备战2021年中考英语专题复习——短语辨析 卷二(真题)

试卷更新日期:2021-05-13 类型:二轮复习


  • 1. What a terrible experience! ________, lucky us, we are safe now.
    A、Anyway B、Otherwise C、For example D、As a result
  • 2. Please remember to _______ the ectricity and water before you leave the laboratory.
    A、take off B、shut off C、go off D、put off
  • 3. The Chinese language has become a bridge to___________ China___________ the rest of the world.
    A、connect... to B、translate... into C、compare... with D、separate…from
  • 4. Jane__________ her brother is going to the movies this weekend. One of them has to stay at home to look after their sick mother.
    A、Neither; nor B、Either; or C、Both; and D、Not only; but also
  • 5. —Fangfang, shall we go to see a film on Saturday?

    —Sorry. I'll have to ______ my younger brother because my mother is out.

    A、look at B、look for C、look up D、look after
  • 6. Everything from how we cook meat to what we eat for dinner can _____our brain health.
    A、take pride in B、have an interest in C、play a role in D、believe in
  • 7. —Can you give me some suggestions on reading books?

    —You'd better ______the dictionary when you meet the new words.

    A、look up B、look around C、look for
  • 8. —What do you think of the new movie Wandering Earth(《流浪地球》)?

    —It's ____wonderful     I really like it.

    A、so; that B、such; that C、too; to D、enough; to
  • 9. — Tom, What are you doing?

    — I'm      drawing because I want to be a painter.

    A、taking up B、cleaning up C、putting up D、making up
  • 10. —It's cold outside, Jimmy! You should __________your sweater.

    —Thanks, mom.

    A、take off B、take in C、put on D、put up
  • 11. —Dad, I don't know this new word.

    —Well, you can _________________________ in the dictionary.

    A、look up it B、look it up C、look it around
  • 12. —I heard that Paul hurt himself badly in the earthquake.

    —Yes. The doctor had to           his right leg to save him.

    A、cut up B、cut out C、cut off D、cut down
  • 13. Change the information you read into a mind map. ____, you can remember it well and think of it later easily.
    A、In this way B、At the same time C、On the other hand
  • 14. Not only Chinese kids but also western kids ______________ Journey to the West.
    A、are famous for B、are afraid of C、are worried about D、are interested in
  • 15. —Will Bob help me look after my pet dog when I'm away.

    —Of course. He won't ____________your request. He loves animals a lot.

    A、putdown B、write down C、turn down D、take down
  • 16. On April 15, a fire ________ in Notre Dame, an 850-year-old cathedral in the heart of Paris.
    A、ran out B、broke out C、turned out D、carried out
  • 17. John, please ________ your dictionary from the schoolbag and look up the new word.
    A、take away B、take up C、take off D、take out
  • 18. The traveler ______ his map to make sure he was not lost.
    A、looked after B、looked up C、looked for D、looked down
  • 19. The land is          rain because it hasn't rained for several months.
    A、known for B、useful to C、harmful to D、thirsty for
  • 20. —Simon has been________ school for 2 days. What's wrong with him?

    —It's said that he has a cold.

    A、nervous about B、thirsty for C、absent from D、worried about
  • 21. —Shall we ________ the things we don't use to the people in need?

    —Good idea.

    A、put off B、set out C、get into D、give away
  • 22. —Can I help you, Sir?

    —Yes, please. I am ________ a blue T-shirt.

    A、looking up B、looking for C、looking after D、looking through
  • 23. I asked my father to ________ me ________ at the school gate at 6: 30 so that we could visit Grandma together.
    A、pick; up B、turn; down C、let; down D、cheer; up
  • 24. Tina comes to China in order to experience Chinese culture and          which university is the best for her to attend.
    A、put out B、stay out C、find out D、run out
  • 25. — How strange! You sit in your room     for a long time, Li Ming.

    — I just want to be quiet for a while. I'm sorry, Dad. I failed the test again.

    A、in silence B、in person C、in public D、in fact
  • 26. — Does the old man have to    his wife?

    — Yes. They have no children to depend on.

    A、look after B、look for C、look up D、look like
  • 27. Some jazz musicians are great because they can             music while playing.
    A、put up B、set up C、take up D、make up
  • 28. Blue whales are     . We should try to protect them.
    A、in time B、in public C、in danger
  • 29. — Have you heard of the big fire that broke out at Hao Yixing Clothes Market on June 2nd?

    —Yes. Luckily, hundreds of firemen immediately drove there and _______ the fire.

    A、put off B、put away C、put down D、put out
  • 30. —Good news! You've passed the PE test.

    —Hooray!       , I am worrying about it.

    A、All in all B、To be honest C、Without doubt D、In my opinion