
试卷更新日期:2021-05-15 类型:月考试卷


  • 1. 听句子,选择正确答语。
    A、A flower. B、My father. C、A dog.
  • 2. 听句子,选择正确答语。
    A、Yes, he does. B、No, he didn't. C、Yes, he could.
  • 3. 听句子,选择正确答语。
    A、See you. B、Not at all. C、That sounds like a good idea.
  • 4. 听句子,选择正确答语。
    A、Yesterday morning. B、Last night. C、This Saturday.
  • 5. 听句子,选择正确答语。
    A、Once a week. B、For two hours. C、In three minutes.


  • 6. 听对话,选择正确答语。
    A、No Smoking. B、No Swimming. C、No Photos.
  • 7. 听对话,选择正确答语。
    A、Give out food. B、Clean up the city parks. C、Take care of the homeless children.
  • 8. 听对话,选择正确答语。
    A、Help her mother. B、Do her homework. C、Help children with their homework.
  • 9. 听对话,选择正确答语。
    A、Put up signs. B、Sell newspapers. C、Sell magazines.
  • 10. 听对话,选择正确答语。
    A、Sick kids in the hospital. B、The old people. C、The children without homes.


  • 11. 听描述,选出与其相符的图片,其中有一幅图片是多余的。

    A .    B .    C .    D .    E .    F .

     ⑵  ⑶  ⑷  ⑸


  • 12. 听对话,回答问题。
    (1)、How old is the man?
    A、13. B、30. C、33.
    (2)、What has the man ever worked as?
    A、A doctor. B、A teacher. C、A volunteer.
  • 13. 听对话,回答问题。
    (1)、Where are they talking?
    A、On the phone. B、In the man's office. C、At the girl's home.
    (2)、What kind of volunteer work did the boy once do?
    A、Helped kids in the school. B、Worked in an after-school care center. C、Helped kids in the hospital.
    (3)、When can the boy come to help?
    A、On Friday mornings. B、On Saturday mornings. C、On Sunday mornings.


  • 14. 听短文,选择正确答案。
    (1)、What was the main reason for people to have dogs in the past?
    A、To make money. B、To make them safe. C、To help them work.
    (2)、What do many people walk with in the park?
    A、Pigs. B、Cats. C、Dogs.
    (3)、What's a dog for a child?
    A、A smart teacher. B、A helpful brother. C、A playing partner.
    (4)、What do young people regard a dog as?
    A、A friend. B、A teacher. C、A child.
    (5)、What do old people regard a dog as?
    A、A friend. B、A teacher. C、A child.




  • 25. — What's ____ matter with the boy?

    — He has _____ fever.

    A、a ; a B、/ ; / C、the ; a D、the ; /
  • 26. To ______ surprise, all the passengers agreed ______ with him.
    A、he ; go B、his ; to go C、him ; going D、him ; go
  • 27. I used to _____ clothes in shops, but now I'm used to ______ them online.
    A、buying ; buying B、buy ; buy C、buying ; buy D、buy ; buying
  • 28. I saw her________ basketball when I walked on the playground this morning.
    A、practices B、practiced C、practicing D、to practice
  • 29. He can do what he can _____ the children in his neighborhood.
    A、help B、to help C、helps D、helped
  • 30. I had trouble _____ the problem.
    A、to work out B、work out C、worked out D、working out
  • 31. —Tom fell off his bike and hurt his knee.


    A、Pretty good B、That's too bad C、That's funny D、That's a good idea
  • 32. A lot of schools ____ starting classes because of COVID-19.
    A、put up B、put off C、put on D、put away
  • 33. StorySign is ________ a useful app ________ it can make it easier for deaf children and their parents to read bedtime stories.
    A、so; that B、such; that C、too; to D、as; as
  • 34. If you want to succeed, you should never _______.
    A、wake up B、give up C、look up D、make up
  • 35. We have _____ time, so we must end the meeting at once.
    A、run out of B、looked out of C、stayed away from D、run out
  • 36. — Do you think the movie <My Motherland and Me>(我和我的祖国)is _____ ?

    — Yes, I felt _____ about it when I saw it.

    A、exciting ; exciting B、excited ; excited C、exciting ; excited D、excited ; exciting
  • 37. Although Tom is _____ in the world, he never feels _____.
    A、alone ; alone B、lonely ; lonely C、alone ; lonely D、lonely ; alone
  • 38. — Could I use your computer, David?

    — Sorry, I'm going to _____ it now.

    A、work on B、work out C、work for D、work off
  • 39. — I didn't go to the music club yesterday.

    — _____. I had to look after my sick mother in hospital.

    A、So did I B、Neither did I C、So I did D、Neither I did


  • 40. 从题后方框中选择怡恰当的句子完成对话,有一项是多余的。

    A: Morning Jerry I coughed all day yesterday.

    B: Does your head feel hot?

    A: No, it doesn't.

    B: I don't think you need to.


    B: You should drink some hot water.

    A: Oh, dear!

    B: Don't worry. I'll get some for you.


    B: You're welcome.

    A. Should I go to see a doctor?

    B. There isn't any hot water here.

    C. That's too bad.

    D. Thank you very much.

    E. What should I do?

    F. Did you go to the hospital?


  • 41. 完形填空。

    Nick is a1schoolboy. His life is full of exams and studies on2. He has3free time. He thinks4computer games5the best way to make him relax. When he has free time, he sits in front of the computer. Just6that way, he doesn't eat or drink for several hours.

    Last weekend, he played games on the computer again. He was too7and didn't want to8. He didn't have9for six hours. When he had to go to the bathroom, he found he could not move. His parents10him to the hospital. The doctor told him he should have a good rest and11sports.

    After coming back from the hospital, Nick follows the doctor's12. He often plays soccer with his friends.13sometimes he still plays computer games on weekends, he14does it for long. Now he15a happy and healthy life.

    A、14-years-old B、14-year-old C、14 year old D、14 years old
    A、weekdays B、weekend C、weekday D、weekends
    A、much B、few C、little D、a few
    A、play B、to play C、playing D、played
    A、be B、is C、was D、Are
    A、for B、on C、in D、since
    A、excite B、excites C、exciting D、excited
    A、miving B、move C、watch D、playing
    A、nothing B、anything C、something D、everything
    A、sent B、brought C、caught D、got
    A、take out B、take care of C、join in D、give up
    A、advice B、advices C、dreams D、hobbies
    A、And B、Unless C、Because D、Although
    A、ever B、never C、often D、always
    A、living B、to live C、lives D、live


  • 42. 阅读理解。

    Linda is a 23-year-old girl in London. Although the girl is quite young, she has already got a cancer (癌症) twice. Luckily, the girl is very healthy now and works as a nurse in the hospital where she was treated(治疗).

    Linda was just two years old when she got the cancer for the first time. She stayed in hospital

    for a year and got better. But at the age of 14, she got the same cancer again.

    It was really a hard time for Linda, but she never gave up. Linda always thought of the kind nurses in the hospital. They always encouraged her and gave her hope to live.

    "Around 11th grade, I started thinking about my future," Linda said. "I wanted to use my story to help others and give them hope. Then I found that being a nurse for children would be the greatest job for me.

    By studying hard, Linda finally made her dream come true. Linda said, "It's so cool to just to be at the place where I was treated. And I'm so happy that I can pass love to more children and be a good example to them."

    (1)、Linda's         gave her hope to live.
    A、Friends B、parents C、doctors D、nurses
    (2)、The underlined word "encouraged" means          in Chinese.
    A、鼓励 B、打击 C、躲避 D、讨厌
    (3)、Why did Linda want to be a nurse?
    A、To improve her health. B、To become more famous. C、To pass love and hope. D、To have a bright future.
    (4)、Which of the following about Linda is NOT true according to the passage?
    A、She is a young girl from the UK. B、She got the cancer 21 years ago for the first time. C、To fight with cancer, she went through a hard time. D、She feels terrible to work in the hospital where she was treated.
    (5)、What's the best title for this passage?
    A、An Unlucky Girl B、A Girl Full of Love and Hope C、What to Do for Dreams D、How to Face Problems in Life
  • 43. 阅读理解

    As the saying goes, "A hero is known in the time of misfortune(不幸)." Zhong Nanshan is a hero like this. He is a doctor in Guangdong, who saved many people's lives in 2003.

    In 2003, SARS broke out(爆发)in Guangdong. Later, it spread across China and other parts of the world. Patients coughed a lot and got fevers. Hundreds of patients even died of the disease (疾病). Even many doctors and nurses got SARS when they were working. So everyone was afraid of it. But Zhong was brave enough to fight against the disease. Zhong spent days and nights finding out the cause of the disease.And with his way of treating, many patients began to get better. Zhong finally won people's trust.

    In early 2020, a disease called the COVID-19 virus(新型冠状病毒肺炎)hit Wuhan. It spread quickly and tens of thousands of Chinese people were infected(感染). Zhong led his team to Wuhan to fight against the illness. Zhong's team took many measures to cure the patients with the COVID-19 virus. He advised people to wear masks, wash hands frequently(频繁地),stay at home and not to go to crowded places. Zhong likes sports very much. Although he is very old, he can still play basketball.

    Now at the age of 85, Zhong still treats patients in the hospital and teaches young doctors, "I am just a doctor," Zhong says. But we think he is a hero and a fighter.

    (1)、Where did SARS break out?
    A、In Guangdong. B、In Wuhan. C、In Shanghai. D、In New York.
    (2)、The following may happen to the patients EXCEPT______when they catch SARS.
    A、having a fever B、coughing a lot C、dying D、having a cold
    (3)、How old was Zhong when he fought against SARS in 2003?
    A、85. B、67. C、84. D、83.
    (4)、Which one is TRUE according to the passage?
    A、We could go to crowded places at any time when the COVID-19 virus broke out. B、Zhong's team took many measures to cure the patients with the COVID-19 virus. C、Although Zhong is very old, he can still play football. D、Zhong is too busy to do sports and he doesn't like doing sports.
    (5)、What's the main idea of the passage?
    A、Doctors are the heroes. B、Zhong is a hero and a fighter. C、The difference between SARS and COVID-19. D、COVID-19 is bad for people's health.
  • 44. 根据短文内容,判断正误

    One day, I had a bad toothache. I couldn't eat anything. So I went to see the dentist.

    "What's wrong with your teeth?" asked the dentist,

    "I have a toothache," I told him.

    "Let me see your teeth....Um, there's a hole in one of the teeth. Do you eat a lot of sweet food?" the dentist asked me.

    "Yes, I do, I often cat ice cream. biscuits. chocolates and I often drink coke and milk with sugar," I told him.

    "All these are bad for your teeth, You must eat less sweet food and brush your teeth at least twice every day. Now let me fill your tooth," said the doctor.

    (1)、The doctor looked over the writer's teeth, and found a hole in one of her teeth.     
    (2)、The writer doesn't like having sweet food.   
    (3)、Eating less sweet food isn't good for our teeth.  
    (4)、The dentist filled the writer's bad tooth.
    (5)、The writer should brush her teeth at least five times every day.
  • 45. 阅读短文,把A--E五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整。

    In hospital, a doctor always gives you a note to get the medicine from the chemist(药剂师). but sometimes doctors write so badly that the chemists can't understand them.

    My mother wrote to a doctor to invite him to have dinner at our home last week. The doctor wrote an answer, "What shall I do?" she said to my father, "I don't want to give him a telephone call and say I can't read his writing. " My father thought for a moment and then had an idea.

    She went to the chemist's shop and gave the doctor's note to the chemist. Then he said politely, "Could you please wait for a few minutes, madam?" He went to the back of the shop. After 2 minutes he returned, carrying a large bottle. He gave the bottle to my mother and said, "Three times a day and one teaspoon at a time. "

    A. The chemist looked at it very carefully.

    B. My mother agreed to do that.

    C. but he didn't write clearly and my mother couldn't read it.

    D. I don't know whether he is coming or not.

    E. Chemists have more chances to read doctors' notes.

  • 46. 根据以上内容,回答下列问题。

    Most middle school students always wear school uniforms when they are at school, but they also want to make themselves look fashionable(时髦的)and nice. They can t make money now. Is it necessary for them to wear labels (品牌)? Some students show us their ideas.

    Bill: I get new clothes and shoes quite often. My parents buy them for me. I buy things because I like them. I get angry if I don't get what I want. I think it's important to wear labels. My favorite label is Nike because it's the best maker I think.

    Kate: My mum buys me clothes and shoes. On my birthdays I buy my own. I always go for labels because they make me look in fashion. But I don't think it's important to wear labels. I buy things because I like them, not because of the price or the labels.

    Paul: My mother buys me clothes. I don't think labels are important. But my favorite label is Adidas. And I sometimes can't get the things I want, because my mother can't afford(负担得起) them. I just wait until she has enough money.

    (1)、What do most students wear at school?
    (2)、Who buys new clothes and shoes for Bill?
    (3)、When can Kate buy her own clothes?
    (4)、How many labels are mentioned(提及) in the passage?
    (5)、What does Paul do if his mother can't afford the things?


  • 47. 根据短文内容,把词填到横线上,使短文意思完整,语意通顺。(每空一词)

    Hi, everyone! Ilots of good habits. I usually go to bed before 9:00 p. m. and get up at about 6:00 a. m. I often play sportsthe morning. After that, I eat a healthy. I usually finish my homework on time. I sometimesbooks in the library. Reading more helps open up my mind. Ieat junk food because it is not good for my health.

    That's all. Thank you!

  • 48. 如何保持身体健康呢?请围绕这个话题并结合自己的实际情况,写一篇英语短文,简要的谈一谈你的做法。80词左右。

    How to keep healthy