外研版初中英语八年级上册 Module 5 Unit 2 随堂小练笔

试卷更新日期:2021-07-21 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 根据汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

    (1)、Lao She was a famous writer, but he was also a (普通的)person.

    (2)、Can you (描述) your lost car?

    (3)、The famous writer will come. Let's give him a warm w.

    (4)、Lao She was b in Beijing in 1899.

    (5)、Lao She was n a “People's Artist” and “Great Master of Language”.


  • 2. 这个故事发生在1990年。

    This story in l990.

  • 3. 他毕业之后在一所学校教语文。

    After he taught Chinese at a school.

  • 4. 他喜欢传统音乐。

    He likes .

  • 5. 这是一个真实的故事,它发生在天津的一座小村庄。

    This is a true story and it in a small village in Tianjin.

  • 6. 昨天,奶奶给我讲了嫦娥的故事。

    My grandmother Chang'e yesterday.


  • 7. 情景交际

    Boy: Who do you admire(崇拜)?


    Boy: Midori? Who's that?


    Boy: Oh, yeah! She's Japanese, isn't she?

    Girl: Yes, she was born in Osaka in 1971. When she was fourteen, she toured the United States. I saw her play when I was eight.

    Boy: Wow.

    Girl: Yes, I do. I play them all the time. How about you? Who do you admire?

    Boy: I admire my grandmother, Laura.


    Boy: Well, she was born in Russia in 1932. She was an unusual girl because she started ice skating when she was four, and she became a skating champion when she was ten.

    A. I admire Midori.

    B. Do you have any of her CDs?

    C. My grandmother is outgoing.

    D. When she was eight, she was already a talented violinist.

    E. She's a famous violinist.

    F. Have you ever bought her CDs?

    G. Really? Why?


  • 8. 用方框内所给词的适当形式完成下列句子(有一项多余)

    great    meet    send    finish    river    begin

    (1)、After the work, they moved to a new city.
    (2)、His parents him to school in Beijing in 1998.
    (3)、My parents make me my cousin at the airport.
    (4)、Changjiang River is one of the longest in the world.
    (5)、At the of the meeting, they sang a song together.


  • 9. 阅读理解

        Huang Yuxiang is a young musician from Taiwan, China. Yuxiang is blind(瞎的),but he tried his best to become an excellent pianist. He became well- known after he starred(担任主演) in a film called Touch of the Light. The film tells the story of his life.

        Yuxiang found music when he was only two years old. He heard his cousin playing a children's song on the piano. Yuxiang sat at the piano and copied the melody. He started to have music lessons a year after that. Today he plays in piano concerts, and he is a member of the group Baba Band.

        Yuxiang doesn't just perform. He also writes music for Chinese films and for fun. For Yuxiang, music isn't only about making money. It is one of the most important parts of his life.

    (1)、Yuxiang became famous after _____________________
    A、he was blind B、he played a role in a film. C、he started to learn music D、he performed in a band
    (2)、_____________________ could play the piano.
    A、Yuxiang's brother B、Yuxiang's parents C、Yuxiang's cousin D、Yuxiang's favourite film star
    (3)、Yuxiang started learning music at age _____________________.
    A、1 B、2 C、3 D、4
    (4)、Which of the following is NOT true?
    A、Yuxiang writes music for Chinese films. B、He could copy the melody when he was two. C、Music is all about money for Yuxiang. D、Yuxiang played in piano concerts.
    (5)、Which is the best title for the passage?
    A、Touch of the Light, a famous film B、Huang Yuxiang,a young musician C、How to become an excellent pianist D、Huang Yuxiang,a rich blind man