
试卷更新日期:2021-05-06 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. what;   like;   does;   cousin;   your;    (?)
  • 2. you;   come;   like;   to;   us;   would;   with;   join;   and;    (?)
  • 3. does;   he;   playing;   football;   like;    (?)
  • 4. have;    you;    do;    what;    lessons;     (? )
  • 5. Please  give   gold   me   the   (.)
  • 6. There  now  are  mice  in  no  the  city   (.)
  • 7. Let's   the   join   club    (.)
  • 8. We  have  afternoon  PE   Music   and   in  the    (.)
  • 9. good  That   is   a   idea (!)
  • 10. this     Touch     apple (.)
  • 11. 根据所给单词,练成完整的句子。

    (1)、can, I, see, dog, a(.) 

    (2)、smell, with, can, I, my, nose(.)

    (3)、high, in, sun, the, is, sky, the(.)

    (4)、in, a, dog, the, morning, takes, walk, the(.)

    (5)、does, how, window, the, feel(?)

  • 12. 根据所给单词,连成完整的句子。

    (1)、a, there's, football club, our, school, in (.)

    (2)、does, Lily, what, doing, like (?)

    (3)、like, Alice, playing, does, table tennis (?)

    (4)、likes, Chinese, and, Science, Kitty (.)

    (5)、football, it, is, whose (?)