
试卷更新日期:2021-06-15 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. — Have a cup of tea, please.

    — ___________________

    A、I need some tea. B、Thank you. C、Yes, it is.
  • 2. — Do you like Children's Day?

    — ____________________

    A、Yes, you do. B、Yes, they do. C、Yes, I do.
  • 3. — ___________________

    — Very well, thanks.

    A、How many? B、How much? C、How are you?
  • 4. __________ a cup of tea, please, Dad.
    A、have B、buy C、Have
  • 5. Teachers' Day is in ____________________.
    A、June B、May C、September
  • 6. That is ___________ arm. And this is ____________ leg.
    A、a; an B、a; a C、an; a
  • 7. This is __________ eye. And that is __________ ear.
    A、a; an B、an; an C、a; a
  • 8. — What do you like on Children's Day?

    — _________________

    A、We go to the park. B、We like singing and dancing. C、We go to the zoo.
  • 9. — _________________

    — Very well, thanks.

    A、How old are you? B、How is the weather? C、How are you?
  • 10. —_______this your bag?  
    —No, it_______.
    A、Is;isn't B、Is;is C、Are;is
  • 11. These are my cows and       .       
    A、sheep B、horse C、hen
  • 12. I    like winter.       
    A、don't B、am not C、isn't
  • 13. Look at this cat.        fat.        eyes are big.      
    A、Its;It's B、It's;Its C、Its;It is
  • 14.        ! Is this your pencil?    
    A、Hear B、Look C、Help
  • 15. I like this          .     
    A、ball B、toy bears C、robots
  • 16. The dog can        and it likes        .       
    A、swim;swimming B、swimming;swim C、swim;swim
  • 17.            are his arms and hands.       
    A、This B、These C、That
  • 18. Here are some         for you.       
    A、flowers B、car C、bread
  • 19. They are our          .     
    A、hat B、bikes C、robot
  • 20. The panda is black      white. It's cute.    
    A、and B、but C、or
  • 21.        worry,it's not a monster.
    A、Don't B、Do C、Not
  • 22. Do you like            ?

    A、toy bears B、toy bear
  • 23. Mother is          . But grandma is old.

    A、old B、young
  • 24. —____ do you have ?
    —I have some eggs.
    A、What B、Where C、How
  • 25. My arms         long.       
    A、am B、is C、are
  • 26. I have two        and two           
    A、arms; hands B、foot; eyes C、foot; hand
  • 27. Don't      stones.
    A、throw B、throwing C、playing
  • 28. —Thank you! —             .   
    A、You're welcome B、Goodbye C、I'm sorry
  • 29. Here are some    for Kitty.
    A、noodles B、card C、bike
  • 30. Let's       the cake together.
    A、cut B、eating C、blows
  • 31. I    like winter. It's      .
    A、don't;cold B、don't;hot C、do;cool
  • 32. She likes reading      home.
    A、at B、in C、on
  • 33. I like sleeping      spring and summer.
    A、in B、on C、to
  • 34. What do we have      breakfast?
    A、for B、to C、in
  • 35. What    you have?
    A、is B、are C、do
  • 36. I have some    and      .
    A、water; bread B、banana; apple C、juice; pear
  • 37. I like      . They      fun.
    A、bikes; are B、bike; are C、robot; is
  • 38. She can hear            and           .
    A、cars; ship B、bikes; cars C、dog; cat
  • 39. —What   Gu Dong? —    a monster.
    A、is; It's B、it; Its C、is; Its
  • 40. —What can you   ? I can see a kite.
    A、hear B、see C、listen