
试卷更新日期:2021-06-15 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 找出划线部分读音不同的单词。
    A、month B、sixth C、with D、birthday
    A、he B、egg C、dress D、bed
    A、duck B、much C、music D、lunch
    A、go B、hot C、not D、coffee
    A、flower B、how C、brown D、yellow


  • 2. I like playing ________ violin, but I don't like playing ________ basketball.
    A、a; the B、the; a C、the; /
  • 3. This bag is heavier than ________.
    A、your B、mine C、him
  • 4. We will have a party ________.
    A、yesterday B、last week C、next month
  • 5. I am good at ________, but I like going cycling best!
    A、run B、runs C、running
  • 6. There is so_______ milk in the fridge.
    A、many B、much C、lot
  • 7. —What did you do __ July 13th?

    —I visited my grandfather.

    A、at B、on C、in
  • 8. —______ tigers were there?

    —About ninety.

    A、How much B、How many C、How about
  • 9. Lulu often ___ her homework on Sunday, but last Sunday she___ her bike.
    A、did; washed B、does; washed C、does; washing
  • 10. Tim _________ his car tomorrow.
    A、doesn't clean B、is going to clean C、cleans
  • 11. In the future, parks will _________ different.
    A、is B、are C、be
  • 12. I stayed at home     your grandma.
    A、and B、with C、to
  • 13. Listen! The little girl _______ in the music room.
    A、sing B、singing C、is singing
  • 14. —______ did you go over your summer holiday?

    — I went to Guilin.

    A、What B、Where C、How
  • 15. —What are those?

    —They are _____.

    A、a flower B、flower C、flowers
  • 16. —Can you fly kites?

    —______ But I can make kites.

    A、No, I don't. B、No, I'm not. C、No, I can't.



  • 23. A: You look so s. When did you go to bed l night?

    B: At about eleven o'clock.

    A: W did you go to bed so l?

    B: Because I w an e football game.




  • 40. 完形填空

        Yesterday I went to the gym1my friends. We2there on foot. There were 3many people there. First we 4a race. Wu Hao ran very5 Then I6badminton with Lucy. Lily and Yifang played football.We stayed there7an hour. We had a 8time.

    A、and B、for C、with
    A、want B、go C、went
    A、not B、no C、no a
    A、had B、has C、have
    A、fast B、faster C、fastter
    A、played the B、played C、played a
    A、/ B、for C、to
    A、/ B、no C、good




  • 51. 从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。将正确答案的字母序号填入题后的横线上。

    A. How did you go there?

    B. Would you like to come to the party?

    C. Where did you go?

    D. Did you do anything else?

    E. What did you do?

    F. How was your weekend?

    G. What are you going to do on your mother's birthday?

    Sarah: Hi, Amy.

    Amy: It was good. Thank you.


    Amy: I played football with my friends. And then we saw a film.


    Amy: Yes. I went to the shop and bought a dress for my mother. Next week is her birthday.


    Amy: We are going to have a picnic. In the evening, we'll have a small party.

    Sarah: Sounds great!

    Amy:  We can play games and sing songs.

    Sarah: OK. I'd love to.


  • 52. 阅读短文,选择合适的答案,完成下面各题。

    Dear diary,

        It was March twelfth today. It was a good Sunday. It was warm. I went to the park with some friends. We planted some trees in the park. Spring is the best season to plant trees. And it's the good time to fly kites. After planting trees, I flew kites with Lily on the grass. The kite looked like a butterfly. It flew happily in the sky. It was so beautiful. Some boys played hide-and-seek (捉迷藏) on the grass. Everyone was happy.


    (1)、Tomorrow will be ______.
    A、Sunday B、Saturday C、Monday
    (2)、March twelfth is ________.
    A、Army Day B、Tree-Planting Day C、National Day
    (3)、The weather was ______ today.
    A、cool B、cold C、warm
    (4)、Peter had a _______ day today.
    A、sad B、happy C、tired
    (5)、_____ is the best time to plant trees. 
    A、Spring B、Fall C、Summer


  • 53. 小学生有许多爱好(hobby),爱好时有变化。请你用英语介绍一下你过去的和现在的爱好。





    My hobby/ hobbies