
试卷更新日期:2021-05-25 类型:中考模拟


  • 1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

    In a small Chinese town lived a poor young man named Liang. He loved painting. One night, an old man with a long beard visited Liang in a1. He gave Liang a paintbrush.

    "Use this magic paintbrush to help the2, he said, " but don't use it to help people who are rich and greedy(贪婪的), or you will lose your skill and you will3 paint again."

    When Liang woke up, he found the paintbrush 4 on the table by his bed. He painted a butterfly and was surprised to see it5 the page and out of the window.

    Liang ran out of his little house and started painting things for people. He painted a buffalo(水牛) to help a farmer,6 for hungry people and clothes for people who were cold.

    However, a rich man 7 the paintbrush and asked Liang to paint some gold for him but Liang 8.

    "If you don't paint for me, I'll cut your fingers off," the rich man said. "Then you will never paint again."9 Liang painted an island of gold in the middle of a blue sea and a boat for the man.

    The man got in the boat and went on his way toward the island, laughing. When the rich man was halfway there, Liang painted a 10 in the side of the boat. The boat sank into the water and nobody ever saw the man again.

    A、dream B、room C、forest D、palace
    A、poor B、rich C、elderly D、painters
    A、often B、always C、ever D、never
    A、drawing B、lying C、flying D、sticking
    A、jump into B、fly off C、move on D、turn around
    A、toys B、water C、food D、clothes
    A、heard about B、spoke about C、cared about D、talked about
    A、enjoyed B、lost C、missed D、refused
    A、Because B、As C、However D、So
    A、bowl B、monster C、hole D、bag


  • 2. 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    64-year-old Zhang Guimei is a teacher. She has spent about 40 years helping young girls from poor families in Yunnan to receive a higher education. Her school, Huaping Girls High School in Lijiang City, is the first full-tuition free(学费全免的) high school for girls from poor families in China.

    Zhang moved to Lijiang at the age of 17 to teach in the middle school in Huaping County. Once, she got badly ill but had no money for the treatment(治疗). With the help of the people there, she was able to get the necessary treatment. "From then on, I told myself that I must do something for those people who helped me," Zhang said.

    Slowly, a dream of setting up a free high school for girls in Huaping County emerged in Zhang's heart. From the year of 2002, she began a six-year journey to look for funds(资金). In 2008, Zhang finally set up Huaping Girls High School at the foot of the Shizi Mountain in Huaping.

    Until now, Zhang's school has sent more than1,600 girls to universities. "I'm very thankful to her. She made us girls from poor areas able to go and see the world outside, "said Yang Qian, a graduate(毕业生) from Zhang's school.

    Zhang's story moves many people. To help her, the Yunnan Normal University planned to send 46 future graduates as teachers each year to her school.

    (1)、Why did Zhang want to help those young girls?
    A、People there once helped her B、She also comes from a poor family C、Building a school is always her dream D、She found her school needed more teachers
    (2)、What does the underlined word "emerged" mean?
    A、jumped B、appeared C、answered. D、learned
    (3)、What do we know about Huaping Girls High School?
    A、Huaping County built it in 2008 B、Zhang has been teaching there for 40 years C、More than 1,000 girls study there each year.   D、It took Zhang six years to set it up
    (4)、How would the Yunnan Normal University help Zhang?
    A、By providing more jobs for her students. B、By giving all her students a good education. C、By helping with the school's teaching work. D、By providing money for her and her students.
    (5)、Which of the following can be the BEST title for the passage?
    A、A great school B、A wonderful dream C、A great teacher D、A brighter future for poor girl
  • 3. 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    It is often said that dogs are "man's best friends". But for some children in China, this idea has taken on an even deeper meaning.

    Wu Qi, a dog trainer (驯养师) in Shanghai, started the Paw for Heal (PFH) program in China about eight years ago. The program trains dogs for animal-assisted therapy (动物辅助治疗). These animals help elderly people feel calm and less stressed. They also help people with mental illnesses (精神疾病).

    In Shanghai, the dogs have been trained to help kids with autism(孤独症). Autistic children are easily confused (困惑的) or scared by their environments. But when the PFH dogs are around, they feel much more calm.

    Pet owners can train their pets to become therapy dogs through PFH. Although this training is difficult (only 20 percent of dogs end up passing the program), it also helps a lot of people.

    "She (my dog) makes me happy every day, and I think she can bring happiness to other people in need as well," pet owner Wang Rui said in a report by Sixth Tone.

    Animal-assisted therapy is new to China. But Wu has high hopes for the future, as he is now working together with a Scottish (苏格兰的) university to improve his program.

    "Through learning from the European team, China may shorten the time to catch up with Western countries in this field (领域) by several decades." Wu said in the Sixth Tone report.  

    (1)、What does the underlined part in Paragraph 1 actually refer to?
    A、Dogs are man's best friends. B、Dogs can play with kids. C、Dogs can help sick kids feel better. D、Dogs are smarter than other animals.
    (2)、What does the Paw for Heal program do?
    A、It trains dog trainers. B、It trains therapy dogs. C、It takes care of elderly people. D、It cures mental illnesses.
    (3)、How is the Paw for Heal program doing?
    A、Autistic kids don't like the PFH dogs. B、Pet owners don't want their pets to be trained. C、Only one-fifth of dogs can pass the program. D、About 20 percent of dogs end up dying.
    (4)、What do we know about Wu Qi?
    A、He is the first Chinese person to write for Sixth Tone. B、He is working for a Scottish university. C、He does not agree that animals should be used for therapy. D、He thinks China needs to improve its animal-assisted therapy.
    (5)、Which of the following statement is TRUE?
    A、Dogs have been trained to help kids with autism all over the world. B、Pet owners can train their pets to become therapy dog as they like. C、China has caught up with Western countries in the animal-assisted therapy. D、Dogs can help people with mental illness.
  • 4. 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    What comes to mind when you hear the phrase "space meat"? It sounds quite weird. But in fact, it could very well be the future of the human diet.

    A Russian astronaut recently "grew" meat aboard the International Space Station. Yes, you read that right --he grew it using cells (细胞) provided by an Israeli company called Aleph Farms. But in fact, he was not the first person to create lab-grown (实验室培育的) meat. Dutch scientist Mark Post grew the first lab meat in 2013.

    But why bother growing meat in a lab when we can get the real thing from cows? For one thing, lab-grown meat is healthier. "We gain greater control over what the meat consists of (由……组成), for example its fat content," Post said in an interview with The Atlantic. Lab-grown meat is also free of the chemicals that are used on farms, such as pesticides (农药) and growth hormones (激素).

    Are there other ways to replace (代替) regular meat? McDonalds is trying to do so with the P.L.T., which stands for plant, lettuce and tomato. The first P.L.T. burgers are already being sold in Canada, according to the fast food company.

    The "meat" in the P.L.T. is made out of Beyond Meat, a plant-based meat substitute (替代品) created by a company from Los Angeles, US. The company uses pea, rice and bean proteins to produce patties (肉饼) that look and taste like real meat.

    Experts doubt whether these products are healthier than real meat. But they have already proven to be a success, with several fast food companies already offering such products on their menus, according to Fox Business.

    (1)、What did the Russian astronaut do recently?
    A、He grew meat on the International Space Station. B、He provided cells for an Israeli company. C、He built a lab for growing meat in space. D、He created the first lab-grown meat in the world.
    (2)、Why is lab-grown meat healthier than real meat?
    A、Because it is made from healthy cells. B、Because it is produced in clean labs. C、Because lab meat doesn't consist of fat. D、Because producers can control what's in the meat.
    (3)、What does the word bother in Para 3 mean?
    A、兄弟 B、费工夫 C、吹牛 D、打破  
    (4)、According to the story, P.L.T. burgers _____.
    A、taste better than normal burgers. B、are made out of plant protein. C、are already being sold in the US. D、are served by many fast food companies.
    (5)、What do experts think of plant-based meat products?
    A、They will be the future of the human diet. B、They are free from harmful chemicals. C、They might not be healthier than real meat. D、They have already proven to be a success.
  • 5. 请阅读下面的短文。并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中,使原文的意思完整,连贯

    A. In the book, you can enjoy a wonderful story about friendship.

    B. Ivan has trouble getting along with other animals.

    C. So far it has won a lot of people's hearts.

    D. Ivan lives in a shopping mall with a group of other animals.

    E. Like Julia, Ariana Greenblatt is smart and she's an animal lover.

    F. However, when a young elephant named Ruby arrives at the mall, Ivan's memories of life in the forestreturn.

    The film The One and Only Ivan is about Ivan, an old gorilla(大猩猩). They are Stella the elephant, Bob the dog, Frankie the seal, Murphy the rabbit, and Henrietta the chicken. They perform(表演) for people together every day.

    After living in the mall for quite a long time, Ivan doesn't remember much about his earlier life. Ivan starts to question his own life, thinking about where he comes from and what he wants to be. He wants to live a better life. Then he and his friends start to fight for their freedom.

    The film is based on the children's book of the same name by Katherine Alice Applegate  .

    The American actress Ariana Greenblatt plays the role of Julia, Ivan's best human friend. She hopes the film can make people care more about animals.

    It's difficult for a film to make all people pleased, but The One and Only Ivan is one of the most popular Disney films now. .

  • 6. 信息匹配,下面的材料A-F分别介绍了澳大利亚的六处旅游景点。请根据 Sally、Jane Frank、Mr. Smith、Bill五个人的旅游计划,选出最适合他们的旅游景。

    A. Adelaide  

    The city in South Australia is famous for its farm and wine. It's also a great place for people to relax.

    B. Australian Alps

    You can visit beautiful snowy mountains here. Many people also like going for a walk here in summer. You will have great fun.

    C. Sydney

    Sydney is Australia's largest city. You can visit the Sydney Opera House. It is a big art center in Sydney. You can enjoy some plays and shows here.

    D. Brisbane

    It is a big city in the northeast of Australia. You can enjoy the sun and many beautiful beaches here. There is also lots of delicious food and wine.

    E. Kakadu National Park

    This park is in the north of Australia. There are more than 1, 700 kinds of plants in the park. There you can also watch the Jim Jim Falls. It is a fantastic waterfall (瀑布).

    F. Phillip Island

    It is popular with visitors. You can visit the Penguin Parade(企鹅列队) at Phillip Island Nature Park. Little penguins here are very lovely.

    Sally is from Japan. She is going to visit Australia with her nine-year-old daughter Adele and Adele is a big fan of cute animals.

    Jane is 22 years old. She wants to visit a big city in Australia. She likes plays and other art shows.

    Frank comes from South Africa. In his hometown, there are few lakes and rivers. So Frank really wants to see waterfalls.

    Mr. Smith is from Canada. He wants to travel with his wife. He likes drinking wine and his wife just wants to stay on a farm and enjoy the fresh air.

    Bill is 24 years old. He is from India. He plans to go to some beautiful beaches. He also wants to try some great food in Australia.


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。

    It is good news that more and more people choose the bicycle as the means of transportation in China because there is too much traffic in the busy streets.

    Xu Shima was 16 in 1980 and had to learn a trade (买卖). He (choose) bicycle repair. Over the next twenty years, it proved to be a wise (decide). At that time, China was known The "Kingdom of Bicycles" and was home to the world's largest number of people who ride bicycles. In the 1990s, Xu's business was (success).

    , in 2000, Xu had to give up his trade because more and more people began to use electric bicycles and cars. He even made a living by  (sell) fruits and working as a factory security guard (保安). He showed no interest in returning to bicycle repair.

    Yet the tide has again turned, and in 2009 Xu returned to his trade and now  (repair) a lot of bicycles  day. Xu is one of 155 bike mechanics at the Hangzhou Public Bicycle Transportation Development Co. and fixes the company's (near) 70, 000 public bicycles in the city.

    "I'm glad cycling is popular again, " says Xu.

    Inspired by the public bicycle system in Paris, Hangzhou government set up (it) own project in May 2008, hoping to ease the city's increasing traffic jams in this way.


  • 8. 上周末你跟父母去一家餐馆吃饭,这次的经历让你感到很新奇。请根据以下提示要点写一篇短文。






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