
试卷更新日期:2021-06-18 类型:小升初真题


  • 1. — When does a baby have his first tooth?

    — At about sixold.

  • 2. — Mum, my friends are coming to see me. What can I do?

    —Why don't you show them our house.

  • 3. —Some children like to run after each other after class in the classroom.

    —We mdo that. We must follow the classroom rules.

  • 4. The 2018 World Cup was held in Russia. It started in June andin July.
  • 5. Before you visit other countries, you can read a tbook.
  • 6. December is the (twelve) month of the year.
  • 7. Sam (bring) some water quickly and poured it into the hole.
  • 8. Nancy goes to see the dentist, because her (tooth) hurts.
  • 9. My brother had a high fever last night. He(not do) his homework.
  • 10. Do Mr Green and Mr Smith come from different(country)?


  • 11. —Why          you look tired?

    — Because I        sleep well last night.

    A、do; didn't B、are; wasn't C、are; didn't
  • 12. There        a sports meeting in the playground next Monday.
    A、is going to have B、will have C、is going to be
  • 13.        beautiful clothes!
    A、What B、How C、Whose
  • 14. The twins      . They want to be        .
    A、are brave; policeman B、study hard; scientists C、likes painting; artists
  • 15.       ! There's a lion       food over there.
    A、Look out; looking for B、Look for; looking after C、Look at; looking for
  • 16. Which is right about Australia?
    A、There are some interesting cities in the country like Melbourne and Oxford.  B、You will find the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. C、Sport-lovers will like American football games. They are very exciting.
  • 17. There's a sign on the door of the restaurant. It means         .

    A、we can go into it with the dogs B、there is a big dog in it, it's not safe C、we can't take our dogs into it
  • 18. —Hello, may I speak to David?


    A、Sorry, wrong number. B、Yes, I am David. C、Yes, this is John.
  • 19. My American friend Jack will have a birthday party at 6: 00 tomorrow. I should go to the party at          .
    A、4: 50 B、6: 05 C、7: 00
  • 20. 下列哪组单词画线部分读音相同?
    A、The girl with long hair is sitting on the chair. B、Who's the clown? Do you know? C、The cook is looking for some food.
  • 21. Mike does well in his study, and he's         very careful.
    A、always B、sometimes C、never
  • 22. These days, more and more people care about food _________.
    A、safe B、safety C、safely
  • 23. —Was it        yesterday?

    — Yes, it         hard.

    A、rainy; rained B、rained; rains C、raining; rainy
  • 24. Helen likes       . He is going to have          lessons this summer holiday.
    A、swim; swim B、swimming; swimming C、swimming; swim
  • 25. She likes sweet food too,        she eats a little at a time.
    A、because B、so C、but
  • 26. It's        old picture.         picture is on the wall.
    A、an; The B、a; The C、the; A
  • 27. There        no library in my school ten years ago.
    A、is B、was C、has
  • 28. I        to the restaurant and        good food last week.
    A、went; eat B、go; ate C、went; ate
  • 29. —       is Li Lei's pen?

    —The red one.

    A、What B、Who C、Which
  • 30. Sometimes my mother       TV at home on Sundays.
    A、watches B、watching C、watched



  • 36. 句子配对

    A. Three weeks.

    B. Yes, he is.

    C. At three.

    D. Yes, a little.

    (1)、—Is there any juice in the fridge?

    (2)、—When is the football match going to begin?

    (3)、—How long will he stay there?

    (4)、—Is your uncle a good cook?

  • 37. 句子配对

    A. I'm going to catch some fish.

    B. I want to be a policeman.

    C. I am going to Nanjing.

    D. I want to fly to the Moon.

    (1)、—What 's your dream?

    (2)、—What are you going to do there?

    (3)、—What do you want to do in the future?

    (4)、—Where are you going for the holiday?


  • 38. 排序______________

    A. It's the twenty-second of December.

    B. Yes, I will buy some presents for my family and friends. What about you?

    C. What date is it today?

    D. Really? Christmas is coming. Do you have any plans?

    E. I'll go to Sydney with my parents.


  • 39. 图文配对

    A.   B.   C.   D.

    (1)、Ping watched the wise-eyed boat slowly sail away down the Yangtze River.
    (2)、Country Mouse decided to go back home and he no longer envied Town Mouse.
    (3)、Mother Frog's belly is already very swollen.
    (4)、The wolf, which usually sat on a large piece of rock, looked like a big sheep dog.
  • 40. 图文配对

    A.   B.   C.   D.

    (1)、That's Uluru. It is the biggest rock in the world. It changes colour.
    (2)、Mulan pretended to be a boy and went to war so that she could save her father.
    (3)、Robbie waved his hands in the air and Lanlan's dress changed colour.
    (4)、It gets cold. The rain does not stop. The wind blows. A storm begins.


  • 41. 找出错误并改正

    He is 5 cm tall than me.

          A           B            C

  • 42. 找出错误并改正

    Your hands are bigger than my.

                         A      B               C

  • 43. 找出错误并改正

    Did John went hiking yesterday?

     A              B                      C

  • 44. 找出错误并改正

    I stay at home and read a book last night.

        A                            B        C

  • 45. 找出错误并改正

    There were no gym in my old school.

                 A                 B                  C


  • 46. 完形填空

    The People's Republic of China is one of the bigger countries in the world. Many people come to visit it every year. In the PRC, you can visit the Great Wall and 1 . 2  is the capital of the PRC. 3 are the most popular animals. They are cute and they like eating bamboo very much. Table tennis a very popular 4 . Many Chinese children usually play after school. Chinese people usually have 5 for meals.

    A、Stonehenge B、Uluru C、the Palace Museum
    A、Canberra B、London C、
    A、Monkeys B、Koalas C、Pandas
    A、food B、sport C、subject
    A、sausages B、cereal C、rice


  • 47. 根据短文的内容,选择合适的答案。

    Everybody wants to have a happy life. The problem is that no one teaches you how to live a happy life. There are many ways and here are three of them to help you start.

    What is happiness?

    I often hear people say they want to be happy. But when I ask them what happiness is to them, they don't know how to explain(解释) it. If you don't know what happiness is to you, happiness is only a word.

    Have goals(目标).

    If you know what makes you happy, you need to have goals to get those things. You can't get happiness if you only want it but don't make it come true.

    Don't do things that make you unhappy.

    This may seem very easy but you would be surprised how many people do things that make them unhappy. If you want happiness in your life, you have to do things that make you happy.

    (1)、According to the passage, everybody wants to          .
    A、have a good job B、travel around the world C、live a happy life
    (2)、For many people, it is           to explain what happiness is.
    A、easy B、difficult C、exciting
    (3)、What does the underlined sentence mean?
    A、We can get happiness easily. B、We don't know what happiness is. C、We should do something to get happiness.
    (4)、Which of the following is Not true?
    A、Many people do things that make them unhappy. B、Everybody knows clearly how to live a happy life. C、If you don't know what happiness is to you, happiness is only a word.
    (5)、What is the best title for this passage?
    A、Three ways to start a happy life. B、Three ways to have a good job. C、Three things that makes you successful.


  • 48. 假如你是Lily, 你的笔友Amy暑假想来北京旅游。请根据以下信息给她发一封电子邮件。

    要求:语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范, 包含表格中所有信息,不少于40个单词(给出的开头和结尾除外)。




    太阳镜(sunglasses)和雨伞( umbrella)







    Dear Amy,

    I am very glad to hear that you will visit Beijing this summer holiday.    ▲   

    I hope you will have a good time in Beijing.

