北师大版(2019)高中英语必修三Unit 8 Green Living单元基础训练1

试卷更新日期:2021-06-22 类型:同步测试


  • 1. Other activities also contribute air pollution.
  • 2. Dark green leaves are a good (indicate) of healthy roots.
  • 3. People would leave the bike in the place they finished their journey.
  • 4. The bike is equipped with a computer (track) system to record their every move!
  • 5. Over the past 100 years, average temperatures around the world (rise) by 0.5 ℃ to 1℃.
  • 6. I wanted my kids to have some (determine) and strength of mind.
  • 7. What are you going to talk about in your (present)?
  • 8. Although there seemed only a slim chance the trees could survive, the difficulty did not prevent her from trying.
  • 9. The (found) of this university took place over 100 years ago.
  • 10. The best way to keep stress away is to have a (balance) life.
  • 11. Our countryside is (消失) at an alarming rate.
  • 12. There is no (车辆停放) here between 9 am and 6 pm.
  • 13. You should keep the ticket, because it is checked at the (目的地).
  • 14. We do not have enough money.  (因此) we cannot afford to buy the new car.
  • 15. The crowd moved aside to make a (小道) for them.
  • 16. Both students have made quite a few experiments on (电).
  • 17. A (全球的) environmental meeting is going to be held here.
  • 18. I seem to have (参与) myself in something I don't understand.
  • 19. In (平坦的) open country there is plenty of grass for the cattle to feed on.
  • 20. His parents were never (烦恼的) to come and see him in the school play.
  • 21. The (居民) of the town are proud of its new library.
  • 22. She was able to show the results in a simple (示意图).
  • 23. Food will last longer if kept in a tight (容器).
  • 24. Attractive (包装) can help to sell products.
  • 25. We can (概括) the main point of the lesson in three sentences.
  • 26. An agreement seems to be impossible because the (major) of the committee members are against it.
  • 27. According to the WHO, 2. 4 million people died (annual) from causes directly related to air pollution.
  • 28. Because of its (convenient) for bicycles, Amsterdam has become very popular with cyclists; an amazing 38% of all trips (make) by bike.
  • 29. Everyone wants to be a part of a community for a (share) future.
  • 30. Anyone, whether he is an (官员) or a bus driver, should be equally respected.
  • 31. He proposed (build) a bridge across this river.
  • 32. Various (propose) were put forward by the employees for increasing sales.
  • 33. Her (survive) is a miracle considering the big fire.
  • 34. Workers built shelters for (survive) whose homes had been destroyed.
  • 35. The night before the test I (overcome) by fear and despair.