牛津版(深圳·广州)初中英语七年级上册Module 1 Unit 2 随堂小练笔

试卷更新日期:2021-07-25 类型:同步测试


  • 1. We each ________ WeChat nowadays, even the old people.
    A、play B、plays C、playing D、played
  • 2. —I'll go to Japan for a trip next month.

    —Great! _____________

    A、Thank you! B、Have a good time! C、Best wishes! D、Glad to see you again.
  • 3. We had a good time in Happy Valley.
    A、enjoyed the time B、played games C、enjoyed ourselves D、like
  • 4. — __________ can she keep the book?

     —For 3 weeks.

    A、How long B、How fast C、How often D、How soon
  • 5. The train will __________ Beijing in an hour.
    A、reach at B、arrive in C、arrive at D、get in
  • 6. — _________ his mother _________ in the supermarket?


    A、Does…work; No, she doesn't B、Does…works; Yes, she do. C、Does…work; No, she does D、Does…works; Yes, she don't
  • 7. —How do you go to school every day?

    —I live near my school, so I go to school on foot every day.

    A、go to school by bus B、run to school C、walk to school
  • 8. —Let's have a break, boys and girls.


    A、have a walk B、have a talk C、have a rest
  • 9. —How does your mother go to work?

    —My home is far away from my school, ________ she always goes to work by bus.

    A、but B、so C、or
  • 10. ________ important it is for kids to imagine freely!
    A、What B、What a C、How



  • 21. 我希望你在他的舞会上过得愉快。

    I hope that you will    at his party.

  • 22. 她的儿子每年都参加学校的运动会。

    Her son   his school's sports meeting every year.

  • 23. 我爷爷每天六点起床,然后进行晨练。

    My grandfather gets up at 6 every day. And then he .

  • 24. 她总是晚上刷牙。

    She always in the evening.

  • 25. 他每周去图书馆两次。

    He goes to the library .


  • 26. 完形填空

    This is a photo of Mr. Brown's family. You can 1 four people in it. On the right is Mr. Brown. He is the husband of Mrs. Brown and the 2 of Lucy Brown and Lily Brown. He 3 glasses and looks very young. He is in a brown coat and black trousers. On the left is Mrs. Brown, the 4 of Mr. Brown and the mother of the girls. She looks very 5 too. She is in a beautiful yellow dress. Lucy Brown and Lily Brown, the daughters, are in the middle. They are twins (双胞胎) . They look the same but their clothes are 6. They are new students in our 7. They are good at their studies and they are 8 late for school. Also they are very 9 everyone around them so we all like them. They 10 many new friends here.

    A、tell B、see C、draw D、hear
    A、father B、brother C、uncle D、cousin
    A、has B、takes C、puts on D、wears
    A、aunt B、mother C、wife D、sister
    A、old B、young C、kind D、happy
    A、strange B、beautiful C、different D、clean
    A、house B、class C、office D、room
    A、usually B、soon C、often D、never
    A、far from B、friendly to C、important to D、different from
    A、forget B、visit C、make D、have


  • 27. 阅读理解

    Next Tuesday is my mother's birthday. I love her and I'd like to give her a nice gift. What should I buy? I hear shopping online is easy and quick And we can buy anything we want through it. But I'm not sure whether the things are good or not.


    I'm busy and tired this week, How I wish to relax myself. So this weekend I'm going to the beach with my cousin. When we get there, we'll swim in the sea walk on the beach and have a picnic,and never think about our homework! We're sure to have fun.


    I believe(相信)everyone hopes to see a clean and nice city. But our city isn't as god as we think. So this Sunday I'll help clean the city park with my friends! We're going there by bike. There we will pick up the rubbish and clean the ground. We hope to finish the cleaning in a day.


    It's great to help others. As students,we may try our best to help people in need. Old people are always lonely and they need care and help. So this weekend I'll visit an old people's home with my classmates. We'll help clean the old people's rooms, tell them stories and sing or dance for them.


    (1)、Who will take a trip this weekend?
    A、Anna. B、Jack. C、Lucy. D、Dave.
    (2)、What will Lucy do this weekend?
    A、Buy something online. B、Go to the beach. C、Help clean the city park. D、Visit an old people's home.
    (3)、How will Dave and his classmates help the old people this weekend?
    A、By buying gifts for them online. B、By taking walks with them. C、By cleaning the ground for them. D、By singing or dancing for them.
    (4)、How many things may Jack do?
    A、Two. B、Three. C、Six. D、Five.
    (5)、What can we know from the passage?
    A、Anna thinks she can buy a good gift online. B、Jack will do some fun activities on the beach. C、Lucy will clean the city park with her cousin. D、Dave will help clean his classmates1 rooms.