新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级上册Starters Unit 2 随堂小练笔

试卷更新日期:2021-07-22 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 下列字母中是元音字母的是________。
    A、G B、I C、H D、R
  • 2. “NBA”代表“_______”。
    A、千克 B、停车场 C、(美国)全国篮球协会 D、英国广播公司
  • 3. —       it, please!


    A、Spell B、This C、What D、How
  • 4. This is        jacket.
    A、a B、 C、an D、it
  • 5. 选出画线部分读音与其他不同的选项(   )
    A、Helen B、pen C、evening D、spell
  • 6. 在字母表中位于L和N之间的字母是       
    A、M B、P C、K D、R
  • 7. 选出画线部分读音与其他不同的选项(   )
    A、O B、OK C、go D、dog
  • 8. 下列按字母表先后顺序排列正确的一项是    
    A、figh B、nopq C、mnrq D、Jlkn
  • 9. “    ”表示"停车场"。
    A、CD B、NBA C、P D、kg
  • 10. 与字母N含有相同音素的字母是________。
    A、K B、L C、O D、B


  • 11. 看图片写单词


  • 12. 从括号中选出适当的单词填空。

    1.This is(an ,a)orange.

    2.It  (is ,are)black and white.

    3.How are (I,you)?

    4.Tom is my  (fine,good)friend.

    5.Well, (it's,it)a blue quilt.


  • 13. 补全对话

    A. What's that in English?

    B. That is good.

    C. It's a pen.

    D. Hi, Gina!

    E. Spell it, please.

    F. How are you?

    G. Good afternoon!

    A: Hi, Alice!


    A: How are you, Alice?

    B: I'm fine.

    A: I'm OK.

    B: What's this in English?


    B: Good.

    A: P-E-N.


    A: It's a map.

    B: Thanks.


  • 14. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。

          Tim, Sonia, Jim, Tina, Jenny and Ann are in the classroom. They find(发现) a pencil-box, a ruler, a pencil and a notebook on the desk. Tim asks Sonia, “Is this your pencil?” Sonia answers, “Yes, it is. Thank you.” Tim asks again, “Hi, Jim! Is this your ruler? “Jim answers, “No, it isn't. It's Tina's ruler.” “Is this your notebook, Jenny?” asks Tim. “Yes, it is,” answers Jenny.” Ann, is this your pencil-box?” asks Tim. “Yes, it is. Thank you.” answers Ann.

    (1)、Tim, Sonia, Jim, Tina, Jenny and Ann are at home.

    (2)、They find a notebook, a pencil, a ruler and a pencil-box on the desk.

    (3)、The pencil is Sonia's.

    (4)、The ruler is Tim's.

    (5)、The notebook is Jenny's.