
试卷更新日期:2021-05-18 类型:中考模拟


  • 1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

        A wise man was on his long journey with a young man. Night was falling  so they decided to find a place to stay. They searched for a long time and at last found a tiny old house. A1 family lived in it. They gave the two visitors a warm welcome and prepared a simple 2 for them including fresh milk and cheese.

        After the meal, the wise man asked how they made a living in such a poor place. In a low voice the husband replied, "We have a 3. We sell her milk to our neighbors and keep some for 4own needs-make some cheese and cream. "

        The next morning, the two visitors continued their 5. After they walked a few miles, the wise man said to the young man, "Go back and push the cow off the cliff (悬崖). "Why? Without the cow, they will have nothing. " The wise man repeated his order, "Go back and 6 the cow. "

        The young man was worried about the future of the family. But 7 he returned to the old house and did as the wise man told him.

        A few years later, the young man travelled on the same` road. He decided to visit the family again. To his surprise, he saw a large house with a beautiful garden there.

        He knocked on, the door and-a well-dressed man answered it. He was; the son of the family.

        The man invited him to enter the house and told him 8 their life changed. "You know, we had 9 but a cow to keep us alive years ago. But one day she fell off the cliff and died. We had to come up with new ways of making a living. You see, we are much 10than before. " At his words, the young man smiled.

    A、brave B、poor C、rich   
    A、meal B、room C、story   
    A、horse B、pig C、cow   
    A、our B、their C、his   
    A、plan B、work C、journey   
    A、help B、kill C、feed   
    A、luckily B、finally C、suddenly   
    A、what B、where C、how   
    A、something B、anything C、nothing   
    A、better B、smarter C、busier   


  • 2. 阅读理解

        When I was six years old, my mom told me that I could find anyone's number in the phone book. I used to look through the phone book for hours trying to find Michael Jordan's phone number. When I couldn't find it, I just dialed seven numbers. When someone answered, I'd ask, "Is that Michael Jordan?" Obviously, I always had the wrong number.

        A year later I started playing basketball at my local recreation center. It was very big. I never thought in my wildest dreams that a basketball court could be inside a building. The recreation centre had a special smell in it, sort of like hot rubber. I guessed it was from the shoes hitting the floor so fast and hard. The atmosphere on the court was carefree. Our biggest excitement of the day was when we actually made a shot. We celebrated wins over ice cream at a fast food restaurant.

        I got good at it, and confidence grew. I played it all the time until the sixth grade. As soon as junior high school came, I stopped playing basketball and focused on school. When senior high school started, I tried out for the school team and made it. We worked hard. Every week we did 300 push-ups and 300 sit-ups on our own. Our coach encouraged the sit-ups to keep stomach power, because it gave us so much control when we were playing basketball. If we didn't want to do the sit-ups and push-ups, we could practise dribbling (运球) and shooting more. It's just us, the ball, the court and the net. But don't take my word for it. See for yourself. After all, I'm just one kid playing the game.

    (1)、From Paragraph 1 we know that ________.
    A、the author's (作者的) mother gave him some wrong phone numbers B、the phone book has everyone's phone number except Michael Jordan's C、the author wanted to contact Michael Jordan very much D、the author didn't know how to use a phone at that time
    (2)、What does the underlined word "obviously" mean?
    A、Strangely. B、Surprisingly. C、Clearly. D、Doubtfully.
    (3)、What surprised the author most at the recreation center?
    A、That it was very near to his home. B、That there was a basketball court inside the building. C、That there was a special smell in it. D、That there was a fast food restaurant in it.
    (4)、The author's coach encouraged them to do sit-ups because _______.
    A、it is the basic preparation to play basketball B、it is more useful than dribbling and shooting C、it is the only way to make people stronger D、it helps keep stomach power
    (5)、What's the author's purpose in writing this passage?
    A、To introduce some skills in playing basketball. B、To tell us about his dream of becoming a basketball star. C、To introduce his own experience of playing basketball. D、To tell us how to balance playing basketball and studying.
  • 3. 阅读理解

        Nan Weidong and Nan Weiping live and work in a small Beijing apartment (公寓房间). They come from Anhui Province. They go to the local market in Beijing to buy lots of vegetables and they are used for making musical instruments.

        The two grew up with vegetables around them. Their music teacher father taught them to learn traditional instruments from a young age. When they were teenagers, they joined a local music group.

        But it wasn't until two years ago that they thought of making instruments out of vegetables, and they have been interested in it ever since. They make holes in different kinds of vegetables and get different kinds of instruments.

        "The deeper the hole, the lower the pitch (音调). The shallower the hole, the higher the pitch," said Nan Weiping.

        The two have taken part in lots of talent shows (达人秀) in China and often get 30,000 to 50,000 yuan for a performance. Each show needs making a whole new set of instruments.

        Though the size and shape of the vegetables is important, the most importance is placed on freshness, said Nan Weidong.

        "If the water content (含量) in vegetables loses, the tune (曲调) will become higher, or even out of tune. So we choose vegetables with as much water content as possible," he said.

        "The vegetables have to be hard. We can't use vegetables left over for days. They are too soft to be played."

    (1)、Maybe Nan Weidong and Nan Weiping were born _____.
    A、in Beijing B、in Anhui Province C、in Tianjin D、in Shanghai
    (2)、_____ taught them to learn traditional instruments when they were very young.
    A、Their father B、Their music teacher C、Their mother D、Their sister
    (3)、They use _____ to make instruments.
    A、trees B、food C、fruit D、vegetables
    (4)、The underlined word "shallower" means _____.
    A、短的 B、深的 C、浅的 D、薄的
    (5)、Which of the following is wrong?
    A、Nan Weidong and Nan Weiping joined a local music group when they were teenagers. B、The deeper the hole in the vegetable is, the lower the pitch is. C、They need many new vegetable instruments for each show. D、They should leave vegetables for several days before they make instruments.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        Last summer I went to one of the world's most famous historical places, the Forbidden City in Beijing, China. It was the home of the emperors (皇帝) of the last two dynasties (朝代) in China, the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

        The Forbidden City was built in 1420. The palace has over 10,000 rooms. It was where the emperors dealt with the official business with their ministers (大臣).

        In Mandarin (普通话), the Forbidden City is called the  Purple Forbidden City. However, the color of the palace itself is not purple. The color purple stands for power of the great emperors of China.  It was so sacred (神圣的) that the common people could not even dream of ever going in.

        The emperor also had some of the largest festival celebrations at the Forbidden City. During Chinese New Year, the emperor would invite all the members of his family and his officials to a banquet. The banquet had a hundred and eight Chinese dishes. It was such an expensive banquet that it could feed a common family for three generations (三代人).

        Right now the Forbidden City is known as a historical site for tourists from all over the world. Everyone can go in there. It is a museum with priceless Chinese antiques (古董) and treasures in it.

        I really learned a lot about the Chinese culture and its history from this trip to the Forbidden City. It was like a dream which has come true. And I was excited to go on the trip and see the things that I had always wanted to see.

    (1)、How long is the history of the Forbidden City?
    A、About 600 years. B、More than 600 years. C、1,420 years. D、Over 10,000 years.
    (2)、We call the palace the Purple Forbidden City because the color purple is the symbol for _____ of the emperor.
    A、power B、beauty C、interest D、health
    (3)、What's the Chinese meaning of the word "banquet" in Paragraph 4?
    A、performance B、competition C、exhibition D、dinner party
    (4)、Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the Forbidden City in the passage?
    A、The emperor lived there. B、The wall of the Forbidden City was purple. C、It is a historical place for visiting. D、The emperor had festival celebrations there.
    (5)、In the passage, the writer wants to show us _____ of the Forbidden City by comparing its past with present.
    A、the beauty B、the treasures C、the changes in use D、the building process


  • 5. 配对阅读。左栏是五条留言,右栏是相应的留言者个人信息,请为左栏的每条留言找到对应的留言者。

    Nancy, thank you for asking me to go shopping with you. But I am afraid I can't. I have a lot of work to do from Monday to Friday. I wonder whether it is ok on Saturday or Sunday.

    Paul, I am very sorry I can't play basketball with you on Saturday afternoon because I happened to hurt my left leg last week. I have to rest for a few days. I hope to join you next week.

    Emma, you are so kind to invite me to your birthday party. I'd love to, but I have to stay with my mother in hospital. She just had an operation. I hope you have a happy birthday party.

    Barry, thank you for inviting me to your house for dinner on Friday 18th. But I have to fly to America on business. I am really sorry. I hope to see you after I get back a week later.

    Hall, thank you for your invitation. I'd love to your party at half past six, but we'll have a meeting after work, so I may be 20 minutes late. I hope you can understand.

    A. Ted is going to America by air and she is coming back on October 25th.

    B. Lisa is travelling abroad. She will call you back after she comes back.

    C. Mary is busy on weekdays. She wants to know if it is fine for you on weekends.

    D. Tara has something else to do with after work, so she will come to the party at about ten to seven.

    E. There is something wrong with Tom's leg, so he can't take part in the basketball game. He will get back to the team next week.

    F. Toby can't come to the party, because his mother is ill. Jake is ill in hospital, so he can't come to the party.

  • 6. 左栏是五个人的介绍,右栏是七则资讯。请将这五个人与他们需要的资讯配对。

    Mr. & Mrs. Smith live in a noisy street. They are going to the beach for a weekend. They dream of eating seafood by the sea and spending a quiet night. They also hope the hotel rooms are not so expensive.

    Jack is a businessman. He is looking for a modern hotel with good service in the center of the city.

    The Lees are having a three-day holiday. They aren't rich and they enjoy a simple life. The family all like swimming.

    Jim and Susan plan a trip after wedding. They want to choose a hotel with natural environment, comfortable rooms and good service.

    A group of college students are having their holiday. They want a quiet place where they can have their BBQ. They don't care the room size.

    A. Alex Center Hotel is 300 meters away from the center square. It has many modern and large rooms. It also has a business center, meeting rooms, a car park and several restaurants.

    B. Youth hotel provides more than a hundred rooms. The rooms are not big but clean. No noise can be heard from the streets. There is an outdoor barbecue(烧烤) that everyone loves.

    C. Holiday Village is built in a beautiful valley. You can have your own house with a small garden. The restaurant in it has delicious food and all kinds of wine, ready for you in the evening, but it may cost much.

    D. Seafood Hotel is near the beach. It's famous for different kinds of seafood. And the beach is also beautiful. We provide good service and of course the rooms are expensive.

    E. Holiday Inn is great for its value. It is lying at the foot of the mountain. It provides basic conditions, but the rooms are clean and big enough for a dance. It has a nice swimming pool.

    F. Karin's Hotel is on an island. It is famous for its wonderful natural views, nice rooms and its service. Staying here can make your trip a pleasant one.

    G. Fishermen's Home is built by the sea. You don't need to spend much staying here. Walking along the beach, you can see many fish. You can go fishing on the boat, too. Of course, you can enjoy seafood with your friends in the restaurant.


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,根据文章大意用所给单词的适当形式填空(未提供单词的,限填一词),使文章意思完整、正确。

        This happened a year ago when I went to an old city on holiday.

        It was in the afternoon. I could feel the heat of the sun while walking around the city for the (one) time.  Then I decided (stop) at a restaurant and eat my late lunch. I sat outside restaurant and ordered my food. I was playing with my phone while waiting for my food. Just then a tall man came near me asked if I had spare money. He didn't look like a beggar(乞丐)because he was wearing nice (cloth). I asked him what had happened. He told me that he just came here for a holiday. When he wanted to buy some water at the bus station, he (find)his wallet and phone were gone. He (real) didn't know what to do.

        "You must be hungry .Come and join me for lunch. It's my treat."

        After having our lunch I gave him some money .He asked my number." If I have a chance I will visit (you) city and pay back," he said.

        "Don't think like that. It's my pleasure to help you. You can pay it forward—when someone (need) help ,help him or her," I replied.

        He smiled and said goodbye. I smiled,.


  • 8. 如今越来越多汽车进入我们的家庭,改善了我们的生活,但同时也带来了很多问题,如塞车和车祸,给家庭和社会带来了极大的危害。春节期间多地交通部门提出了“道路千万条,安全第一条”的口号。作为中学生,我们应该怎样做呢?








    参考词汇:sidewalk 人行道





    Dear schoolmates,

        With more and more cars coming into our families, we are happy that it has greatly improved our lives.

        Remember: Routes are countless; safety is foremost. We must obey the traffic rules.

    The Students' Union