
试卷更新日期:2021-07-20 类型:期末考试


  • 1. To cross the road _________________, we should know about the road _________________.
    A、safe, safely B、safely, safely C、safety, safe
  • 2. This Children's Day was an _________________ day. We were all _________________.
    A、exciting, excitedly B、excited, exciting C、exciting, excited
  • 3. Nick is a good boy. He _________________ goes to bed early and _________________ feels sleepy in class.
    A、never, often B、always, often C、always, never
  • 4. Don't use _________________ plastic bags. They're bad for the Earth.
    A、too much B、too many C、so much
  • 5. There will _________________ a fashion show next month.
    A、have B、is C、be
  • 6. Mr. Green has a healthy diet. He often has _________________ for lunch.
    A、a hamburger and much cola B、some bread and vegetables C、a lot of sweet food
  • 7. — Would you like to watch TV with me?

    — _________________, but I have to finish my homework first.

    A、I'm sorry B、No, l can't C、Yes, I'd love to
  • 8. There's always a lot of _________________ here in autumn.
    A、rain B、raining C、rainy
  • 9. 下面哪组单词划线部分的读音相同?
    A、The boy is full of joy. B、Do you know the teacher in a brown coat? C、I can read the word. It's "horse". D、I come to see this bear every year.
  • 10. Su Hai and Liu Tao are _________________ their plans _________________ the summer holiday.
    A、talking about, to B、talking to, about C、talking about, for
  • 11. I called you yesterday, but you _________________ at home.
    A、aren't B、weren't   C、didn't
  • 12. I can see _________________ orange juice in the bottle.
    A、a B、an C、some
  • 13. — When _________________ your sister _________________ back to New York?

    — Tomorrow morning.

    A、will, go B、does, go C、is, going
  • 14. — _________________ did you have lessons last winter holiday?

    — On the Internet.

    A、What B、How C、How long
  • 15. Children usually get red packets and watch fireworks at this festival. It's the _________________.
    A、Dragon Boat Festival B、Mid-Autumn Festival C、Spring Festival
  • 16. There're many great inventions. Chinese invented _________________.
    A、the train B、the compass C、the plane
  • 17. — Do you like this book The Wandering Earth?

    — Yes. Liu Cixin wrote it. He is my favorite _________________.

    A、writer B、football player C、artist
  • 18. In the UK, people drive on _______________ of the road.
    A、the right side B、the left side C、both sides
  • 19. You can find _______________ in Canada.
    A、Yellowstone National Park B、Buckingham Palace C、Niagara Falls
  • 20. When you meet an English woman, you shouldn't say" _______________" to her.
    A、What a fine day! B、You look so beautiful today. C、How old are you?




  • 36. 从下列每组单词中选择一个与其他三个不同类的一项。
    A、weather B、cloudy C、snowy D、sunny
    A、coal B、oil C、energy D、wood
    A、traffic B、taxi C、bike D、underground
    A、Japanese B、American C、English D、China
    A、singer B、pianist C、work D、driver


  • 37. 排序:

    A. Then the meat dropped down into the fox's mouth.

    B. A fox walked by and wanted to eat the meat.

    C. "You are good at singing. Please sing a song for me." said the fox.

    D. One day, a crow had a piece of meat in her mouth.

    E. The crow was so happy and opened her mouth.

  • 38. 排序:

    A. The zebra crossing is here. Let's cross the road.

    B. Three, two, one. Here's the green light. Can we go and cross it now?

    C. Look! There're so many cars and buses. How can we cross the road?

    D. First, we must look for a zebra crossing.

    E. Stop! It's red now. We must wait.
    F. Sure. Let's go.


  • 39. A: What do you want to be in the ?

    B: I want to be a .

    A: Why?

    B: Because I want to take of sick people.

  • 40. A: When's the party going to ?

    B: At two o'clock in the afternoon.

    A: When's it going to ?

    B: At five o'clock in the afternoon.


  • 41. 读句子,选择与句子相符的图片。

    A.   B.   C.   D.  E.

    (1)、At midnight, some little naked elves were singing as they started to work.
    (2)、A woman came into the room. "Look at these mice! I'll catch you!"
    (3)、Vicki whispered to Azul, "Play with your heart, not with your fingers."
    (4)、Toby made Nana Bear a special card with lots of care and lots of love.
    (5)、The wolf usually sat on a large piece of rock, looked like a big sheep dog from a distance.
  • 42. 选词填空。Ready to rain(《风雨来临》)

    A. children    B. cows    C. flowers   D. gulls    E. bees

    (1)、In a meadow, the gather close to the hive.
    (2)、The see the rising waves and stay away from the water.
    (3)、The see the darkened sky and hide their scarlet faces.
    (4)、The on the farm huddle under a tree as the wind blows over their backs.
    (5)、The are frightened by the storm, but their mother pours them hot chocolate.


  • 43. 完形填空。

    The People's Republic of China is one of the biggest countries in the world. Many people come to visit it every year. In the PRC, you can visit the Great Wall and1. 2is the capital of the PRC. 3are the most popular animals. They are cute and they like eating bamboo very much. Table tennis is a very popular4. Many Chinese children usually play it after school. Chinese people usually have5for meals.

    A、Stonehenge B、Uluru C、the Palace Museum
    A、Canberra B、London C、Beijing
    A、Monkeys B、Koalas C、Pandas
    A、food B、sport C、subject
    A、sausages B、cereal C、rice


  • 44. 阅读下列内容,选出最佳答案。

    Many children watch a circus show(马戏表演)with their parents on Christmas Eve. As soon as the clown shows up(登场), everyone is happy except a little girl in the first row. There is no smile on her face. The clown tries his best to make the girl laugh. But he doesn't succeed. Why? In fact, the girl can't see anything from birth. She can't understand the happiness. After listening, the clown gets silent(沉默). He says to the girl, "Let me show you again. This time, please touch(触摸) my face and body." The clown begins his show. His face and body keep moving(一直在动). Gradually, the girl works out(感受到)a bear and a pig. She seems(好像)to see them. She finally laughs. "I have never been so happy. Dad, Mum, l know the clown. He is the best Christmas present!" the girl says happily.

    (1)、The story happens on _________________.
    A、the girl's birthday B、Children's Day C、Christmas Eve
    (2)、The word "succeed" means(意思是) _________________.
    A、放弃 B、成功 C、失败
    (3)、The little girl can't _________________ anything.
    A、hear B、see C、touch
    (4)、The clown is _________________.
    A、foolish B、angry C、clever and kind
    (5)、Which sentence is right(正确的)?
    A、The girl becomes happy at last. B、The girl can see the clown at last. C、When the clown shows up, all the children are happy.
  • 45. 阅读短文,根据短文内容,完成下列表格,每空一词。

    Can you travel with your home? Some people in the US might say "Yes!" During holidays, some families take their recreational vehicles(RVs房车) and go on a road trip(旅行)across the country.

    People call RVs "houses on wheels(车轮)". From a kitchen and bathroom to beds, you can find most of the things you'd find in an ordinary(普通的)home.

    Compared(和…相比) with real(真正的) houses, RVs are small. But they can make your trip much easier.

    You can drive as long as you like. Or you can stop somewhere nice and stay there fora few weeks. On the road, you might(也许)also meet other traveling families. Together, you can take out your tents and snacks. It's fun to camp together!

    But these moving homes also have problems(问题). They can sometimes break down(出故障). But they are still very popular. People can use them to go anywhere at any time.

    Travel in recreational vehicles(RVs)房车出行

    What is an RV?

    Advantages(优点)of RVs

    Disadvantages(缺点)of RVs

    In the , people often go on road trips in RVs.

    * People call them houses on wheels because they have kitchens, bathrooms and beds.

    *Compare with a real house, RVs are. You can go anywhere you want.

    * You can stop somewhere nice andthere for a few weeks.

    * You can share your tent and snacks with other families.

    * Sometimes, these moving homes can on the road.


  • 46. 同学们,请根据提示,写一篇介绍你好朋友Jack的短文。(要求:短文不少于5句话,不包含所给的句子。可适当添加内容,做到意思连贯,书写规范。)

    Jack is my best friend.