
试卷更新日期:2021-06-02 类型:中考模拟


  • 1. Where will the boy go tomorrow morning?
    A、 B、 C、
  • 2. What was the boy doing when the earthquake happened?
    A、 B、 C、
  • 3. Why does Alice look so sad?
    A、Because she had a terrible dream. B、Because she failed the math exam. C、Because she missed the last bus.
  • 4. How will the girl go to the cinema?
    A、By car. B、By bus. C、On foot.
  • 5. What is the relationship between the speakers?
    A、Teacher and student. B、Guide and tourist. C、Doctor and patient.


  • 6. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1)、How did Eric feel at the beginning of the dancing competition?
    A、Nervous. B、Relaxed. C、Excited.
    (2)、How old is Eric?
    A、10. B、12. C、14.
  • 7. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1)、What will Maria buy for Lisa?
    A、A handbag. B、A scarf. C、A ticket.
    (2)、What color does Lisa like best?
    A、Pink. B、Purple. C、Brown.
    (3)、When will the speakers meet?
    A、At 1:30 p. m. B、At 2:30 p. m. C、At 3:30 p. m.


  • 8. 你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。
    (1)、Where did the tour bus mentioned in the passage appear?
    A、In Shanghai. B、In London. C、In New York.
    (2)、What place does the bus take passengers to?
    A、Some parks. B、Some museums. C、Some shops.
    (3)、What will the guiles on the bus tell passengers?
    A、Activities of dogs. B、History of dogs. C、Habits of dogs.
    (4)、What information will the map tell about?
    A、Zoos. B、Stations. C、Restaurants.
    (5)、Who may be interested in the bus tour?
    A、The person who has a dog. B、The person who sells dogs. C、The person who wants a dog.


  • 9. 你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词。

    Dos and Don'ts in the History Museum

    Things you can do

    Bring a notebook to take down some important .

    Put on the special glasses when watching the to have a better experience. the screen to learn more about the history.

    Eat and drink in the shop at the gate of the museum.

    Things you can't do

    Don't take photos of the paintings on show.

    Talking loudly is not allowed, either.


  • 10. There are few ____________ in the shopping mall because of the COVID-19(新冠肺炎).
    A、passengers B、customers C、patients D、members
  • 11. — China's technology on building the railway is ____________ the rest of the world.

    — You are right. I'm very proud to be Chinese.

    A、moving B、dropping C、leading D、caring
  • 12. — Why did Mrs. Lane speak in such a loud voice?

    — Because the students at the back of the classroom couldn't hear her ____________ she didn't raise- her voice.

    A、if B、until C、though D、unless
  • 13. — I am so worried about the coming exams.

    — Listening to some soft music is ____________ for you to relax.

    A、harmful B、thankful C、wonderful D、helpful
  • 14. It's a good idea to put up a notice on the board to ____________ people to live a green life.
    A、call on B、care for C、depend on D、keep off
  • 15. — I found ____________ interesting in this book.

    — What about this one about chemistry? I'm sure you will like it.

    A、something B、anything C、nothing D、everything
  • 16. — Amy, you must be hungry after waiting for us for such a long time.

    — Don't worry. I ____________ some cookies already.

    A、am eating B、will eat C、was eating D、have eaten
  • 17. — Can you tell me ____________ we should go to Harbin, by train or by plane?

    — l think we'd better check the tickets on the Internet first.

    A、when B、where C、why D、how
  • 18. The teachers and students are really excited because the school has built a new library ____________.
    A、exactly B、recently C、lonely D、hardly
  • 19. —Mrs. Green, thank you for inviting us to have dinner.

    — ____________! I hope you will like Western food.

    A、Help yourself B、Never mind C、With pleasure D、Nice idea


  • 20. 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

    Long ago, there lived a king. He was quite lazy. He never cared about his people, so people in his1were not satisfied with him.

    One day, the king went into the forest to hunt(打猎). After some time, he became2. He wanted to find some water, so he came to a lake. There he saw a swan(天鹅) land on a rock nearby." I should3the swan !" he thought.

    But as soon as the4came to his mind, the swan was gone. Then the king heard a voice, " I am the swan. If you want to catch me, you must came to heaven(天堂)."

    Surprised, the king asked, "Can you show me the5to heaven?"

    "Serve your people well, and soon your dream will come true," the swan6.

    With this in mind, the king dressed up and went out to the streets. He tried to give some money to a7old man. But the old man was angry and said," Do you know why I'm so poor like this? I's because of our king! He has done nothing for us."8, the king heard the swan's voice again." It seems that you're doing good only9you want to go to heaven. That's not right. You must do good out of goodness of your heart," the swan said.

    The king10that this was true. After that, he worked hard and knew that making his country a happy place to live was like making a heaven of his own.

    A、town B、city C、country D、village
    A、strange B、hungry C、popular D、thirsty
    A、catch B、fight C、trust D、meet
    A、hope B、idea C、job D、list
    A、tool B、seat C、task D、way
    A、replied B、shouted C、noticed D、wondered
    A、nice B、poor C、free D、magic
    A、Finally B、Nearly C、Suddenly D、Usually
    A、but B、so C、unless D、because
    A、doubted B、ordered C、realized D、required
  • 21. 完形填空

    Teens are not as healthy as they used to be. They are putting on weight. A recent research shows 97% of the teens need more1. Exercise helps in two ways. First, exercise can help their mind. People who get plenty of physical activity might2less and sleep better at night. They may even learn better in3. Second, exercise helps their body. Physical activity can make their body4. It can also keep them at a healthy weight. But how can teens be5to do more exercise? Here are some good suggestions.

    6from the screen. Doctors call watching TV or playing video games screen time. Teens should have no more than two7of screen time a day. Then they will enjoy their life more.

    Find a sport they are interested in. Interest is the best teacher. They can choose the8sports, such as basketball, soccer, or baseball. Those are all great sports and if they like them, play them.

    Exercise with others9. Find a friend or a family member to exercise with them. They will have more fun and it's not10for them to give up.

    All in all, it's necessary for teens to do more exercise.

    A、sleep B、exercise C、money D、time
    A、worry B、travel C、throw D、share
    A、office B、bookstore C、library D、school
    A、nervous B、pain C、strong D、personal
    A、encouraged B、mistaken C、managed D、influenced
    A、Look over B、Turn around C、Run away D、Stay away
    A、minutes B、hours C、nights D、days
    A、traditional B、terrible C、successful D、special
    A、alone B、instead C、together D、abroad
    A、hard B、easy C、lucky D、lazy


  • 22. 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。

    A. Is it hot there in May?

    B. Thank you for your advice.

    C. Do you have any good ideas?

    D. I will make a travel plan soon.

    E. The weather there is nice in May.

    F. By the way, can I take the train there?

    G. I went to Harbin, a city in the northeast of China.

    A: Hey, Betty. Where will you go on May Day holiday?

    B: I'm not sure.

    A: Mount Huangshan is a good choice.

    B: Will there be lots of people?

    A: It's hard to say. You'd better go there one day earlier.


    A: Of course. Going there by train is the best way.

    B: That's great!

    A: Oh, remember to wear comfortable shoes, because you may climb the mountain for a long time.

    B: I'll add this to my travel plan.

    A: Have a good trip.


  • 23. 阅读理解


    (International School of San Antonio)


    Ages: 3 - 10 years old    Time: 9: 00 a. m.- 3: 30 p. m.

    Money you need to pay: $ 315 a week, $ 1,200 four weeks. Snacks(零食) are included.

    Dates                                  Theme(主题)

    Part 1: June 17th -21st                        Little Cooks

    Part 2: June 24th - 28th                       A Week at the Museum

    Part 3: July 15th - 19th                        Around the World in Five Days

    Part 4: July 22nd - 26th                       Nature and Garden Fun

    Things to bring from your home every day: water bottles, sun hats, lunch boxes, soft drinks, paper and two pens.

    Things you can't bring: phones, sweets.

    Address: ISSA,8231 Callaghan Rd.,San Antonio, TX 78230

    Tel: 210-920-4315E-mail: info@issatx. com

    You are also more than welcome to come to our office to have a face-to-face talk.

    (1)、How long does the camp last every day?
    A、3.5 hours. B、6 hours. C、6.5 hours. D、9 hours.
    (2)、How much does a kid need to pay for a 2-week camp?
    A、$ 315. B、$ 600. C、$ 630. D、$ 1, 200.
    (3)、What's the purpose of the text?
    A、To get kids to come to the camp. B、To tell people how to learn French. C、To encourage kids to come to France. D、To give parents advice on summer camp.
  • 24. 阅读理解

    About 250 years ago, a man named Jonas Hanway, who liked traveling, went out for a walk along the streets in London. Every time he went out for a walk, no matter it rained or the sun shone hotly, he carried an umbrella over his head. Wherever he went, people looked and laughed at the strange man. Jonas Hanway was the first man to carry an umbrella in London, and everybody, but him, thought it was a very ridiculous thing.

    But he seemed to be a brave man, and decided not to give up his umbrella even if all the people in London made fun of him. Perhaps, in imagination, he saw the future, tons of umbrellas—umbrellas enough to protect the whole land of England from rain.

    But Jonas Hanway wasn't the first man in the world to carry an umbrella. He had traveled a lot and had seen umbrellas in China, Japan, India and Africa, where the umbrellas had been in use for so many years that nobody knows when the first one was made. And as one of the oldest and greatest cities in the long history, Nineveh hada great many sculptures(雕塑) on which there were umbrellas. Umbrellas can also be seen on the monuments(纪念碑) of Egypt, which are very very old as well. History will tell you that Nineveh was built not long after the flood(洪水). Perhaps it was the great rain, of forty days and forty nights, that gave people in Nineveh the idea of making an umbrella!

    (1)、What did Jonas Hanway like?
    A、Traveling. B、Running. C、Inventing. D、Sharing umbrellas.
    (2)、What does the underlined word "ridiculous" probably mean in Chinese?
    A、欣喜的 B、痛苦的 C、危险的 D、荒谬的
    (3)、How did the writer explain Jonas Hanway wasn't the first man in the world to carry an umbrella?
    A、By asking questions. B、By giving examples. C、By having discussions. D、By making stories.
    (4)、What can we infer(推断) from the passage?
    A、Nineveh is a very modern city with a short history. B、Umbrellas have nothing to do with Japan or India. C、It was unusual to see umbrellas in London 250 years ago. D、People invented umbrellas after seeing them on sculptures.
  • 25. 阅读理解

    There have been homeless animals since a long time ago. Many animals find their way to animal homes. At the homes, some are adopted(领养), but some are very sick or old and they do not get adopted. Instead, these animals are sometimes killed in a proper way. In the 1980s, about seventeen million(百万) dogs and cats were killed each year in America. Today, the number is much smaller because of places like Best Friends.

    Best Friends began in the 1980s. It was a place for" unadopted" animals to go. It was known as the sanctuary(避难所).The workers gave those animals the care they needed. They found homes for them. Some did not find homes. Those animals stayed at the sanctuary until they passed away. Best Friends hopes there will be "No More Homeless Pets" in the future.

    Now, about two thousand dogs, cats, and other animals think of Best Friends as their home. The animals get the special care that they need. Trainers, caregivers and doctors care for the animals.

    Many animals only need to spend a few weeks there. Good homes are then found for them. People who want to adopt animals should reach Best Friends. If they are kind to animals and promise to take good care of them, they can take them home.

    (1)、What would happen to sick or old homeless animals before Best Friends began?
    A、They would get special care. B、They would get adopted. C、They would be looked after by the government. D、They would be killed in a proper way.
    (2)、If a person is allowed to adopt an animal from Best Friends, he must be _______________.
    A、rich B、smart C、kind D、humorous
    (3)、What can we know from the passage?
    A、Who set up Best Friends. B、When Best Friends began. C、How Best Friends found animals. D、How Best Friends raised money.
  • 26. 阅读理解

    Have you met someone who kept talking and talking, and you couldn't get them to stop? You don't want to be impolite by telling them to shut up, but you really want to get out of the conversation. Here are some ways to help you.

    Use body language. While it may feel impolite, you could turn away, leave you headphones on, and avoid looking at his or her eves which will show that you don't want to talk. This may save you from directly telling someone to stop talking later on.

    Keep working on whatever activity you are doing. Get up and move around, be active and find little things to do instead of listening.

    Interrupt(打断) them as soon as you can. Saying things like "I'd like to add something" or "If I could interrupt you for just a minute" will often lot someone know that they are talking too much.

    Lead the conversation. This is especially helpful when dealing with someone you often talk to. Let them know that you heard what they said and guide the conversation in a different direction.

    Mention that you don't have a lot of time to talk. Expressions like "I would love to chat(聊天), but I have to go for a movie right now" and "Today's not a great day to talk. I have a lot of tasks" will make von) easily end the conversation.

    Remember it is a skill to back out of a conversation without saying" You are boring. Shut up."

    (1)、How many suggestions does the writer mention in the passage?
    A、Three. B、Four. C、Five. D、Six.
    (2)、Which of the following is the best way to make someone stop talking?
    A、Looking at him or her and listening carefully. B、Getting up and finding something else to do. C、Saying" You are so boring. Shut up." D、Leaving your headphones off and smiling.
    (3)、What's the best title for the passage?
    A、How to End a Conversation Politely B、Body Language Helps Express Well C、Polite Ways to Start a Conversation D、How to Lead and Guide a Conversation
  • 27. 阅读理解

    Tamdrin, also called Ding Zhen, became famous unexpectedly last year after a photographer posted a video of him on Douyin. With a "sweet and wild" look, this shy young man from Lilang, Sichuan has now got tons of attention all over the country.

    The photographer who posted the video also filmed Tamdrin's father and little brother. Neither of them was noticed by netizens(网友). Many netizens said Tamdrin had" stars in his eyes ".And he has been described as "the smile from the world's highlands" by them.

    When Tamdrin posted his first video on his own on Douyin in which he introduced his white horse in Putonghua, more than 26 million people have watched it and his followers increased by more than 1.8 million in one day.

    Tamdrin's sudden popularity also came with a job offer. Litang's government-owned tourism company(公司)paid him 3,500 yuan each month as a "cultural ambassador(大使), "according to Red Star News.

    "We'll check the companies that want to work with him to protect him. But we won't share the money or thepresents he receives," said Gao Xiaoping,a manager from the company.

    Thanks to Tamdrin, people's interest in Litang has increased a lot and many are seriously considering traveling to Litang." His popularity is great publicity for Litang,""the manager said. "We hope more people can see the smile of our county through him."

    (1)、What is Tamdrin like?
    A、He is shy. B、He is active. C、He is humorous. D、He is silent.
    (2)、What is Tamdrin's first video posted on Douyin by himself about?
    A、His family. B、His house. C、His horse. D、His farm.
    (3)、What is Gao Xiaoping?
    A、A reporter. B、A manager. C、A teacher. D、A photographer.
    (4)、What's the last paragraph mainly about?
    A、How to travel to Litang. B、How much people liked Tamdrin C、Why people liked Tamdrin's smile. D、What Tamdrin's popularity brought to his hometown.
  • 28. 阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。

    A little pine tree(松树) had no leaves. It had needles(松针).The little tree said, "I don't like needles. I want pretty leaves just like others. But I will have better leaves. I want gold leaves."

    Night came and the little tree went to sleep. A fairy(精灵) came by and gave it gold leaves. When the little tree woke up, it had leaves of gold. It said, "Oh, I am so pretty! No other tree has gold leaves." A man came by. He took all the gold leaves away. The poor little tree cried, "I don't want gold leaves again. I want to have glass leaves."

    When the little tree went to sleep, the fairy came again and put the glass leaves on it." How pretty they look in the sunshine! No other tree is so bright, "the little tree said happily. Then a wind came up. The glass leaves all fell down and got broken. Again the little tree had no leaves. It was very sad, and said," I will not have gold leaves or glass leaves. I want green leaves like others."

    And the little tree went to sleep. When it woke up, it had green leaves. A sheep came by. He was so hungry that he ate all the leaves. Then the little tree said, "I will not have green leaves, nor glass leaves, nor gold leaves. I like my needles best."

    So you see, being yourself is very important.

    (1)、What leaves did the little pine tree want at first?(不超过5个词)
    (2)、What happened to the glass leaves at last?(不超过10个词)
    (3)、What does the story want to tell us?(不超过5个词)


  • 29. Tony as well as his classmates all has lunch in the dining h (大厅).
  • 30. Please fill out this English f (表格)before entering the competition.
  • 31. The mother c (覆盖)the baby with her coat although she was cold.
  • 32. With the development of cities, some s (社会的)problems need solving.
  • 33. You are supposed to p (表扬) your children when they make progress.


  • 34. 假如你是李华,你的美国笔友Mike写信表达了他对即将到来的高中生活的看法,并询问你心目中的高中生活是什么样子的。请你根据以下提示用英语给他写一封回信,说说自己的想法。






    ⑶词数80 ~ 100,格式和开头已给出,不计入总词数。

    参考词汇:senior high school高中challenge 挑战

    Dear Mike,

    How is everything going with you? Thank you for telling me your ideas about senior high school life.     ▲   


    Li Hua