外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 11 Body language 模块自主测试

试卷更新日期:2021-07-12 类型:同步测试


  • 1. They aren't ______________but______________.
    A、Japanese; Germans B、Japanese; Germen C、Japaneses; Germans D、Japaneses; Germen
  • 2. ______________polite to others.
    A、Be B、Being C、To be D、A, B & C
  • 3. Tom, ______________talk loudly. My little brother is sleeping.
    A、do B、does C、don't D、doesn't
  • 4. In some places, it isn't polite______________ at people when you talk.
    A、look B、to look C、looking D、to looking
  • 5. One of you will stay here, and the others will ______________.
    A、take away B、move away C、put away D、give away
  • 6. My Chinese teacher is a nice woman and she often comes into our classroom ______________.
    A、with smile B、with a smile C、in smiles D、in a smile
  • 7. —______________did Wang Li do?

    —He was a teacher.

    A、How B、What C、Where D、When
  • 8. Here______________ a pen and some books for you.
    A、be B、are C、is D、being
  • 9. They entered the room______________.
    A、arm with arm B、arm to arm C、arm in arm D、arm on arm
  • 10. We can't say______________.
    A、personal something B、anything personal C、personal anything D、something personal
  • 11. This car is ______________expensive for him ______________buy.
    A、very; to B、to; too C、too; to D、enough; to
  • 12. —Don't throw litter here!


    A、Yes, please B、You're welcome C、Me, too D、Sorry, I won't


  • 13. 完形填空

    It is interesting to visit another country. At the same time there are some problems when we don't know the1very well. It may be2to talk with the people there. We may not know how3the telephone in the country we visit. We may not know how to buy the4we need. In a strange country, we may not know where to eat or what to order in a5. It is not easy to decide how6to tip (付小费) waiters or taxi drivers. When we need help, we may not know how to ask for help. It's not pleasant to have an experience7that. But8a short time, we learn what to do and what to say. We learn9the life in another country, and then we may be10to leave.

    A、people B、country C、language D、words
    A、easy B、difficult C、happy D、frightened (害怕的)
    A、use B、uses C、to use D、using
    A、things B、something C、anything D、nothing
    A、school B、shop C、city D、restaurant
    A、often B、many C、long D、much
    A、as B、alike C、like D、likes
    A、before B、after C、for D、with
    A、enjoy B、enjoying C、enjoyed D、to enjoy
    A、angry B、glad C、worried D、sad


  • 14. 阅读理解

    Body language is an important part of communication (交流). If you want to communicate well, it's important to understand how you can (and can't) use your body to express what you mean, especially when you're in a foreign country.

    If a person is bored, he won't look at the person who is talking to him. He will find other things to do. He may also keep looking at his watch or a clock. If a person is open to you, his arms and legs will not be crossed (交叉的) And if a person is relaxed, you will know it by looking at his body. Even his breathing (呼吸) will be slower.

    Here are some examples of body language:

    Body language


    Sitting with legs crossed


    Sitting with legs apart

    Open, relaxed

    Walking with hands in pockets, head down


    Hands clasped (握紧) behind the back


    (1)、What can you do if you want to communicate well?
    A、Walk with hands in pockets. B、Use body language to express what you mean. C、Speak in public. D、Say something slowly.
    (2)、If a person is _____________, he won't look at the person who is talking.
    A、bored B、tired C、happy D、open
    (3)、If a person is relaxed, _____________.
    A、he will find other things to look at B、he will speak louder C、his breathing will be slower D、his breathing will be quicker
    (4)、Which of the following is NOT true?
    A、Walking with his head down, a person may be sad. B、When a person is angry, his hands are clasped behind his back. C、Sitting with legs apart, a person may be open and relaxed. D、If a person is open to you, his arms and legs will be crossed.
    (5)、What's the best title for the passage?
    A、Communication B、Body Language C、Some Feelings D、Health
  • 15. 阅读理解

    American people like to say "Thank you." when others help them or say something kind to them. People in many countries do so too. It's a very good habit (习惯). You should say "Thank you." when someone passes you salt on the table, or when someone says you do your work well, you buy a nice thing, or your city is very beautiful. "Thank you." is used not only between friends, but also between parents and children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives.

        "Excuse me." is another short sentence they use. When you hear someone say so behind you, you know that somebody wants to walk past you and doesn't want to hit you.

        It's not polite to interrupt (打扰) others when they are talking. If you want to speak to one of them, say "Excuse me." first, and then begin to talk. You should also do so when you want to cough or make some noise before others. Let's learn to say "Thank you." and "Excuse me.".

    (1)、You should say "_____________" when somebody helps you.
    A、Very good. B、Excuse me. C、Very well. D、Thank you.
    (2)、You should say "_____________" if you want to walk past someone and don't want to hit him.
    A、Excuse me. B、All right. C、Of course. D、Thank you.
    (3)、All the people _____________should use "Excuse me." and "Thank you.".
    A、in the world B、in America C、in China D、in England
    (4)、It's polite _____________others when they are talking.
    A、to interrupt B、not to interrupt C、interrupts D、interrupted
    (5)、From this passage we know_____________.
    A、how to be polite B、when to be good C、how to help others D、when to say "Thank you."




  • 26. Sometimes I get home at six o'clock. (对划线部分提问)

    do you get home at six o'clock?

  • 27. He hugged me when he left here. (同义句转换)

    He me when he left here.

  • 28. To look at people when you talk is not polite. (同义句转换)

    to look at people when you talk.

  • 29. Look at the blackboard carefully. (改为否定句)

    look at the blackboard carefully.

  • 30. You can't go to school by bike. (改为祈使句)

    to school by bike.



  • 34. 请你写一篇80词左右的文章介绍中国的一些习俗(customs),包括下面表格中的内容。


    shake hands, smile

    eating with others

    don't point at others with your chopsticks

    going to a party

    be on time or a few minutes late


    don't send a clock, choose a lucky number 8