
试卷更新日期:2021-05-27 类型:中考模拟


  • 1. Qian Xuesen is a famous s who was honored as "the father of China's missile(中国导弹之父)".
  • 2. I'm so s to hear that you can't come to my party, I'm looking forward to seeing you.
  • 3. It's too dark in the classroom, and we can't see the words c on the blackboard.
  • 4. The most common things, from paper to clay to bamboo, are t into objects of beauty.
  • 5. There is a river b the village and the town.


  • 6. Mr. Jackson is a popular writer, and we all like reading _______ book.
    A、his B、her C、their D、your
  • 7. ____________ good care of yourself when you are alone, or your parents will worry about you.
    A、Taking B、To take C、Taken D、Take
  • 8. Lucy wants to improve her English this term, so she works      than before.
    A、hard B、harder C、hardest D、the hardest
  • 9. —Jason, don't make so much noise. Anna _____________ for her math exam.

    — Sorry, Mum. I won't.

    A、studies B、studied C、has studied D、is studying
  • 10. —Mom, _____ I hang out with my friends now?

    — Sure, but you         clean up your bedroom first.

    A、can; may B、may; have to C、must; need D、need; must
  • 11. —Did you notice         in the classroom?

    —Yes. He was discussing a math problem with his deskmate.

    A、what was Sam doing B、what Sam was doing C、what does Sam do D、what Sam does
  • 12. The dress is really nice,        it doesn't look good on me .
    A、for B、so C、but D、or
  • 13. —I want to have a party with my friends next Sunday. Will it be sunny or rainy?

           . The weather report says there will be no rain this month.

    A、It will be sunny. B、It'll be rainy. C、Yes, sunny. D、No, it will be windy.
  • 14. —There is going to be a community hospital in our neighborhood next year.

            good news! We can have better medical care then.

    A、How B、What C、What a D、What an
  • 15. —I failed the test because of too many         mistakes.

    —So you must be more careful next time!

    A、homeless B、careless C、meaningless D、useless


  • 16. 阅读短文,从短文下面方框中的六个句子中选择五个还原到短文中,使短文通顺完整、衔接自然。

    Cartoon characters will be banned on some food

        Candy and chocolate companies in the UK may have to stop using cartoon characters on their products. The health groups said many food companies use characters from Peppa Pig and Disney on their packaging(包装).

        The health groups said 51 per cent of products using cartoon characters were unhealthy for children. The groups are asking the government to stop the use of these characters to sell unhealthy products to children.

          They are Action on Sugar, Action on Salt and the Children's Food Campaign. They noticed the nutrition(营养) content of 526 products that were aimed at children.  The Peppa Pig Candy Bites were among the worst products. These contained 99 per cent sugar. Dr Kather Hashem, an expert from the Action on Sugar group, said, "It's shocking that companies are exploiting the health of our children by using cartoon characters on their high-sugar food and drink products, especially on chocolates and sweets. "

        Health is important for us, so we should stay away from the rubbish food.

    A. The products were very high in fat, sugar and salt.

    B. Their cartoon characters are harmful to children.

    C. They use the characters to get children to buy chocolate and candies.

    D. I believe these they do have already been hard to resist(抵制)for children.

    E. The products' packaging had colorful cartoon characters to interest children.

    F. There are three groups trying to get a ban on cartoon characters on chocolate and candy.

  • 17. 根据下面对话中的情景,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。

    A: Hello, Mary. The examination is over. What are you going to do tomorrow?

    B: .

    A: To buy books? You are out! Why not go to the Readers' Club?

    B: Readers' Club? ?

    A: It's a place for teenagers to exchange their old books with others.

    B: That sounds great! ?

    A: It's next to Muye Park, on Pingyuan Road.

    B: Oh, it's a little far from my home. ?

    A: You can take a No.16 bus to get there.

    B: How long does it take by bus?

    A:  .

    B: Twenty minutes isn't a long time. OK. I'll go there. Thank you for telling me about it.

    A: Don't mention it.


  • 18. 短文填空从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文。(方框中有两个选项是多余的)

    A. choices    B. might    C. first    D. in   E. sitting    F. beauty    G. natural    H. knowledge    I. different    J. lost     K. so    L. best

        Spring is a good time to take a trip. Do you know what kids in different countries do during their trips?

        In China, when spring comes, students have difficultiesquietly. They want to be outside. Teachers know this. In spring, schools usually organize a spring outing for kids. Itbe a trip to a mountain. But typically teachers take kids to a martyrs park (烈士陵园) They can enjoy spring and also show their memory for those whotheir lives in war.

        In Japan, things are a little. The school year begins in April. In some parts of the county, the day of school is also the start of the cherry blossom (樱花) season. This is the time of the year for kids to take a trip. People go to parks early in the morning with their family and friends.

        The children in the UK have many great  when it comes to school trips. They can visit the seaside or a theme park. One special place to go is a wetland (湿地) and bird center The kids would like to spend their time in a beautiful place and also learn about theworld. The people at the center are scientists. This means they're able to teach kids about theof nature. They also find out how some animals today are danger.


  • 19. 阅读短文,选出最佳答案

        They say that "travel is the best teacher" and there is no better example of this idea than the Ming dynasty travel writer and geographer Xu Xiake (1587-1641). His book The Travel Notes of Xu Xiake, not only encouraged a love of travelling among Chinese people but provided important scientific information about the country's land and geography.

        Born into a wealthy Jiangyin family  Xu became interested in books about different places at an early age and wanted to travel. When he was 18, however, Xu's father died and so, it seemed, did his travelling dreams. He now was responsible for the family farm and taking care of his 60-year-old mother as tradition required.

        But his mother had different ideas. Understanding her son's love of travel and valuing the knowledge he could get from such experiences, this modern-thinking woman refused to keep her son at home. She agreed that Xu could travel for three months every year, when there was less farm work.

        So at the age of twenty and with his mother's support, Xu set off for the first time, leaving behind not only his mother but his new wife as well. He would repeat this goodbye each year for most of the next 30 years. During this time, he travelled throughout the Ming kingdom, carefully studying the lands he passed through and recording his experiences and many discoveries in a diary. This diary, which once had over 500,000 words, would finally become The Travel Notes of Xu Xiake.

        Although rich, Xu avoided comfortable travel, preferring to go almost everywhere on foot. This way he could research the environment in detail and get a true picture of the natural world. Many of his trips were to hard-to-reach mountain areas, and through wild forests where few people lived. His willingness to face hardships came at a cost however. Progress was slow and tiring and he was frequently sick, robbed and beaten during his journeys.

        Sadly Xu became seriously ill during his last and longest journey, a 4-year trip through the Southwest of China. He died in 1641, soon after returning to his hometown for the last time. When his diary was finally printed years after his death, much of it had been destroyed or lost. Although incomplete, it still made Xu a travelling legend (传奇人物) around the world.

    (1)、Which of the following best describes Xu's mother?
    A、Strict but interesting. B、Supportive and open-minded. C、Helpful and hardworking. D、Kind but uneducated.
    (2)、Xu preferred walking during his travels because           .
    A、it gave him the chance to meet different kinds of people B、it helped him to save money and travel for a longer time C、it allowed him to see and study the environment in detail D、it was the only way to reach the places he was interested in
    (3)、What is true about Xu's book The Travel Notes of Xu Xiake?
    A、It was the first travel book ever written in China. B、It made Xu very famous during his lifetime. C、It was mainly about the different people of China. D、It was only made public after Xu died.
    (4)、What is the best title for the passage?
    A、Xu Xiake's Life Story B、Xu Xiake's Discovery C、Xu Xiake's Travelling Experience D、Xu Xiake's Book
    (5)、What is the correct order for the following events from Xu's life?

    a. He went on his first journey.

    b. His book was finally printed.

    c. He returned to his hometown for the last time.

    d. He developed an interest in books about other places.

    e. He started managing the family farm after his father died.

    A、a-e-d-c-b B、d-e-a-b-c C、d-e-a-c-b D、e-d-a-b-c
  • 20. 根据短文内容判断正误。

        A girl was walking in the woods when she found two weak birds. She took them home and put them in a small cage (鸟笼). She took good care of them. The birds grew strong. Every morning, they greeted her with a beautiful song. The girl felt great love for the birds. She wanted them to sing for her forever.

        One day, the girl left their cage door open by mistake. The bigger of the two birds flew out. The girl watched as he rose high into the sky. She was afraid that he would fly away and she would never see him again. As he flew close, she caught him in her hand and held him tightly (紧紧地). She was happy. Suddenly, she felt the bird go limp (无力的). She opened her hand.

        The bird was dead! Her love had stolen life from the beautiful bird.

        The other bird was pushing against the cage. She could see how much he wanted to be free.

        She took him out of the cage and gently sent him to the air. Would the bird fly away? In fact, the bird just wanted to stretch (伸展) his wings. He flew around the girl twice and then came to rest on her shoulder.

        The girl watched the bird with joy in her heart. She wasn't worried anymore. She wanted the bird to be happy. The bird sat by the girl's ear and sang the sweetest song she had ever heard.

        The best way to keep love is to give them wings.

    (1)、A girl took two birds from the woods home and took after them well.
    (2)、It is the girl's love that had stolen life from the birds.
    (3)、The girl took the other bird out of the cage and sent him to the air, but he didn't leave her.
    (4)、The bird stretched his wings, flew around the girl, rested on her ear, sat by her shoulder and sang the sweetest song happily.
    (5)、From the story, we know if we want to keep love, we should give wings to them.
  • 21. 阅读理解

        What would you give up to protect the environment? Many people have given up animal products of all kinds. They are practicing a lifestyle called veganism(纯素主义). Some people choose to become vegan(素食主义者) because they are upset about the way humans treat animals.

        For many people, veganism simply means eating no meat, cheese or eggs. But the idea of saving animals also appears in the fashion and manufacturing industries(制造业).

        For example, leather(皮革) is used in many products, such as shoes and clothes. Every year more than a billion animals, listing from horses to snakes, are killed so that we can use their skin to make leather products. Now, many brands are looking for other ways to make their products.

        The sports brand Puma, for example, has made shoes out of pineapple(菠萝) leaves. Tesla, the American car-maker, is reported to have stopped using leather to make its seats.

        Veganism is growing in popularity. In 2017, the BBC said it was the fastest-growing lifestyle movement in the United Kingdom. At the same time, some news reported that a quarter of Americans between the ages of 25 and 34 are vegans. No wonder the magazine named 2019"the year of the vegan".

        So, if you're interested in protecting animals and saving the environment, you might want to give veganism a try. But somebody asks: "Is veganism healthy?" Some people worry that eating no meat at all is not good for our health. It's your personal choice to be a vegan or not. Just make sure to keep healthy as well.

    (1)、How do many people protect the environment according to the passage?
    A、They save more water. B、They plant lots of trees. C、They give up animal products. D、They pick up litter everywhere.
    (2)、Why do some people choose to become vegan?
    A、Because they are afraid of leather. B、Because they don't like eating meat. C、Because they love animals more than anything else. D、Because they don't like the way people treat animals.
    (3)、What do many brands do to save the animals?
    A、They recycle some old products. B、They cut down the number of their products. C、They collect some dead animals to make products. D、They look for other materials to make their products.
    (4)、Which was the fastest- growing lifestyle movement in the UK?
    A、Keeping pets. B、Veganism. C、Amusement. D、Eating no food.
    (5)、Which is the best title of this passage?
    A、Making sure to keep healthy. B、Let's help wild animals. C、Many now choose to be vegan. D、Don't make leather products.


  • 22. 请阅读下面全文,并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中,使原文的意思完整、连贯。

    A. Now people can live in their favorite shopping centers in fact.

    B. Some people spend so much time at malls that they are called mall rats.

    C. People like malls for many reasons.

    D. Parking is free in all the malls.

    E. They see films at theaters.

    F. It has 350 stores, eight nightclubs,and a large park!

    Malls (购物中心) are popular places for Americans to go to.

    They shop until they visit hundreds of stores.

    They feel safe because malls have police stations. Parking is usually free. And the weather inside is always fine. The newest malls have beautiful rest places with waterfalls and large green trees.

    The largest mall in the United States is the Mall of America in Minnesota. It covers 4. 2 million square feet.There are parking spaces for 12,750 cars. About 750,000 people shop there every week.

    The first indoor mall in the United States was built in 1965 in Edina Minnesota. People love doing all their shopping in one place. More malls are built around the country. Now malls are town centers where people come to do many things. They shop, and of course, they also eat in food courts (广场) that have food from all over the world.Some people even get their exercise by doing the new sport of "mall walking". Others go to malls to meet friends.

    In some malls, people can see a doctor and even go to the church. In other words, people can do almost everything in malls.

  • 23. 根据短文内容完成表格,每空一词。

        Do you know when and where the first pizza delivery (传送) took place in history? In Italy nearly

    150 years ago.

        In 1878. Queen Margherita became the first queen of Italy. As the story goes, the queen grew tired of eating "fancy" meals and wanted to eat "common" food. Raffaele Esposito, the most famous pizza chef (主厨) at that time, was asked to deliver a pizza to the queen.

        He prepared a pizza with tomatoes, cheese and basil—the red tomatoes, white cheese and green basil (罗勒) which were the symbol of the colors of Italy's new national flag. As soon as the pizza was out of the oven, he quickly delivered it to the queen himself.

        The queen had never eaten pizza before and said it was one of the best things she'd ever eaten. Esposito named the pizza after the queen, and it has been served in nearly every pizza restaurant in the world ever since.

        Today. pizza remains one of the world's most popular fast fools. In 1973, US pizza company Domino's Pizza promised to deliver its pizza in "half an hour or less"—if the pizza was late, it would be free. Little Caesars, another US pizza company, offers a "Hot-N-Ready" pizza at nearly all of its stores. These pizzas are cooked around the clock so that there are always fresh pizzas available. You go to the store, pay $ 6 (about 42 yuan) and walk out with a fresh pizza with no waiting time. Pizza, it seems, might be the ultimate (终极)"fast" food.

    Pizza-the Ultimate "Fast" Food

    The time when the first pizza delivery took place

    Nearly one century and aago

    The first delivery in history

    The pizza Raffaele Esposito delivered to the queen in

    The pizzaafter the queen

    Being served in nearly every pizza restaurant in the world

    Domino's pizzas

    Being delivered in 30or less

    Nearly all stores of Little Caesars

    Always having fresh pizza

  • 24. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

        Anna works in a big company. Mr. Thompson and Mr. White are the leaders of their department. Everyone enjoys working with Mr. Thompson but no one likes Mr. White.

        Mr. Thompson is always kind and helpful. When he wants something done, he will ask, 'Would you mind getting the information for me, please?" But Mr. White isn't like Mr. Thompson at all. He usually shouts across the room,'Get me the notebook and hurry up."

        But this morning Mr. White made everyone surprised. At first,Anna thought he must be sick. He was very polite. 'Miss Erickson," he said, 'If it isn't too much trouble for you, could you please make these telephone calls for me?" June Erickson couldn't believe her ears. Right after that,Mr. White said, 'Miss Read, would you be as kind as to open the window? It's quite warm here." Then he talked to Anna, 'I would appreciate it very much if you would mail these letters for me."

        Everyone didn't know why he behaved like this. Had Mr. White changed his personality? Or should he see a doctor?

        Soon Anna knew the truth. 'Ladies," Mr White said, 'I have good news for you. The president of the company will be here next Monday. He will have some questions to ask you, such as 'Do you like working here?' or 'Do you like working with Mr. White?'"

    (1)、Where does Anna work?
    (2)、What is Mr. Thompson like?
    (3)、What did Mr. White ask Miss Read to do this morning?
    (4)、Who will come to the company next Monday?
    (5)、In fact, is Mr. White polite or impolite?


  • 25. 假如你是陈明,你们班的外国交换生John即将面临在中国的第一次大型考试,他非常焦虑,以致学习效率低下。请你根据以下要点提示,写一封信给他,帮助他调整心态,提高学习效率,轻松迎考。











    Dear John,

    You are not alone. Don't worry about your study too much.

    Hope these tips are helpful to you. Good luck on your exam.


    Chen Ming