
试卷更新日期:2021-07-13 类型:中考模拟

一、听小对话回答问题(计5分) 本部分共有5道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,选出你认为最合适的备选答案。

  • 1. Where is Alice now?
    A、At home. B、At the supermarket. C、At school.
  • 2. Who has got longer hair?
    A、Sam. B、Tom. C、Tina.
  • 3. How is the weather today?
    A、Windy. B、Rainy. C、Sunny.
  • 4. What would the woman like to eat?
    A、Beef noodles. B、Vegetable noodles. C、Tomato noodles.
  • 5. When did the woman become an art teacher?
    A、In 2004. B、In 2006. C、In 2008.

二、听较长对话回答问题(计5分) 本部分共有5道小题,你将听到两段较长对话,选出你认为最合适的备选答案。

  • 6. 听一段较长对话,回答问题。
    (1)、How many hours does the woman probably spend on the Internet a week?
    A、About 2 or 3 hours. B、About 3 or 4 hours. C、About 3 or 5 hours.
    (2)、What does the woman like to do?
    A、Surf the Internet. B、Read e­mails. C、Write letters in ink.
  • 7. 听一段较长对话,回答问题。
    (1)、What does the woman want to buy?
    A、A brown skirt. B、A V­neck T-­shirt. C、A T­-shirt with pockets.
    (2)、What size does the woman wear?
    A、32. B、33. C、34.
    (3)、What does the woman think of the yellow T-­shirt?
    A、The color doesn't match. B、The size is too large.      C、The price is reasonable.


  • 8. 本部分共有5道小题,你将听到一篇短文,选出你认为最合适的备选答案。
    (1)、When did the accident happen?
    A、On a Friday afternoon. B、On a Saturday afternoon.      C、On a Friday morning.
    (2)、Who did the writer meet on her way downstairs?
    A、A young woman. B、A little girl. C、An old lady.
    (3)、Where did the writer move her?
    A、To a close house. B、To a small open area. C、To a big forest.
    (4)、Why did the writer call her parents?
    A、She forgot her dog Bobby. B、She wanted to make sure that they were safe. C、She forgot her bag.
    (5)、What was the danger?
    A、An earthquake. B、A rainstorm. C、A forest fire.


  • 9. 朗读短文

    To my dear class,

    Every time I am working late in my hospital, I think of you all. Time flies, but it is always on my mind what we were doing before that scary moment. We were just back from a P. E. class and waiting for the math exam. Ming was drinking a big bottle of water. Lin was telling a joke as he always did during the break. I was going over the math test papers, hoping it could help a little in the exam. We didn't even realize what happened when the math teacher appeared and shouted to us to run. It was too late. When I was saved from the school building, I didn't know I had lost all of you. When I did, I decided to do what I am doing now. But can I save you all from the pain?


  • 10. 你将听到两个问题,请根据情景提示的内容用英语进行回答。




  • 11. 听录音,请用英语进行话题表述,你的表述应不少于7句话。







  • 12. 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    When I was young, I was afraid to be seen with my father. He was1and short. When we walked together, he would put his hands on my arm for balance(平衡). Every time, people would look, so I would be 2 of the unwanted attention.

    It was difficult for him to keep up with my 3—his slow, mine impatient, so we didn't talk much as we 4. But as we started out, he always said, "You set the pace. I will try to follow you. "

    We usually walk from the subway to work. Even in bad 5, he never missed a day. He would go to the office 6 others could not. My sister or I would 7 him through the streets on a child's sleigh(雪橇)when it was snowy.

    When I think of it now, I am surprised at how much 8 it must have taken for him to stand such shame. And I am also surprised at how he could 9 complain. He never talked about himself as something of 10, nor did he show any anger of the unfair life. What he 11 in others was a "good heart".

    Now I believe it is a good way in 12 to value people, even though I still don't know 13 what a "good heart" is. But I know the times I don't have one myself.

    My father 14 many years ago, but I think of him when I complain about my troubles, when I doubt the 15 life, when I don't have a "good heart". How I wish I could put my hands on his arm and say, "You set the pace. I will try to follow you. "

    A、disabled B、wounded C、weak D、ill
    A、tired B、bored C、satisfied D、embarrassed
    A、speed B、time C、pace D、need
    A、went through B、went with C、went on D、went along
    A、condition B、weather C、time D、environment
    A、even if B、as if C、what if D、only if
    A、carry B、pull C、take D、bring
    A、stress B、strength C、courage D、bravery
    A、not B、never C、even D、ever
    A、pity B、problem C、mistake D、trouble
    A、cared about B、looked for C、focused on D、relied on
    A、that B、which C、what D、how
    A、surely B、simply C、exactly D、correctly
    A、passed by B、passed through C、passed down D、passed away
    A、unfair B、unhappy C、unlucky D、unusual


  • 13. 阅读理解

    April Showers Bring May Flowers

    From the golden fields of America

    to the ancient kingdoms of Palestine,

    there is a happy truth to be shared with:

    April showers bring May flowers.

    5 This is a truth that promises

    light bursting from darkness,

    strength born from weakness,

    and life emerging from death.

    Farmers all over the world know:

    10 there is a season to plant

    and a season to harvest;

    everything must be done in its own time.

    The rain pours down,

    the man of the field smiles.

    15 He knows the rain in the month of April,

    gives rise to the growing crops of May.

    April showers bring May flowers

    it is an invaluable message of hope.

    When you are in a season of sadness,

    20 a season of ________ is around the corner.

    (1)、According to the poem, the best word for the blank in Line 20 is ________.
    A、satisfaction B、pride C、happiness D、surprise
    (2)、What's the meaning of the underlined word in Line 8?
    A、Appearing. B、Coming. C、Showing. D、Presenting.
    (3)、What's the writer's purpose of writing this poem?
    A、To encourage people to have hope for their lives. B、To advise people to follow nature's rules. C、To suggest people to admire the beauty of nature. D、To inspire people to love their lives.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Every day, we produce tons of waste, such as plastic bottles, leftover food and used papers, which need to be thrown into different bins(垃圾桶)separately. Garbage sorting is becoming a hot topic, which is paid attention to by different countries.

    In China, people are required to separate garbage into four groups: wet, recyclable, harmful and dry. To encourage garbage sorting, Chinese government has worked with Alipay to create a "green account(账户)" service for people. If users sort their garbage correctly, they will get points, which can be used to exchange for milk, phone cards and other presents through the Alipay App.

    A UK company has invented a "smart bin" to help with garbage sorting. People just need to drop their garbage into the bin. A camera and sensors(感应器)in the bin can tell what kind of garbage it is and correctly sort it. The bin also compresses(压缩)the waste so it takes up less space.

    Japan is leading the world in garbage sorting. They sort garbage so carefully that even plastic bottles and their caps(瓶盖)go into different bins. Different kinds of paper products—newspapers, magazines and cartons—also have their own bins. Factories also make bags, clothes and dolls out of waste for a better recycle.

    South Korea is using a method called "Pay For Your Trash" to encourage people to reduce food waste. When throwing away trash, people have to separate their food waste from their other waste and put it in a bin. The smart bin then weighs the food to count how much people should pay for it. The more they throw away, the more they pay.

    Different ways are used in different countries to sort their garbage. The goal is to reduce pollution and save resources, which helps to improve our living environment.

    (1)、According to the passage, people should pay for their trash in _______.
    A、China B、the UK C、Japan D、South Korea
    (2)、From the passage,we know that ________.
    A、Magazines and plastic bottles could be thrown into one bin in Japan B、People in China can exchange some milk by sorting their trash C、A camera and sensors in the bin can compress the waste in the UK D、Factories in Japan recycle waste to make money
    (3)、What writing skill does the author use in this passage?
    A、Making comparisons. B、Using numbers. C、Giving explanations. D、Giving examples.
    (4)、The passage is probably in the ________ part of a magazine.
    A、education B、sport C、travel D、life
  • 15. 阅读理解

    Zhong Nanshan, the 85­-year-­old expert, went to fight against the outbreak of COVID­-19 without hesitation. What he did touched people in the whole nation and he won the Medal of the Republic(共和国勋章) in September, 2020.

    Dr. Zhong was born in 1936 into a doctor family. Following the family tradition, he studied in medical school in Peking University. When he was in the university, Zhong broke the national record of 400meter hurdle, so he was even chosen to be a professional athlete. But he decided to teach in the university after he graduated in 1960. He started his career as a doctor in Guangzhou in 1971.

    During the SARS outbreak in 2003, Zhong was the first one to admit that the epidemic(疫情)was "not under control". When there was a mass panic(恐慌)among medical staff, Zhong risked his life and treated all the seriously ill patients in person. Finally, he developed the treating method for SARS.

    When facing the COVID19 outbreak, Zhong tried his best to seek useful ways to control the spread of new coronavirus(新型冠状病毒)and treat the infected patients. He also taught the public how to avoid being infected to stop the panic among people. After the epidemic was under control in April 2020, he joined in the vaccine(疫苗)development.

    "You need to bear in mind that the most important thing is not treating the disease, but treating the patient, " said Zhong during an interview. "We need to heal their hearts and treat the disease. " Zhong's life has always been closely connected with his patients and the development of the nation. He is a caring doctor, a virus fighter, and a guardian of the nation.

    (1)、Which is the right order of the following events?

    ①Zhong Nanshan was presented the Medal of the Republic.

    ②Zhong Nanshan graduated from the Peking University.

    ③Zhong Nanshan admitted the epidemic was "not under control".

    ④Zhong Nanshan taught the public how to avoid being infected.

    A、④③①② B、①②④③ C、②③④① D、④①②③
    (2)、Zhong Nanshan was presented Medal of the Republic because ______.
    A、he developed the COVID19 vaccine successfully by himself B、he risked his life to treat patients during the outbreak of SARS C、he taught the public how to prevent the virus and stop the panic D、he fought against new coronavirus and controlled the spread of it
    (3)、According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
    A、Zhong Nanshan always tries his best to treat patients. B、Zhong Nanshan did well in the national sports competition. C、Zhong Nanshan was 67 years old when SARS broke out. D、Zhong Nanshan became a doctor right after he graduated.
    (4)、What's the best title for this passage?
    A、Zhong Nanshan: from an athlete to a doctor B、Zhong Nanshan: a guardian of the nation C、Zhong Nanshan: a hard­working medical expert D、Zhong Nanshan: a famous graduate of Peking University
  • 16. 阅读理解

    How do you get from here to there?Like most people, you probably drive cars or take buses. The engines of most of the cars burn gasoline(汽油). To save gasoline, as well as to reduce air pollution, some car companies have begun to produce hybrid cars, which run both on gasoline and electricity.

    Hybrid cars are different from traditional cars. Traditional cars have large engines to deal with driving uphill and accelerate(加速), while hybrid cars have a small standard engine and a battery electric motor to provide electric power. Another difference is the braking(刹车)system. The electric motor is used to slow down the car instead of traditional brakes. When the car brakes, the motor produces electricity energy which is stored in the battery by itself. In traditional cars, the energy is wasted when braking. Also, in hybrid cars, the gasoline engine turns itself off when not needed. For example, when the car stops at a traffic light, the gasoline engine stops. It restarts when the driver steps on the gas pedal. (1) Hybrid cars consume less gas per mile and release less pollution than cars run on gasoline alone. (2) In general, hybrid cars have less power for climbing hills and less acceleration than cars with large engines. (3) In addition, the large batteries could be an environmental problem if they end up in a landfill(垃圾填埋地). (4) In this way, drivers must make careful decisions in buying any car.

    (1)、Hybrid cars are cars that run on ________.
    A、gasoline and solar energy B、electricity and gasoline C、solar energy and electricity D、wind energy and electricity
    (2)、Hybrid cars consumes less energy than traditional cars because hybrid cars ________.
    A、have large engine to speed up the car B、have traditional brakes to slow down the car C、have no energy wasting when stopping the car D、have electric power when restarting the car
    (3)、Where can we best put "However, there are still some downsides in hybrid cars. " in Para. 3?
    A、(1) B、(2) C、(3) D、(4)
    (4)、What's the author's attitude(态度)towards hybrid cars?
    A、Neutral(中立的). B、Supportive. C、Doubtful. D、Unclear.


  • 17. 请阅读下面一段话,根据图片提示,从A—F中选出正确的选项与图片配对。有一个选项为多余选项。

    Anxiety(焦虑)is a bad emotion which can have a bad influence on our daily lives. However, it is getting more and more common for students to have anxiety under the competition between peers. There are some ways for us to reduce anxiety.

    A. Improve feelings of wellbeing by doing exercise.

    B. Breathe deeply and slowly to reduce stress.

    C. Listen to some music and dance with your friends.

    D. Spend at least ten minutes practicing a hobby.

    E. Relax at home with friends to make you feel free.

    F. Get some sun exposure for at least 15 minutes a day.




  • 28. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次(每空一词)。

    increase  easy  more  with  convenient

    If you're feeling hungry, what's the way to feed your stomach?Many of us will take out the mobile phone and order on the takeaway(外卖)delivery apps. Though takeaway delivery is popular all over the world, there are still some problems about it. Eating takeaway food with too salt, sugar and fat may cause obesity and the risk of developing cardiovascular(心血管)diseases. Chemicals from the plastic container can be absorbed into food at a high temperature, which may probably lead to cancer. strict rules, it's also hard to make sure the quality of the takeaway food is good enough. In this way, some experts say that enjoying the of takeaway delivery is harmful to our health.


  • 29. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

    When I was four, I started worrying my brother Joe, who was born prematurely(早产). Weak as he was, he spent the early weeks struggling with death. He survived but we (tell)he had cerebral palsy(脑瘫), which meant he might never have the (able)to walk.

    Things always seemed (go)from bad to worse as he was growing up. Going to school meant being laughed at by others. Finding a job and taking care of (he)was nearly impossible. Joe never complained but he felt blessed for being alive.

    Yesterday, I called Joe and said, "Hey, darling, how are you doing?" "Well, I'll just tell you my legs are hurting (bad)for days. " Hours later, when he couldn't stand the pain, Joe called 911. A nurse (phone)me this morning and told me that Joe was in the hospital getting medical (treat)for both legs. I called him later. Joe said, "Don't worry, sister. I'm just thankful for all these good people—the EMTs(急救人员), doctors and nurses who take such good care of me. "

    Joe has taught me that gratitude(感激)builds hope. We need to see clearly like my brother—not with our eyes, with our hearts. Gratitude is a light that shines in the soul, (turn)worry into hope, fear into joy, weakness into strength and worriers into warriors.


  • 30. 三年的初中生活即将结束,在这三年里,你肯定留下了很多美好的回忆,结交了很要好的朋友。在即将举行的毕业典礼中,请准备一篇毕业典礼的发言稿,谈谈毕业感想。内容包括:

    Your memories about the past three years

    train for sports meeting

    gain various knowledge

    Your plan about the coming summer vacation

    travel with parents

    Your best wishes for classmates and teachers





    Good morning, everyone,

    It's my great honor to stand here to deliver my speech.     ▲   

    Thank you for your listening.