
试卷更新日期:2021-05-18 类型:期中考试

一、Read and choose.(选出每组中不同类的单词。1分/题,计5分)

  • 1. 选出每组中不同类的单词。
    A、high B、game C、short D、thin
    A、nose B、open C、hit D、play
    A、ask B、won C、thought D、brought
    A、Pele B、Helen C、China D、Anna
    A、bad B、easy C、great D、cloud

二、Choose the correct answer.(选择最佳答案。1分/题,计5分)

  • 2. Mary always __________________ she can fly a kite.
    A、thinks B、think C、thought
  • 3. They __________________ fruit this morning.
    A、buys B、buying C、bought
  • 4. We are __________________ lunch in the kitchen.
    A、have B、had C、having
  • 5. We can't skate. It is __________________.
    A、easy B、difficult C、learn
  • 6. Bob likes to play basketball. He is a good__________.
    A、played B、player C、playing

三、Read and fill in the blanks.(填空,每空内容不能重复。0.5分/空,计5分)

  • 7. 填空,每空内容不能重复。

    My name is . I am a . In the , I at 6:30. I play ping-pong 30 . breakfast, I go to school.

四、Read and match.(选择相应的答句。1分/题,计5分)

  • 8. 选择相应的答句。

    ⑴How often do you read books?  A. Fish.

    ⑵What do you like to cat?       B. The third.

    ⑶Do you help your family?         C. Every day.

    ⑷Which girl is your sister?        D. No, they aren't.

    ⑸Are your friends tired?          E. Yes, we do.

五、Choose and complete the dialogue. (选择最佳句子完成对话。1分/句,计5分)

  • 9. 选择最佳句子完成对话。

    A. He can run fast.

    B. What do you do?

    C. Who did you meet there?

    D. Were you happy today?

    E. Can he walk?

    F. Tom has a little brother.

    G. Then, I went to the park.

    H. And I watch TV.

    I. Anne is a girl.

    J. Did you have fun today?

    A: Hi, mum.

    B: Yes, I did.

    A: What did you do?

    B: First, I bought many books.


    B: I met(meet的过去式) Tom's family.

    A: How old is his brother?

    B: He is about 1 year old. He can't speak. But he can say "Wa, Wa."


    B: No. But he can ride.

六、Read and do. (按要求答题。注意标点符号和字母的大小1分/句,5分)

七、Think and write.(写一写。2分/句,计10分)

  • 14. 写一写

    Exercise helps make your body healthy and strong. What do you often do? Write down some sentences about it, places.