备战2021年中考英语专题复习——单词拼写 卷一(真题)

试卷更新日期:2021-05-14 类型:二轮复习


  • 1. I've finally realized why my grandpa loves (喝) tea.
  • 2. Prepare yourself for everything (在前面) of time, and you will be uccessful.
  • 3. The Chinese government has done a lot to control plastic (污染) in big cities.
  • 4. We were (不幸的) with the bad weather this weekend.
  • 5. In the face of danger, all the firefighters were brave and (没有一个) of them gave up.
  • 6. Have you read the report? Those (英雄) stories really touched me deeply.
  • 7. It is a (秘密) between you and me  Don't let others know it.
  • 8. The bird can (飞) in the sky because it has two wings.
  • 9. To sit (舒适地), passengers aren't supposed to eat or drink on the subway.
  • 10. Please (分开) the children into three groups.
  • 11. I can't follow you, Tom .please say it(再一次).
  • 12. The more you think about others, the more (有帮助的) you will be.
  • 13. –Shall we go outside and breathe some (新鲜的) air?

    —Good ideas.

  • 14. Jane lives on the (第十) floor in the building.
  • 15. Professor Xu gave us a talk on how to (保护) the environment last week.
  • 16. Don't be(不耐烦的). Learning English takes some time.
  • 17. I'm sorry. I (完全地)forgot that it was your birthday yesterday.   
  • 18. The world's longest cross-sea bridge—the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is considered as "one of the seven(奇迹) of the modern world" by some people.
  • 19. Frank is an h boy, He never tells lies.
  • 20. They've been good friends s they were little kids.
  • 21. We need to c up with a plan to tell people about the city park clean—up.
  • 22. People of Shanghai has i us to improve the rubbish collecting system.
  • 23. Ms. Wang is very strict with us. She always asks us to do everything according to her i.
  • 24. On Mother's Day, my mother was happy because I gave h a scarf as a present.
  • 25. Boys and girls, help yto some fish.
  • 26. October is the tmonth of a year.
  • 27. It's good manners to keep your v down in public.
  • 28. We all agree that the driver who drives after drinking wine(酒)should be p.
  • 29. The British teacher is very humorous, He always tells us j.
  • 30. –How can we go to the theatre, Bruce?

    —It's a long way to go. We'd better take the underground i of walking there.