
试卷更新日期:2021-07-26 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 听句子,选择正确的应答语(   )
    A、Good afternoon! B、I'm fine. C、Thank you!
  • 2. 听句子,选择正确的应答语(   )
    A、It's a notebook. B、It's black. C、I'm Jack.
  • 3. 听句子,选择正确的应答语(   )
    A、Yes, please. B、OK, thanks. C、K-A-T-E.
  • 4. 听句子,选择正确的应答语(   )
    A、Yes, it is. B、This is my brother. C、No, she isn't.
  • 5. 听句子,选择正确的应答语(   )
    A、That's my sister. B、He's my brother. C、It's nice.


  • 6. What color are Bob's shoes?
    A、Blue. B、Black. C、Green.
  • 7. What does Tony like for dinner?
    A、Pears. B、Bananas. C、Strawberries.
  • 8. How much are the strawberries?
    A、4 dollars. B、5 dollars. C、9 dollars.
  • 9. What does the girl want to do?
    A、To buy clothes. B、To play sports C、To watch TV.
  • 10. When is the girl's birthday?
    A、On June 5th. B、On August 9th. C、On October 7th.


  • 11. 根据所听到的描述,选择与其相符合的图片。其中有一幅图片是多余的








  • 12. 听短文,选择最佳答案
    (1)、What's Jack's last name?
    A、Smith B、Brown C、Green
    (2)、Where is the schoolbag?
    A、On the chair B、Under the bed C、On the desk.
    (3)、Frank has          ping-pong balls.
    A、two B、three C、five
    (4)、Frank thinks playing soccer is         .
    A、interesting B、boring C、difficult
    (5)、         is on the bookcase.
    A、A watch B、An apple C、A model plane



  • 18. I find          pen on the ground. Whose is          pen?
    A、a; the B、the; a C、a; a
  • 19. —The sweater is beautiful.            do you buy it?
    —In Xinhua Clothes Store.
    A、Where B、How much C、Why
  • 20. —What do you like for lunch, dad?

    —I'd like          , such as strawberries, carrots or cabbages.

    A、meat B、vegetables C、fruit
  • 21. —Your hat is very nice.


    A、Thank you. B、You are right. C、You are welcome.
  • 22. —Mr. Wu, this is your bag.          


    A、Here you are. B、Are you sure? C、Let's go.
  • 23. Your socks          old. I think this pair of socks          nice for you.
    A、are; are B、is; is C、are; is
  • 24. —Sally, there's a pen on the floor. Is it yours?

    —Oh…Yes, It's         . Thank you.

    A、mine B、yours C、hers
  • 25. —Thanks           your CDs. I really like the music very much.

    —Oh, I'm very happy you like it.

    A、to B、with C、for
  • 26. Mrs. Smith is          mother.
    A、Jim and Kate B、Jim's and Kate's C、Jim and Kate's
  • 27. —          is the boy with a pair of glasses?

    —My brother, John.

    A、How B、What C、Who
  • 28. Dave eats a lot every day,          he is very heavy.
    A、so B、because C、but
  • 29. A lot of people don't do sports. They only          them on TV.
    A、watch B、look C、see
  • 30. My brother doesn't like beef,           I like it very much.
    A、and B、but C、or
  • 31. —Are you          now?

    —No. I'm busy.

    A、happy B、free C、fun
  • 32. Teachers' Day is on          .
    A、September 10th B、October 1st C、June 1st


  • 33. 从方框中选择正确选项,并将其字母序号写在对话后面的横线上。(方框中有一个是多余的选项)

    A. I think my daughter must like it.

    B. Their birthdays are on the same day.

    C. Do you like blue?

    D. How about this one?

    E. How much is it?

    F. How old is your daughter?

    A: Can I help you?

    B: Yes, please. I want a skirt for my daughter.


    B: Oh, it's small for her.


    B: 16.

    A: Oh, my daughter is 16, too. When is your daughter's birthday?

    B: It's on May 22nd.

    A: Great. What color does she like?

    B: Blue.

    A: Here is a blue skirt. Do you like it?

    B: Yes. It's nice.


    B: 50 yuan.

    A: I'll take it. Thank you.

    B: You're welcome.


  • 34. 在横线处填入适当的句子补全对话

    Bob: Hi! Tom.?

    Tom: No, I don't like math. It's difficult. But my father says math is useful.

    Bob: Your father is right. Math is useful. I like it. ?

    Tom: My favorite subject is P.E. I think it's interesting.

    Bob:  ?

    Tom: Mr. Zhang is our P.E teacher. And he always plays games with us.

    Bob:  ?

    Tom: Yes. It's my basketball. Well, let's play basketball now.

    Bob:  .


  • 35. 从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文,并将其字母序号写在短文后面的空格内。(方框中有两个选项是多余的)

    A. music      B. interesting    C. buy      D. likes     E. school   F. January 1st

    G. boring      H. clothes       I. don't     J. three      K. July 1st    L. in

        Hello, everyone! I am your new friend. My name is Mike. There are  people in my family—my wife (妻子) , my son and I. I was born (出生于)1976. My birthday is on , New Year's Day.

        I like soccer, but I  like volleyball. I think it is . My wife has a clothes store. Her are at very good prices. Many people come to clothes.

    My son is a student. He goes to every day. His school has afestival. It is on March 11. He  music very much.


  • 36. 阅读理解

        Peter and Alice are talking about their studies and life (学习和生活).

        I have a good time at school. First, the classes are useful and I learn a lot. I find English is not difficult and geography is very interesting. But I think Chinese is not easy. Next, I have three good friends. With their help, I can play baseball well. I want to take a trip with them during the Spring Festival (在春节期间).
        I have a good time too. I want to thank our P.E. teacher Michael. He teaches (教) me to play tennis. Playing tennis helps me be healthy. I want to thank my mom, too. She is busy, but she looks after (照顾) me well. And she helps me have a good habit, my small room, my red schoolbag and my big desk are always tidy.
    (1)、Peter thinks          is difficult.
    A、English B、geography C、P.E. D、Chinese
    (2)、Who does Peter want to take a trip with?
    A、his mom B、his teacher C、Michael D、his friends
    (3)、Alice can play         .
    A、 B、 C、 D、
    (4)、Alice has a         desk, and a         room.
    A、big, small B、small, big C、red, blue D、green, black
    (5)、Michael is Alice's         teacher.
    A、Chinese B、English C、geography D、P.E.
  • 37. 根据以下信息,判断下列句子正误。

    This is Yang Zi. Her birthday is on November 6, 1992. Her home is in Beijing. She likes acting. Many girls and boys love her.

    This is Xiao Zhan. His home is in Chongqing. His birthday is on October fifth,1991. He is a pop singer. Many girls like him.

    He is Liu Xiang. He's a sports star. He was born in 1983. His birthday is on July thirteenth. He likes running. And he runs very fast.

    This is David Beckham. He's English. He's a soccer star. He was born in 1975.His birthday is on May second. He likes singing.

    Do you know Microsoft? Then you must know Bill Ga tes. He was born in 1955. His birthday is on October twenty-eighth. He likes playing golf.

    (1)、Yang Zi lives (居住) in Chongqing.
    (2)、Xiao Zhan likes singing.
    (3)、Liu Xiang is a pop singer.
    (4)、Beckham's birthday is on May 2nd.
    (5)、Bill Gat es likes running. And he runs very fast.
  • 38. 根据以下信息,选择正确答案。

    Music Teacher

    Teaching Time:

    Monday,8:00- 12:00 a.m.

    Apply (申请) to:No.11 Middle School, Wuhan


    Sports For Students

    Soccer: Tuesdays and Thursdays

    4:00 p.m.- 7:00 p. m.

    At 16 Beijing Road

    Basketball: Saturdays and Sundays

    8:00a. m.一8:00 p. m.

    At 216 Wuhan Road

    Great Sale

    Time: October lst

    Clothes: Sweaters and T-shirts

    Place: Xihua Clothes Store

    Price: each only 10 yuan


    A gold (金的) ring with a blue stone in it.

    Thanks a lot. Please call Mary.

    Phone: 8516-5566


    A gold ring with blue stone in it.

    Call Alicia at 851-1206.

    (1)、How long (多长时间) is the music teacher teaching at the school on Monday?
    A、For two hours. B、For four hours C、For only one hour. D、Only at eight.
    (2)、It is Sunday afternoon, you can play        .
    A、basketball B、  football C、  volleyball D、  ping pong
    (3)、You have 12 yuan. You can buy        .
    A、a basketball B、a gold ring C、a sweater D、a football
    (4)、Today is October 1st. Alicia found a gold ring. What should (应该) Mary do?
    A、Call Alicia at 851-1206. B、Go to Xihua Clothes Store. C、Play soccer. D、Call 8516-5566.
    (5)、Which of the flowing is TRUE (正确的)?
    A、They should go to the movies on October 1st. B、Music Teacher's teaching time is on Sunday. C、You can play basketball on Friday at 216 Wuhan Road. D、The ring is Mary's.
  • 39. 根据短文内容,完成下列各问。

        In many English homes, people eat four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They eat porridge (粥), eggs or bread. English people drink tea or coffee (咖啡) at breakfast.

        Lunch comes at 13:00. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and dinner is at about 7:30. First they have soup, and then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day.

    (1)、How many meals do many English people eat?
    (2)、What do English people eat for breakfast?
    (3)、What time do English people eat lunch?
    (4)、Do English people have afternoon tea?
    (5)、What do English people eat after dinner?


  • 40. 看图阅读,然后补全短文中所缺的单词

        Ed Smith has a great collection (收藏). He has nine basketballs, eight tennis , and seven baseballs. He has three soccer balls and five . But he doesn't sports, he only them on .


  • 41. 假如你是Jack,你有一个好朋友John,下面是他的信息,请你根据表格的内容向大家介绍他,可适当拓展。要求:语法正确,语言流畅,语意通顺,书写工整,不少于50词。




    November 12th




    Class 1, Grade 7

    Favorite subjects

    英语,数学 (说明原因)

    Favorite sports


    Eating habit

    喜欢吃水果和蔬菜 (说明原因)



        My name is Jack. I study at FuYu Yangguang Middle School.