looked around the empty closet in wonder. The space once filled with her clothes now held only loneliness and sorrow. This little child had come to the realization that her father was gone. He had left us, and there was simply no way to change it.

    Being the oldest of four girls has never been easy, but with the departure of our father, our world and dreams were broken beyond repair. My mother, the most amazingly warm­hearted person in the world, has worked harder than anyone should simply to mend our broken household. However, long hours at work often prevented her from physically being there in our times of need. This is where I have stepped up as the temporary caretaker of my three small sisters.

    Many students write college essays about their leadership positions in school and the community but I feel that my greatest accomplishment is the role I have played within my own family.

    Senior year in high school is not simple for anyone, especially when it feels like the entire world is resting on your shoulders, but this is how I have felt for the past two years, I have continually tried to fulfill the dream my mother holds for my future. My mother was not able to complete her college education, and so this success is her top significance for her children.

    A leader is defined as one who has influence on others. I hope that my leadership affects the lives of my sisters and everyone around me. In dedicating myself to my family and school, I have set goals that I will do anything to accomplish. I am an extremely determined individual, and my university will help me take the next step in climbing the ladder of success.

    (1)、What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 1?
    A、Show a topic for discussion. B、Provide some advice for readers. C、Summarize the following paragraphs. D、Introduce some background information.
    (2)、What was the author's dream in her senior year in high school?
    A、To be admitted into a college. B、To look after her sisters well. C、To set an example to her sisters. D、To lead her family out of trouble.
    (3)、What is the author's present life like?
    A、Happy and quiet. B、Hard but hopeful. C、Busy but successful. D、Inspiring and rich.
    (4)、What role does the author play in her family?
    A、A winner. B、A teacher. C、A leader. D、A dreamer.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Summer vacation is the perfect time to catch up on all that reading you couldn't do during the busy school year. Here are some of the best YA books to read this summer.

    Skyward by Brandon Sanderson

    More than anything, Spensa wants to become a pilot and defend her planet against the frequent attacks from alien starfighters. When she discovers the wreckage (残骸) of an old battleship, she realizes that her dreams might be within reach.

    Two Can Keep a Secret by Karen M. McManus

    Put on your crime­solving cap and get swept away in this thrilling novel about a girl, a boy, and a string of unsolved murders. As threats and clues pile up, you'll be burning the midnight oil trying to finish the book before dawn.

    Bridge of Clay by Markus Zusak

    The five Dunbar brothers haven't seen their father in eight years. When he reappears and asks for help building a bridge, only the middle brother, Clay, agrees to go with him. Unforgettable and touching, it is a must­read story.

    If I'm Being Honest by Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund­Broka

    In an effort to win her boyfriend back, Cameron decides to become a nicer person and make up for people she's hurt. Loosely based on Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew, this is a delightfully sweet and positive tale of self­discovery, and true love.

    (1)、Who may be interested in Skyward?
    A、Pilots on battleships. B、Fans of outer space. C、Peace keepers. D、Planet defenders.
    (2)、Which book is probably a detective story?
    A、Skyward. B、Two Can Keep a Secret. C、Bridge of Clay. D、If I'm Being Honest.
    (3)、What is special about If I'm Being Honest?
    A、It is a work of joint authors. B、It is one of Shakespeare's plays. C、It mainly talks about being honest. D、It appeals to readers feeling hopeless.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Japan's biggest airline is betting that the future of travel isn't traveling at all. For the last month, a married couple has been interacting with a robot—called an Avatar—that's controlled by their daughter hundreds of miles away. Made by ANA Holdings Inc. , it looks like a vacuum cleaner with an iPad attached. But the screen displays the daughter's face as they chat, and its wheels let her move about the house as though she's really there.

    "Virtual travel" is nothing new, of course. Storytellers, travel writers and artists have been stimulating the senses of armchair tourists for centuries. It's only in recent decades that frequent, safe travel has become available to the non­wealthy.

    Yet even as the world's middle classes climb out of the armchair and into economy­class seats, there are signs of a post­travel society emerging. Concerns about environmental sustainability cause a loss to airlines which release much carbon. And the aging of abundant societies is both restricting physical travel and creating demand for alternative ways to experience the world. For the travel industry, virtual reality offers an attractive response to these trends.

    Of course, new technologies encourage far­out claims. ANA doesn't plan to start selling Avatars until next year. Profits, too, will probably be difficult to make. By one estimate, the global market for this kind of technology will be worth only about $300 million by 2023. By contrast, ANA's traditional travel business brought in more than $19 billion last year.

    But if the business value for virtual vacations is still weak, the market for technologies that bridge physical distances between families and coworkers seems likely to only expand. ANA's robots may not replace its airplanes any time soon, but they'll almost certainly be a part of travel's high­tech future.

    (1)、Why does the author use the example of a couple interacting with a robot?
    A、To show the Japanese are crazy about travel. B、To indicate virtual travel begins to enter people's real life. C、To show the couple are very enthusiastic over robots. D、To express the close relationship between the couple and their daughter.
    (2)、Which of the following is the possible reason for virtual travel's appearance?
    A、Storytellers, travel writers and artists have been using it for centuries. B、Frequent and safe travel has become available to the ordinary people. C、People are worried about the air pollution caused by airlines. D、More and more people lose interest in travel.
    (3)、What can we learn about Avatars from the last two paragraphs?
    A、They will be put on the market soon. B、They will bring ANA a lot of money. C、They will replace ANA's airplanes soon. D、They are almost unavoidable in travel's future.
    (4)、What can be a suitable title for the text?
    A、Your Next Travel May Be Virtual B、Easy Travel in the Future C、Virtual Travel Benefits D、Air Travel Disappearing
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Rick Guidotti put aside his career as a fashioned photographer to turn his lens (镜头) to people living with genetic, physical and behavioral differences.

    He says what changed his perception of beauty was a chance encounter with an albino (白化病) girl. "I was just tired of people telling me who was beautiful. Every season that face would change but I was always told who was beautiful. As an artist, I don't see beauty just on covers of magazines. I see it everywhere. So that kind of was my initial intention that opened my eyes a little wider and wider. " said Guidotti.

    Guidotti has created Positive Exposure, a not­for­profit organization that uses photography and video to transform public perceptions and promote a world where differences are celebrated. Guidotti and Positive Exposure are featured in a new documentary called On Beauty.

    One of the women featured in the film is Jayne Waithera. "I never thought I was beautiful because nobody said that to me, but my meeting was my profound moment. I remember that particular day. He took my picture and I felt so good like I felt there's somebody who, really like, loves me and sees me for who I am and who sees me more than my condition. " said Waithera.

    Rick is traveling from city to city to promote On Beauty. He says his tour is not about money, it's about the message:"As I travel from community to community, I'm taking photographs and I'm empowering individuals with a positive sense of who they are. They're seeing beauty in their reflection but I'm also empowering their families and they in turn are empowering their communities as well. All is based on the philosophy of change—how you see, see how you change. "

    (1)、Why did Rick change his career?
    A、Because he couldn't earn enough money from his former career. B、Because the beauty on covers of magazines are not beautiful. C、Because he wanted to create his own company. D、Because his comprehension of beauty changed owing to an albino girl.
    (2)、What can we know about Positive Exposure?
    A、It brings a lot of money for Rick. B、It makes the public more beautiful. C、It welcomes differences in the world. D、It makes photography more popular.
    (3)、What does the author want to tell us by mentioning Jayne in paragraph 4?
    A、Jayne was beautiful indeed. B、Photographs gave Jayne a positive sense of who she was. C、It was unfair nobody discovered Jayne's beauty. D、Jayne's picture was more beautiful than herself.
    (4)、What does the author mainly intend to tell us in the last para­graph?
    A、We should travel frequently. B、Community has a great influence on everyone. C、We should make contributions to our community. D、Your attitude to seeing the world decides your behavior.


  • 5. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Youngsters usually benefit from having a relationship with someone older and wiser to mentor (指导) them. The mentor might be a teacher, family member or more experienced peer. However, not everyone is suitable to be an influential, positive role model. Here are some common characteristics of good role models.

    They are confident. Most people admire those who have much confidence in themselves. So they are able to acknowledge their skills and achievements without becoming arrogant (自大的). Just as Child Development Specialist Dr. Robyn Silverman suggests, healthy self­confidence shows as pride in who you are and what you've learned throughout your life.

    Role models show their commitment to a desired goal by their actions and are willing to invest the necessary time and effort to achieve success. They don't give up easily and continue trying when faced with challenges. Their determination to succeed encourages youngsters to follow through and reach the goals they set for themselves.

    They are respectful. Young people appreciate being treated with respect and admire those who treat them and others that way. Role models who show selflessness and an equal, non­prejudiced view of those different from them earn the admiration of others.

    They are optimistic and creative. Role models inspire others with a positive outlook on life. For example, a community leader faced with a financial setback (挫折) might welcome the opportunity to organize a fund­raising project that pulls everyone together in a constructive manner.

    A. They are hard­working.

    B. They are knowledgeable.

    C. Role models show respect for others.

    D. Pick someone having the same hobbies and similar qualities as you.

    E. Good role models have a healthy appreciation of their accomplishments.

    F. Effective role models possess desirable characteristics that make them easy to look up to.

    G. Role models tend to see the bright side in difficult situations and can find creative solutions.


  • 6. 完形填空

    I was recently involved in a bad traffic accident. I was knocked unconscious by the impact so I don't1anything about the accident. My first memory is being given oxygen as the doctors and nurses tried to 2 me back to life.

    As I lay in the emergency room, I found myself 3 my life and thanking God that I was still 4. The good news is that nobody else was 5.

    Since that day, the physical recovery has been 6 but not as tough as the emotional recovery. I've learned a lot about myself and about what really 7 in this world. Things that are really important are not "things". I'm not invincible(无敌的)and I cannot8 everything that happens in my life. I need to be better at 9 the things that come into my way that I didn't plan for. As someone who was always in a10, it taught me to slow down a little. I have learned to live each day honestly and 11.

    12 I continue to heal physically and emotionally,I have a different opinion on 13. When tragedy strikes, you can either let it 14 your spirit,or use it as an opportunity to grow. I have chosen to 15 from it.

    A、receive B、remember C、mention D、care
    A、bring B、hit C、pay D、answer
    A、sacrificing B、predicting C、analyzing D、mourning
    A、wealthy B、alive C、optimistic D、healthy
    A、threatened B、informed C、ignored D、hurt
    A、difficult B、smooth C、quick D、stable
    A、works B、happens C、matters D、functions
    A、understand B、control C、identify D、oversee
    A、rejecting B、identifying C、improving D、accepting
    A、hurry B、dilemma C、routine D、mess
    A、comfortably B、quietly C、fully D、busily
    A、As B、Before C、Unless D、Although
    A、love B、future C、work D、life
    A、lift B、break C、protect D、show
    A、suffer B、escape C、discover D、learn


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    China's first artificial intelligence (AI) textbook for high school students (bring) out last week, following a plan by central government (include) AI courses in primary and secondary school.

    The nine­chapter textbook, (name) "Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence", was written by outstanding (scholar) from well­known schools nationwide, under the joint efforts by the research center for MOOC at East China Normal University and AI startup SenseTime. It includes the history of AI and how the technology can be applied in areas such as facial recognition, auto driving and public security.

    "The textbook focuses not only on basics of AI, but on (practice) use of AI in daily life," said Chen Yukun, a professor at East China Normal University, is also a contributor to the book.

    Up till now, about 40 high schools across the country (undertake) the task of being the first group of AI high education pilot program introducing the textbook in the curriculum. "The AI sector is facing a talent shortage (global). The publication of the book is breakthrough as it takes AI technology out of the 'Ivory tower' and makes it part of high school learning," said Lin Dahua, a professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.


  • 8. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    In 2000, when I was around seven years old, all my family were coming back from a T­ball game, which was our usual weekend adventure, but unlike every other weekend, a surprise was waiting for us in our driveway – two adult geese and a small goose. Obviously startled by our return, the adults flew away in panic, with their baby, too young to fly, left in place, tiny and delicate.

    Hours passed one after another, and night eventually fell. However, with it also came a deep chill and a fear of watchful animals. It was apparent that the gosling needed protection, warmth, and food to make it to the morning, so we had to help it, and we brought him onto our back yard.

    We all pretty much slept with one eye open till morning came. And then another morning. And still another. Each morning, we would try to drive the goose away to his parents, who kept coming back to our yard. He wouldn't go to them, though, and neither would they come close enough to claim him. We kept this up for five days, but no luck. Realizing the young goose had clearly decided we were his family by then, we had to give him a name, calling the little guy Peeper, because he would often follow us around the yard making a peeping (唧唧叫) noise, nonstop. Besides, we decided that Peeper was a boy. I don't know why; it just felt right.

    A year passed and we settled into a routine. Peeper slept on our back yard each night and, in typical goose fashion, used it as a latrine (公共厕所). My dad would spray off all the goose droppings daily. Part of this ceremony included Dad throwing Peeper up into the air so he could flap its wings and flew a loop (圈) around the house, and then came back again once the porch was clean.

    Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months.



    Para 1 Before we knew it, the little thing had grown into a big bird with two powerful wings.

    Para 2 It came as a total surprise to me when, in 2019, an adult goose made his way back to my family home.