
试卷更新日期:2021-07-13 类型:中考模拟


  • 1. What did the boy's sister use to be like?
    A、She used to wear glasses. B、She used to be tall. C、She used to have long hair.
  • 2. Who went to a science museum on National Day?
    A、Billy and Jack. B、Billy and Sandy. C、Sandy and Jack.
  • 3. What subject does the girl like better?
    A、P.E. B、Music. C、Art.
  • 4. When will they get to Beijing?
    A、At 10:55. B、At 10:45. C、At 10:15.
  • 5. Which festival are the two speakers talking about?
    A、The Dragon Boat Festival. B、The Mid­Autumn Festival. C、The Spring Festival.


  • 6. 听一段较长对话,回答问题。
    (1)、How many tomatoes does the boy need?
    A、A half. B、One. C、Two.
    (2)、How long does it take the boy to make the egg and tomato soup?
    A、Ten. B、Five. C、A quarter.
  • 7. 听一段较长对话,回答问题。
    (1)、When will the library open to the public?
    A、On October 3rd. B、On October 13th. C、On October 23rd.
    (2)、What kind of books does Anna like?
    A、Books with stories. B、Books about history. C、Books about libraries.
    (3)、How many people will go there together?
    A、One. B、Two. C、Three.


  • 8. 听短文回答问题
    (1)、What will be held to welcome new students?
    A、A lunch party. B、A dancing party. C、A dinner party.
    (2)、Where will the party be held?
    A、At Blonde Hall. B、On Smith Street. C、At school.
    (3)、How long will the party last?
    A、For 4 hours. B、For 3 hours. C、For 5 hours.
    (4)、What does the speaker say about Smith Street?
    A、It is very long. B、It is under repair. C、It is crowded.
    (5)、Why is the speaker giving this talk?
    A、Because he wants to welcome new students. B、Because he wants to invite students to a party. C、Because he wants to correct the mistakes.


  • 9. 朗读短文

    Hello, everyone! I'm glad to be here to share my dream with you. I want to be a computer programer when I grow up. The reason is that I'm interested in programing and I want to write programs to make people's life easier. In order to realize my dream, I'm going to study hard at school. I'm also going to read books about successful programers so that I can learn from them. I believe as long as I try my best, my dream will come true one day.

    That's all. Thank you.


  • 10. 你将听到两个问题,请根据情景提示的内容用英语进行回答。




  • 11. 听录音,请用英语进行话题表述,你的表述应不少于7句话。






  • 12. 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    My daughter cried as soon as she entered the door and shouted, "It's too unfair! " It 1that she was talking to her deskmate while having a math class. And they were caught by the teacher;2of them were punished after class. "There were some other classmates talking at that time, but the teacher only punished us. He just did it to warn others! " she said 3.

    I knew that my daughter really 4 this matter. I calmed her down first and then I asked her patiently, "Should you be punished for speaking when you are having a class?" She 5, but also replied, "It is unfair for the teacher not to punish others who are also speaking! " I asked her again, "Should the teacher punish you?" She said, "Yes, but. . . " I knew what she was going to say and I 6 her at once, "Don't talk about others, just look at yourself. " She 7 her head silently. "You know what the 8 of speaking in class is. You did it and got the punishment. It's fair! " I said.

    After hearing my words, she seemed not as angry 9 when she first entered the door. She asked me, "How about those classmates who are also talking in class?" I replied, "The teacher didn't punish these students not because of a special 10 for them, but because he chose to forgive(宽恕)them. From your 11of view, the teacher is unfair, but for those students he is forgiving, not unfair. " My daughter was confused(困惑). "Do you say there is anything unfair in this world?" I said. "Look! This earth is round, and there is no place in the world where the sun can't shine, so what could be wrong?But it 12what angle(角度)you stand at. "

    Actually, everyone is very 13 about what they are doing and knowing whether they behave right or wrong. But when they are 14 others, the sense of unfairness naturally comes. The most important thing is to understand fairness in a 15 way, not from your opinion only!

    A、hung out B、turned out C、found out D、came out
    A、all B、either C、both D、neither
    A、excitedly B、happily C、sadly D、angrily
    A、cared about B、thought about C、believed in D、stuck to
    A、shouted B、nodded C、said D、cried
    A、spoke B、told C、asked D、stopped
    A、raised B、lowered C、shook D、rose
    A、difficulty B、weakness C、price D、goodness
    A、as B、so C、but D、at
    A、punishment B、love C、treat D、agreement
    A、place B、point C、opinion D、side
    A、comes from B、works out C、calls for D、depends on
    A、clear B、careful C、worried D、afraid
    A、comparing with B、compared to C、compared with D、comparing to
    A、longer B、deeper C、wider D、further


  • 13. 阅读理解

    How to take the high­speed rail?

    All passengers must buy a ticket before getting into the entrance of high­speed Rail Station. You can choose to buy tickets online or at the station. You can get into the station without a paper ticket but you can't without the ID card. So don't forget to take it with you. Make sure you have known your check­in counter and check­in time and listen to the radio carefully while waiting. As usual, the check­in service stops five minutes before the train starts. After checking in, find the color landmark with the number on your ticket. When you get in the train, find your seat and sit down. Please pay attention to the time when you arrive at the station.

    Something you may not know about the high­speed rail;

    ●There are always heated water for 24 hours on the train.

    ●Pets are not allowed on the train.

    ●One can charge the phone because there is a power outlet(插座)under the seat.

    ●For more information, you can call at 12306 or ask at the local station.

    (1)、What do the passengers must take while taking the high­speed rail?
    A、Their tickets. B、Their phone. C、Their ID cards. D、Their luggage.
    (2)、If the departure time(出发时间)of your train is 9:00, when does the check­in stop?
    A、9:05. B、9:00. C、8:55. D、8:50.
    (3)、What can the passengers do on the train according to the passage?
    A、Take pets with them. B、Have hot tea. C、Talk on the phone loudly. D、Call at 12305 for more information.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    There are many animals in an animal city, such as peacocks, elephants, ducks, cats, etc. One of the peacocks is very beautiful. He is very proud and he shows himself in front of other animals all day and he always says how beautiful he is. When other animals have difficulties, he is never willing to help them and sometimes laughs at them. So the animals hate him and never play with him.

    One morning, the peacock went out to play. He walked around and got lost. When he was nervous, he saw an old elephant swimming in the lake, and he walked up to the elephant with his head raised and his beautiful tail spread, and then he asked, "Hey! How can I get to the nearby park?" The elephant ignored him. The peacock thought he could not hear, and asked again, "Hey! How can I go to the nearby park?" The elephant still didn't look at him, and then the peacock shouted, "Hey! How can I go to the nearby park?Hey! Didn't you hear me?I'm asking you! Are you a deaf?" Then the elephant turned around and looked at him, but he did not say any words and turned to swim.

    Then a cat came from a distance. The cat walked next to the elephant and asked, "Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to the nearby park?" The elephant answered with a smile, "Well, just go this way to the end and turn left. " At that time, the peacock realized that the elephant ignored him on purpose, so he asked loudly, "Why would you tell the kitten, but you wouldn't tell me?" The elephant turned around and said, "When you say, 'Hey!' Who do you ask?Didn't you see it just now?The kitten was so polite to me. What about you?What you only know is to show off yourself. You can't blame others who ignored you. "

    After listening to the elephant, the face of the peacock turned red. He lowered his head, and said, "Thank you for your teaching, I will correct it. " Since then, ________.

    (1)、What's the personality of the peacock in the passage?
    A、Friendly. B、Helpful. C、Politely. D、Proud.
    (2)、What was the reaction(反应)of the elephant when the peacock asked his questions at first?
    A、He pointed out the direction of the nearby park politely. B、He totally ignored the peacock on purpose. C、He couldn't hear his question at all because he is a deaf. D、He'd like to help but he couldn't.
    (3)、Why did the elephant tell the cat the way to the park?
    A、Because the cat is his relative. B、Because the cat gave some money to the elephant. C、Because the cat was polite to the elephant. D、Because he wanted to make the peacock angry by doing this.
    (4)、Which of the following is the best for the blank at the end of the story?
    A、the elephant tells the peacock the way to the park B、the description of the beautiful peacock C、the peacock treats other animals politely D、the peacock continues looking down on other animals
  • 15. 阅读理解

    Now, most countries around the world have some sorts of bread in their food culture. No matter what shape or taste it has, people need bread. It not only helps them to make a living but also to feel satisfied and comfortable. Maybe that is how the word "bread" got its slang meaning.

    Bread means money in some English expressions. If you "make a lot of bread" at a job, your boss is paying you well. But if you are "out of bread", you do not have any way to pay for your bills. You are broke!

    Even though "bread" above means "money", the word "breadwinner" does not mean someone who has won money in a competition. A "breadwinner" is a person who makes money for others. They are the ones who pay the bills in a family like your parents. So, we also call a breadwinner a "provider".

    It would be not nice if someone "took the bread out of your mouth". But that does not mean they stole your sandwich while you were eating it. This expression means they took away your ability to make money or your way to make money. If your bread is taken out of your mouth, you could end up living by governments' help.

    A "breadline" is a group of people asking for food from government. In the 1930s, during the economic depression(经济大萧条)in the United States, it was common to see hundreds of people in big cities waiting on breadlines. So, being "on the breadline" describes someone who depends on food donations to live.

    And that's the end of today's Word Story. If you want to learn some other "bread" expressions, please listen to FM 88. 9 at 6:00 pm tomorrow. I am Anna Mateo. Bye!

    (1)、Who is the "breadwinner" in a family?
    A、Your mother who only looks after the family. B、Your father who makes money outside. C、Your brother who wins money in a singing competition. D、Your sister who is good at making bread.
    (2)、What is the passage mainly about?
    A、Different kinds of bread. B、Different slang meanings of the word "bread". C、Different shapes and tastes of bread. D、Different ways to make bread.
    (3)、If you lost your job and couldn't get any money, ________.
    A、you will become a member of the breadline B、you are taking the bread out of someone's mouth C、you are making a lot of bread D、you may have to steal for living
    (4)、Where could you learn this article?
    A、On a website. B、In a food book. C、In a magazine. D、On the radio.
  • 16. 阅读理解

    Imagine having an animal as your teacher. How much do you think one could learn from a hippopotamus(河马)?At the Cincinnati Zoo, a baby hippo named Fiona is helping to educate young people across the United States.

    Fiona was born at the Cincinnati Zoo in January 2017. She was born nearly two months early, before her body was strong. That meant her body was smaller than that of other baby hippos. She weighed only 13 kilograms at birth. That is about one­third the size of a normal, fully developed baby hippopotamus. Her birth weight was so low that Fiona's caregivers feared she might not survive(生存). She was also unable to stand or take milk from her mother.

    But thanks to special treatments and assistance from hospital workers, Fiona stayed healthy. By her first birthday, she had grown to 318 kilograms, a healthy weight for a hippopotamus that age. Some experts believe Fiona is the smallest hippo ever to survive.

    Her story got the national attention because of stories on traditional and social media. The young hippo is now a symbol for the Cincinnati Zoo. The zoo has used her name and image to sell a great deal of merchandize, including clothing and toys. She is also the star of at least six books and she is a very popular subject for library and classroom activities.

    The latest book is called Saving Fiona, which aims at young readers, telling them the story of Fiona's struggle to survive. It also encourages people not to lose hope and never give up.

    (1)、According to the passage, how much does a fully developed baby hippopotamus weigh?
    A、39 kilograms. B、13 kilograms. C、50 kilograms. D、5 kilograms.
    (2)、How did Fiona survive in the end?
    A、She survived naturally. B、With the joint efforts of hospital workers. C、She got the national attention because of all kinds of media. D、She drank the milk from her mother.
    (3)、What does the underlined word "merchandize" mean?
    A、药品 B、商品 C、推销 D、经商
    (4)、Which of the following is TRUE?
    A、By Fiona's second birthday, she had grown to 318 kilograms. B、Fiona's caregivers were sure that she could survive when she was born. C、Experts all believe Fiona is the smallest hippo ever to survive. D、The latest book called Saving Fiona encourages people not to give up.


  • 17. 请阅读下面内容,根据图片提示,从A-F中选出正确的选项与图片配对,填入题中空格。有一个选项为多余选项。

    The Spring Festival in 2020 was really special when China was making an effort to fight against the COVID-19. As a Chinese, what should we do to show our civility during this period? Let's take a look.

    Let's do the above things and be a civilized person! As long as we pull together, I believe we can get over the epidemic soon!

    A. Follow the rules in your neighborhood.

    B. Cover your nose and mouth when coughing.

    C. Never party or dine together.

    D. Wear a mask when going out.

    E. Drink more water every day.

    F. Don't shake hands or hug when meeting.



  • 18. It took him five hours to(到达)the school where his son studied.
  • 19. Lots of parents agree that they should encourage their children to make their own (决定).
  • 20. The doctor advised me to take the (药)after meals three times a day.
  • 21. He thought for a long time and tried to remember (确切地)what he said.
  • 22. Nowadays, online shopping is much more(方便的).
  • 23. People around the world were shocked after hearing about the (死亡)of NBA player Kobe Bryant.
  • 24. After hearing his mother's explanation, he completely (理解)the true meaning of this story.
  • 25. We are having a heated(讨论)on whether students should wear school uniforms.
  • 26. The foreigners begin to buy more and more products made in China, especially those from (欧洲).
  • 27. I think John has already (收到)my package, or he will call me to ask about it.

十一、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空, 每词仅用一次(每空一词)。(5分)

  • 28. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空, 每词仅用一次(每空一词)。

    use  common  other  subject  teach

    Nowadays, working as a tutor in the free time is more and more for a college student. But what is a tutor?A tutor is a private teacher who a certain student or a small group of students. So if you are good at some , why not work as a tutor?It's a win­win thing because you make full of your time and make money at the same time. All you need to do is to make a proper ad of your service by using college newspapers and tools to spread your information.


  • 29. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

    The Yellow Crane Tower(黄鹤楼) (lie)on the Yangtze River in Wuhan. It is said that it (build)in 223 AD during the Three Kingdoms period. It has five floors and every floor has (it)own characteristic(特色). On the first floor, there is a 9­meter long and 6­meter wide picture _(show)a romantic scene of the Yellow Crane Tower. The floor is about the history of the Yellow Crane Tower, through painting, models, and electronic screens, just like being there person. On the third floor, you could see many poems written by the poets who came (admire)the fantastic view of the Yangtze River and Wuhan City.

    As we all know, at the (begin)of 2020, the Yellow Crane Tower just witnessed(见证)the (success)battle against COVID­19 of Wuhan. It is not only a landmark building, a symbol of the heroic city and heroic people in Wuhan right now.


  • 30. 初中三年,同学们都专注于学习,很少参加社会实践活动。暑期将至,学校希望学生能够安排好自己的暑期生活。下表是学校给学生提出的一些活动建议,请学生写一篇英语短文,表明选择意向及选择理由,并把短文发表到校英语报中。

    Advice for students

    ◆ Get a part­time job

    ◆ Develop a hobby

    ◆ Volunteer in a library

    ◆ Learn to do housework

    ◆ Take a trip

    ◆ . . .





    短文首句:Summer vacation is coming. I am going to make a full plan for this holiday.