
试卷更新日期:2021-06-26 类型:期中考试



  • 6. Laura is from ___________________ United States. She is ___________________ American girl.
    A、the; an B、/;an C、a; the
  • 7. — Where is Lisa?

    — She goes to the ___________________ to buy some vegetables.

    A、zoo B、kitchen C、supermarket
  • 8. We don't have ___________________ rice at home. Let's go shopping now!
    A、other B、some C、any
  • 9. Our teachers are very strict ___________________ us but we all like them.
    A、with B、to C、on
  • 10. All of us think it's ___________________ to get to school on time.
    A、funny B、important C、clean
  • 11. My grandma has ___________________ time to read newspapers.
    A、a lot B、lot of C、lots of
  • 12. — Helen, don't ___________________ to come here before 6; 30.

    — OK. I'll arrive on time.

    A、remember B、want C、forget
  • 13. Look! They ___________________ over there.
    A、talk B、talks C、are talking
  • 14. ___________________ do they get to school, by bike or by bus?
    A、How far B、How long C、How
  • 15. — What can Lin Tao do?

    — ___________________.

    A、He likes sports B、He can play the drums C、He is fine


  • 16. 从方框内选择正确选项。(方框中有一个选项与对话内容无关)

    A. I'd love to, but I can't go out at night.

    B. What animals do you like best?

    C. Can I go with you?

    D. What are you doing now?

    E. what about you?

    F. I'll go to the zoo with my family tomorrow.

    A: Hello, Mike. This is Becky.

    B: Hi, Becky.

    A; I'm doing my homework.

    B: I'm listening to a CD. Do you want to go to the movies this evening?

    A: This is one of my family rules.

    B: Then how about tomorrow?

    A: I'm sorry.

    B: The zoo? I like animals, too.

    A: Sure. Let's meet at my home at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow.

    B: OK. See you then.


  • 17. 根据对话内容,填写适当的话语,使对话完整、正确。

    A: Let's join a club. do you want to join?

    B: Oh, I don't know.

    A: Well. ? Can you play chess? Do you want to join the chess club?

    B: No, I can't play chess.

    A: Do you like music?

    B: And I can sing.

    A: Great! Can you dance?

    B: But I can play the guitar.

    A: Can you play the piano?

    B: Yes, I can.

    A: I think we can join the music club.

    B: , let's join now.


  • 18. 从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文。(方框中有两个选项是多余的)

    A. her   B. under   C. must   D. help   E. Where   F. watch

    G. drive   H. find  I. breakfast   J. run   K. making   L. T-shirt

    It's 7: 20 a.m. on the first day of school. What are the Greens doing now?

    Tom is looking for his favorite blue ."Mom, come and me. I can't find my T-shirt," he says to Mrs. Green.

    "I'm food for you," says Mrs. Green. "Look for it your bed. It's over there."

    Lisa is in her room. And she is doing hone work.

    "Don't do it, Lisa,"Mrs. Green says to her. "Food is OK. Come and have ."

    "No, Mom, " says Lisa," I finish it, or Miss Smith will ask me to on the playground(操场)."

    " is your dad?" Mrs. Green asks. "He needs to you to school." Where is Mr. Green? Haha... He is sleeping in his room!

    What about your morning of the weekday?


  • 19. 阅读下面的信息,选择正确答案。

    I'm Linda. I come from Shanghai. I have four friends. They come from different countries. Do you want to know what they are doing now? Let's have a look.





    New York


    6:00 p.m.

    9:00 p.m.

    7:00 p.m.

    1:00 p.m.












    Going home

    Having dinner


    Having lunch

    (1)、What may "Moscow" be?
    A、A boy's name. B、A city(城巿). C、An animal. D、A shop.
    (2)、Where is Julia from?
    A、Beijing. B、London. C、New York. D、Paris.
    (3)、Who is having lunch now?
    A、Jack. B、Mary. C、Jenny. D、Julia.
    (4)、Now it is 8:00 p. m. in Paris. What time is it in Moscow?
    A、10:00 p.m. B、8:00 p.m. C、7:00 p.m. D、2:00 p. m.
    (5)、Which of the following is TRUE?
    A、Jack is having dinner now. B、Mary is in London now. C、It's in the morning in Paris now. D、Jenny is 12 years old.
  • 20. 阅读理解

    On Saturday morning, Roy and Jackson go fishing(钓鱼). Roy takes Bingo with him to the river. When the dog sees a butterfly(蝴蝶), he wants to run after it and tries to catch it. "All the fish are afraid and swim away!" says Jackson. "Be quiet! Bingo," Roy shouts(喊) at the dog. But Bingo doesn't listen to him.

    "I think we have to go home now,Jackson. Next time, I will not bring him here again." "Wait!" says Jackson. "A fish is biting my line." "Look out!" shouts Roy. But it is too late. Jackson falls into(掉入)the water. "Help! Help!" shouts Jackson. But Roy can't swim. Just then, Bingo comes out. Bingo jumps into the water and pulls(拉)Jackson onto the bank and saves his life.

    (1)、What is Bingo in the passage?
    A、A fish. B、A dog. C、A man. D、A butterfly.
    (2)、Why does Roy shout at the dog?
    A、Because all the fish are afraid and swim away. B、Because the dog doesn't teach him how to swim. C、Because all the butterflies fly away. D、Because he is so happy.
    (3)、Who falls into the river?
    A、Roy. B、Bingo. C、Jackson. D、Roy's son.
    (4)、What does the underlined words "biting my line" mean in Chinese?
    A、咬住我的绳子 B、拉住我的绳子 C、砍断我的绳子 D、制作我的绳子
    (5)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    A、Bingo saves Jackson's life. B、A dog can help men catch fish. C、Roy catches the butterfly. D、We should bring a dog when we go fishing.
  • 21. 根据以上内容,判断句子正误。

    Hello! My name is Annie. I'm sixteen years old and I live in Los Angeles. We must follow a lot of rules in our school. We can't be late for school. We can't run in the hallways, and we can't chew gum(嚼口香糖)in class. We can't bring our phones to school, but no one follows the rule! We must read a lot of books and do our homework. Luckily, we don't need to wear the school uniforms.

    Hi! My name is Alex. I'm seventeen years old and I live in London. There are many rules in my school. We can't fight at school. We can't be late for school. We can't make funny hairstyles(发型).We can't sleep in class. We must wear the school uniforms. I don't like the school uniforms! We can't listen to music in the classroom or in the hallways, but we can listen to music on the playground. I don't like the rule.

    (1)、No students in Annie's school follow the rule "Don't be late for school".
    (2)、Alex doesn't like wearing the school uniforms.
    (3)、Alex can listen to music in the classroom.
    (4)、Annie and Alex are of the same age.
    (5)、Annie and Alex must arrive at school on time.
  • 22. 根据短文内容,将下面方框内的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺。(每个选项只能用一次)

    Do you like kids? Can you help look after(照顾) kids on weekends? We are at 32 Green Street.

    Can you dance well? You need to work in the evenings. Please call Mike at 670-3482.Our address is 78 Guo Street.

    Are you good at Chinese? . Can you work on Sunday mornings? Our phone number is 784-3204.

    Are you a good cook(厨师)? Come to our hotel at 68 Pine Road. Please call 483-0319 first.

    A. Do you want to teach in a dance club?

    B. Come to 90 Oak Street.

    C. Then call Henry at 897-4592.

    D. Are you good at cooking breakfast?

    E. Can you teach our kids Chinese?

  • 23. 任务型阅读

      ①  Hi, I'm Bruce. I'm from South Africa. I'm good at sports and I can run very fast. Many people are afraid of me because I look scary.

      ②  Hello, I'm Peter. I'm from Thailand. I'm friendly. Do you want to maker friends with me? I can play soccer with you. I'm good at it.

      ③  I'm Buzz. I'm from South Africa, but now I live in a zoo in the USA. I'm shy and quiet. I have a long neck. And I can dance.

      ④  I'm Toby. I'm from China. Do you like Chinese kung fu? I can show you. Many people like me. They think I'm cute and beautiful. Do you think so?

      ⑤  I'm Mona. I am an Australian koala. I am seven years old. I am very cute. I like sleeping in the day. But at night I get up and eat leaves.


    A. The elephant

    B. The giraffe

    C. The koala

    D. The panda

    E. The lion

     ② ③ ④ ⑤ 


    Bruce is from Africa. Peter can play Buzz is and quiet. Toby is cute and Mona is years old.

  • 24. 根据短文内容,回答问题。

    Hi. I'm Alice. I love animals and I have four pets.

    Skip is a black dog. He's two years old. He sleeps under my bed. Skip's favorite food is big bones(骨头). And he likes playing with bones.

    Mimosa is my cat. She's white. I think she's beautiful. She's seven years old. She always sleeps and she likes sleeping on my sofa. Like most cats, she likes to play with balls. As for food, she likes drinking milk and eating fish.

    Bill is a bird. Today is his fifth birthday. He lives in a yellow cage(笼子), He's a great singer. He sings every morning. He likes drinking orange.

    Eddie is my one-year-old hamster(仓鼠).He is brown. He lives in a big cage. Ed-die likes running. He runs in the cage every day. His favorite food is nuts(坚果).

    (1)、Where does Alice's clog sleep?
    (2)、What does Bill like to drink?
    (3)、Who is the youngest(年龄最小的)?
    (4)、What color is Mimosa?
    (5)、How old is Bill?


  • 25. 李铭最近养了一条宠物狗。他向他的美国好友亨利介绍一下他的新宠物。但是有个别词不会写,请你帮忙。(每空一词)

    Henry. I have a dog! She's yellow and white and her is Amy. She is only five months old, but she is cute. She likes playing me and she also likes playing with the hall. She is friendly to us and all of my family her. Oh! Her favorite is apples. I think she's . Do you think so?

  • 26. 社会的和谐发展离不开家庭的安定团结,每个家庭中都必须有一些规则。那么,在你的家里,爸爸、妈妈对你有什么规则呢?请根据图片提示,以"My family rules"为题,简要叙述你家中的规则。


