
试卷更新日期:2021-05-12 类型:月考试卷


  • 1. Annie thinks ________ wooden chair is more comfortable than ________ metal one.
    A、a; a B、不填; a C、a; 不填 D、不填; 不填
  • 2. The computer ________ by my uncle yesterday afternoon. It works well now.
    A、repairs B、repaired C、is repaired D、was repaired
  • 3. Mrs. White really doesn't like the weather in the north of China as it ________ be quite windy, especially in spring.
    A、must B、can C、should D、need
  • 4. Paul, you are out of line. You should stand ________ line with others.
    A、at B、for C、in D、of
  • 5. — Our English teacher speaks English very well.

    — Yeah, she ________ English in Beijing Foreign Language University for four years.

    A、will study B、was studying C、studied D、studies
  • 6. Finally, the girl from Dalian got the job because she had the ________ foreign languages.
    A、suggestion B、advantage C、memory D、challenges
  • 7. The car accident was serious, but luckily, the driver is still ________.
    A、asleep B、awake C、alive D、alone
  • 8. As teachers, we should be ________ our students.
    A、thirsty for B、responsible for C、known for D、good for
  • 9. Linda told me the result of the exam ________ she knew it.
    A、so that B、even though C、as soon as D、ever since
  • 10. —Do you know the disabled student from Sichuan Province ________ used his feet to take notes as he prepared to take the gaokao?

    —Of course. His name is Peng Chao.

    A、who B、whom C、which D、whose


  • 11. 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。有两个选项是多余的。

    A: Hi, Rob and Mark! Are you looking forward to the Christmas holiday?

    B&C: Yes, we are.

    A: Do you both have plans on Christmas Eve? You're welcome to come to the special program at my church(教堂).

    B: A Christmas Eve program? I want to go!

    A: Great! Are you busy that night, Mark?

    C: well, no. But I don't really go to church.

    A: That's OK. A lot of people who don't usually go to church at Christmas.

    C: Well, what happens at a Christmas Eve program?

    A: Oh, no. Our pastor (牧师) will talk about the meaning of Christmas. Then he will pray for(为……祈祷) everyone.

    B: But you might have to sing, Mark.

    C: Sing?

    A: Not alone!

    B: Will there be a play about the Christmas story?

    A: Oh, yes.

    C: It sure sounds like fun.

    A. So what do you think, Mark?

    B. Will I have to sing at the program?

    C. Why didn't you go to your church?

    D. We can't wait for our long weekend.

    E. we'll sing Christmas songs together.

    F. Will I have to pray for something?

    G. My church isn't doing anything on Christmas Eve.


  • 12. 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。

    It was graduation day at the university where I work. It was a beautiful day quite the first graduation I attended.1a young teacher. On that cold day years ago, as we watched the students walking into the hall, one of my colleagues (同事) said,"2 will be one of the happiest and one of the saddest times of your life. "When I asked him why, he answered," Because the students you have gotten to know have to 3."

    As years went by, my confusion (困惑) about my colleague's words disappeared. When It came across naughty (淘气的) students, I had to think again 4. I chose to be a teacher. Of course, it wasn't the money.

    Once a former(以前的)computer science student of mine called me, 5 me if I wanted to have a change. He was working at Nintendo Corporation. His pay was much better than mine, 6I have more education and have worked for over ten years. With my programming skills; he said he could get me a better job. I thanked him, but 7 his offer.

    A few days before this graduation, while working on final grades, I found a note with a student's homework. In the note, she8 me for being her teacher. She said she had -learned a lot in my class — not only about math, but also about life. As I finished reading, I remembered why I had9a teacher. Now, on this sunny graduation day, as: I10 watched the sea of blue hats and gowns (长袍), I had a deeper sense of satisfaction— I will always be happy that I am a teacher.

    A、of B、as C、about D、except
    A、Discussion B、Competition C、Graduation D、Instruction
    A、leave B、talk C、change D、study
    A、how B、why C、where D、when
    A、worrying B、doubting C、examining D、asking,
    A、if B、so C、though D、because
    A、turned down B、found out C、looked through D、dealt with
    A、trusted B、thanked C、called D、challenged
    A、chosen B、hated C、helped D、become
    A、again B、hardly C、forever D、ever


  • 13. 根据短文内容选择正确答案(四选一)

    Jack and Jill Cover Contest(封面比赛)

    This year, we're asking you, our readers, to draw your own imaginary creature(生物)!Enter now! See your art on the cover of this magazine!

    Draw on page 26. Then submit(提交) your art at sskitlsmags.com/artcomrevVenterhow.


    Fill out the form(表格) between pages 26 and 27 and mail your art to Jack and, Jill's Annual Cover Contest, P. O. Box 88928, Idianapolis, IN 46208.

    All artworks will appear at facebook.com/jackandjillmag. The artwork with the most likes on Facebook will win our Readers' Choice Award and appear on the inside back cover!

    Deadline (截止日期) is February 12. 2021.

    Prizes include:

    →Your art on the cover!

    The first-place' winner's art will appear on the cover of Jack and Jill! Second- and third-place winners' art will appear inside the magazine.

    →Money for your school's art program

    Each of our top three artists will win some money for their school's art program:

    First place: $500    second place: $250    Third place: $100

    →Gift cards for art materials

    Our three winners and the Readers' Choice artist will win gift cards from Blick Art Materials.

    First place: $200               Second place; $150

    Third place: $100             Readers' Choice: $100

    →The Art of Drawing for Kids

    The four winning artists will also receive The Art of Drawing for Kids, a DVD offering step-by-step art lessons.

    (1)、How many ways are there to submit your art?
    A、One. B、Two. C、Three. D、Four.
    (2)、On which part of Jack and Jill will the Readers' Choice artist's art appear?
    A、Page 26. B、Page 27. C、The inside front cover. D、The inside back cover.
    (3)、How much money will the first-place winner get for his or her school's art program?
    A、$100. B、$150. C、$250 D、$500.
    (4)、What will all 'the four winning artists get?

    ①a DVD②gift cards from Blick Art Materials③money ④Jack and Jill magazines

    A、①② B、③④ C、①③ D、②④
    (5)、Where can you probably see the material?
    A、On a website. B、In a kids magazine. C、In an art materials shop. D、On a school notice board.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    When Wolferl (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) was young, he showed great! musical talent. Luckily, his father Leopold, a very good musician, saw it and nurtured his talent.

    When Wolferl was just three years old, Leopold was teaching Wolfer's sister Nannerl to play the piano. Wolferl would hang around them and listen to what they were playing. Later, he would come back to the piano and try to play what he had heard. Soon he could do it. By the time Wolferl was four years old, Leopold started to give him his own piano lessons. Little Wolferl could learn a minuet(小步舞曲) by heart during a half-hour lesson!And at the end of his lessons his father would have to send him away, for it seemed Wolferl wanted to continue all day.

    Leopold was a fine violinist. He had given Wolferl a small violin, but not given Wolferl any lessons on it. One day two of Leopold's good friends came to visit: One of them had written six new violin trios (三重奏), and wanted Leopold to join them to play the new music. Wolferl got out his violin and asked his father if he could play second fiddle(第二小提琴). Leopold refused him because Wolferl had never learned how to play the violin. He was not happy. Then one of Leopold's friends said, "Let the boy play second fiddle along with me." And wolferl did play so well that Leopold had tears in his eyes!

    (1)、What does the underlined word "nurtured" in Paragraph 1 mean in Chinese?
    A、忽视 B、羡慕 C、培养 D、限制
    (2)、When Wolferl was three years old,               .
    A、he learmed to play the piano from his sister B、he learned to play the piano by himself C、he took piano classes with his sister D、he learned a minuet in half an hour
    (3)、Who wrote the six violin trios?
    A、Wolferl. B、Leopold. C、wolferl's sister. D、One of Leopold's friends.
    (4)、Leopold's tears showed that he was       .
    A、sorry for himself B、sad for his friend C、happy for his son D、thankful for his friend.
    (5)、What does the passage mainly talk about?
    A、An amazing musical family. B、Young Wolferl's musical talent. C、How music changed Wolferl's life. D、How Wolferl became a great musician.
  • 15. 阅读理解

    The River Thames runs straight through the City of London. People have lived beside it for thousands of years. Like the sea, the river is tidal(有潮的). When the tide goes out, the muddy foreshore(泥泞的滩地) can be seen: For as long as people have been living beside this river, they have been throwing things into it such as rubbish, or maybe something valuable. The River Thames holds many secrets.

    During the 18th century, many poor people would stand in the river's mud when the tide was out. They would search for hidden treasures. They did not expect to find anything of real value like coins or jewels (珠宝), but simple objects they could sell or trade for food. They were known as mud larks. The job was never easy, because the water could be freezing cold.

    Today, people continue to search the foreshore for hidden treasures. It's different from over 200 years ago. All mud larks in the River Thames now need to have a license. Anything they find of historic interest has to be reported to the Museum of London.

    Recently, Londoner Martin Bushel was mud larking. He found something that looked like the top of a human skull (头盖骨). He called the police and passed it onto them. When he was walking by the river a few days later, he saw some policemen searching the area. He was worried that he might become involved in a murder case(卷入一起谋杀案). Later he received a phone call telling him that what he had found was really from a human skull. However, it was5, 600 years old and was put on show in the Museum of London.

    (1)、Where is the River Thames?
    A、In America. B、In Australia. C、In Germany. D、In England.
    (2)、The writer says "The River Thames holds many 'secrets'" because        .
    A、many things about it are unknown B、many things have been thrown into it C、many people like to share their secrets there D、many mysterious events have happened there
    (3)、What did mud larks do in the 18th century?
    A、They sold food along the River Thames. B、They looked for food in the River Thames. C、They helped clean the muddy foreshore of the River Thames. D、They searched for treasures on the foreshore of the River Thames.
    (4)、After Martin Bushell gave what he found to the police,            .
    A、he got involved in a murder case B、he was called to the police station C、he was told it was something ancient D、he stopped walking by the River Thames
    (5)、What can be the best title of the passage?
    A、A special job B、Hidden treasures C、The River Thames D、An important discovery
  • 16. 根据材料内容,将A—E五个句子填入文中空白处,使材料完整、通顺。

    Cui Bo lives in Heilongjiang Province. In winter, temperatures there can drop to - 30°c. With a heating system(供热系统) in her apartment, the temperature is kept at a comfortable28℃.

    "In 1985 when I was eight, winter was long and cold," "Cui says. She and her parents and brother lived in a 48 m2room and the only place they could keep warm was a brick bed(炕)heated by fire.

    "Life has become so much better over the past few decades (十年)," Cui says.

     Bai Yang, 33, is from Beijing. She says that when she was a child, the most valuable thing at her home was a 24-inch color TV and it cost her family a lot.

    For 67-year-old Li Fu, the change in transport (交通) in the past four decades is the biggest.

    "When I was young, riding bicycles was the most common means of transportation. I could not imagine having a car of my own," Li says.

    Li now has his own car.

    For him, life has become much easier with a car.

    Besides, Chinese people have more ways to see and enjoy the world. Liu Yu says that when she was young, traveling abroad sounded impossible.

    The past 40 years have meant a lot to China and the Chinese people. Every Chinese person has played their part.

    A. Now she has finished her studies in France and returned to Shanghai to open a French restaurant.

    B. And hundreds of millions of people in China share her feeling.

    C. But the conditions were completely different when she was young.

    D. He uses it to go to work, visit friends and travel around the country.

    E. Now she has a 60-inch TV and she easily bought it.


  • 17. 阅读短文,选择方框里的词并用其适当的形式填空。使短文意思完整,通顺。(每词只能用一次,有两个单词是多余的)

    pollute, it, simple, lie, easy, on, which, such as, from, throw, who, use

    Don't throw away your old phones. You are actually away real gold! Smartphones have many useful metals, gold, silver and copper(铜). People can recycle to make new electronics (电子器件).

    But many people don't know this. In Australia alone, there are more than 25 million unused mobile phones around, the Sydney Morning Herald reported. The gold in these phones can add up to a value of more than $80 million (542 million yuan). There are about 2 billion smartphone users around the world change their phone once every 11 months on average, In China, people throw out 80 million old phones every year, according to New Express Daily.

    However, it's not easy to recycle these metals. Smartphones not only have metals, but also harmful materials. Guiyu, a small town in Shantou, Guangdong, is one of the world's biggest landfills (垃圾填埋厂) for electronic waste, Reuters reported. Many recycling centers in Guiyu break down old electronics by hand and don't think about the it causes. According to a local government report, 81 percent of children in Guiyu are harmed by lead poisoning(铅中毒).

    Veena Sahajwalla, a professor at Australia's University of New South Wales, has made a mini factory. If makes smartphone recycling cleaner and. The mini factory is very small and easy to move around. It breaks down phones and automatically (自动地)removes the phone's useful metals. This stops people being poisoned.


  • 18. 根据短文内容按要求完成任务。

    Social media, like WeChat and Douyin, is a big part of most people's lives. Recent research found social media users between 10 and 15 years old can be divided into four personality types: geek (极客), Internet celebrity(网红), lurker(潜伏者) and victim (受害者). Each personality type has both good and bad sides. Which one do you fall into?


    (A) Geeks are active social media users who care about their privacy(隐私). Most geeks are boys who like gaming and making music and videos. They often post creative works online. Mark Zuckerberg, who created Facebook, is comfortable in (B) his online life, but finds life in the real world to be much more difficult to deal with. This can remind" geeks" to try to avoid depending too much on the Internet.

    ●Internet celebrities

    Internet celebrities like sharing as well, but they are much more visible (可见的) than geeks. They might become well-known for their singing or dancing. But being a teenage Internet celebrity can sometimes cause problems in the real world. They might spend less time studying and more time online.


    Most teenagers probably fall into the third type —" lurkers", or people who are neither too active nor visible. They prefer to "like" and share links(链接), rather than create their own things online. The problem for these teenagers is that they may find it difficult to express themselves. But at least they make sure to protect their privacy.


    Victims usually have less knowledge to keep themselves safe online. Their personal information can be made public and cause problems for them. (C) To avoid being a victim. Do not share your private information online, like birthday, age, where you live or your vacation plans.

  • 19. 阅读短文,回答问题。

    There are not many people around who say they like rats (老鼠), when you see one of them, you may want to run in the opposite direction.

    There is one man though who has always enjoyed staying with rats, even when he was a young boy. His name is Bart Weetjens and he comes from Belgium in Europe. As he grew up he learned everything about rats. He knew that they have a very strong sense of smell. He realized that it might be possible to train rats to help solve a problem that troubled some Southeast Asian countries.

    Clearing away unexploded bombs and landmines(未爆炸的炸弹和地雷) is a difficult job. Bart began to train rats to look for explosives. Because a rat's sense of smell is so strong, they are able to smell a thing known as TNT that is used in bombs. Besides, because rats are not heavy, if they place their weight on an uri exploded bomb, they will not cause it to explode.

    Bart chose African Giant Pouched Rats for the job. They are well known for being calm(镇定的) and smart. Training begins when they are about six weeks old, and it lasts for nine months. Once trained, one rat can search up to 200 m2in 20 minutes, the same area would take a human up to four days. Trained rats are known as Mine Detection Rats, or MDRs, and they have worked successfully in Cambodia since 2015.

    (1)、Where does Bart Weejens come from?
    (2)、What sense did Bart Weejens learn that rats have as he grew up?
    (3)、How did Bart Weejens help solve the problem that troubled some Southeast Asian countries?
    (4)、Why will rats not cause an unexploded bomb to explode?
    (5)、How long does it take a human to search up to 200 m2?


  • 20. 他们正在考虑如何好好利用这些旧东西。

    They are thinking about how to these old things .

  • 21. 你们微笑的脸庞让我有一种宾至如归的感觉。

    Your smiling faces .

  • 22. 因为没有人与她打招呼,Lucy感觉被忽略了。

    Lucy because nobody said "Hi" to her.

  • 23. 他们在这项工程上总共花了420个小时。

    They spent 420 hours on the project.

  • 24. 虽然我不擅长做饭,可是我妈妈生日那天我特地给她做了长寿面。

    Although I'm not good at cooking, I to make long noodles for Mom on her birthday.

  • 25. 她被邀请了,但是没有露面。

    She was invited, but she didn't .

  • 26. 李雪芹的脱口秀节目很值得一看。

    Li Xueqin's talk shows .

  • 27. 他们已经开始环游世界了。

    They've on a journey round the world.

  • 28. 我们是时候采取行动来保护环境了。

    It's time for us to protect the environment.

  • 29. 故事主要描述了过去穷人对衣食的渴望。

    The story mainly tells the poor in the past food and clothes.


  • 30. 假如你是张明,上周你班同学就“毕业前我们该为学弟学妹们做些什么?”进行了讨论。请你根据下面的表格提示,写一封电子邮件告诉你的加拿大笔友Jack你们的可论结果,并谈谈你的想法及理由。









    Dear Jack,

    Last week we held a discussion on what we should do for our younger schoolmates before we graduate. My classmates have different suggestions.


    I'd like to know your idea. Could you give me some advice? Best wishes!


    Zhang Ming