
试卷更新日期:2021-04-27 类型:期末考试


  • 1. We have ________beautiful garden and I always have fun with my family there.
    A、a B、an C、the D、/
  • 2. Lily sat on the sofa just now. Maybe the wool scarf is ________________.
    A、she B、her C、hers D、herself
  • 3. Go _________the river and you will see the Panda House.
    A、above B、under C、over D、across
  • 4. Alice found there were doors all around, ____they were all locked.
    A、as B、but C、or D、so
  • 5. —Could I smoke here?

    —Sorry, I'm afraid you______________.

    A、can't B、couldn't C、won't D、needn't
  • 6. Later sandwiches became ____________all over the world.
    A、surprised B、strange C、popular D、funny
  • 7. My birthday is coming. I'd like to invite my friends ___________a dinner in KFC.
    A、have B、has C、having D、to have
  • 8. Kitty _________shopping with her mum yesterday afternoon.
    A、go B、is going C、went D、will go
  • 9. —__________ does it take from Yancheng to the center of Beijing by high-speed railway?

    —About six hours.

    A、How far B、How long C、How much D、How many
  • 10. ____________ interesting book The Old and the Sea is!
    A、How B、How an C、What D、What an
  • 11. I like watching my lovely dog ____________ after a ball.
    A、run B、runs C、to run D、ran
  • 12. Could you stay a little longer? I have _______more to tell you about the plan for tomorrow.
    A、everything B、something C、anything D、nothing
  • 13. It's so cloudy. I think it __________________.
    A、rain B、rains C、is going to rain D、rained
  • 14. Pandas are very cute. They like to _________ all day long.
    A、hurry up B、lie down C、turn around D、run away
  • 15. —Can we go swimming when we have a picnic today, Dad?

    —____________. It's dangerous to swim in the lake.

    A、Oh, I see B、With pleasure C、Good idea D、No, I'm afraid not


  • 16. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出—个最佳答案。

    If you go to Dubai, you may see a special kind of taxi. It is a drone. It 1 in the sky by itself!

    The drone taxi is named EHang-184. It was 2in China. The city of Dubai started using it 3an air taxi in July, 2017. And it has been the world's first passenger(乘客)drone so far.

    The Chinese-made EHang-184 drone has four wings. It can only take one 4. The drone taxi can fly up to 3, 500 meters 5 in the sky. It can fly 160 kilometers an hour.

    How can you 6 the EHang-184 trip? That's easy. You can use its app on your phone. When the drone comes 7 near your neighborhood, you can get on it. And then tell the 8you want to go to on the touch screen before you. There is no driver in the drone, but many "drivers" on the ground are 9 you. Don't be 10.

    They will make sure your trip is safe.

    EHang-184 can only fly in the air for about 30minutes, so it cannot take you further than 80 kilometers.

    A、runs B、walks C、flies D、comes
    A、made B、found C、studied D、used
    A、to B、as C、for D、with
    A、bag B、room C、person D、driver
    A、wide B、far C、long D、high
    A、get B、see C、finish D、enjoy
    A、up B、out C、down D、from
    A、time B、place C、price D、program
    A、watching B、visiting C、taking D、understanding
    A、glad B、afraid C、sorry D、late

三、阅读理解(共30 小题, 计50分)

  • 17. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。


    English Club

    For the ninth-grade students

    Time: Tuesday afternoon and Friday evening

    Place: Building A


    Math Exam

    For the seventh-grade students

    Time: on Monday, March 20th

    Place: Building B

    PS: Top 10 will get a surprise

    A Talk

    For all students

    Time: 14:30-16:30, April 25th

    Place: in the school hall

    Topic: How to Learn English Well

    Singing Competition(竞赛)

    For the eighth-grade students

    Time: on Thursday, May 23rd

    Place: in the music room

    Tele: 58172352

    (1)、How often do the English club members practice English?
    A、Once a week. B、Twice a week. C、Three times a week. D、Four times a week.
    (2)、How many students will get a surprise after the math exam?
    A、10. B、20. C、23 D、25.
    (3)、Where will Tom, a ninth-grade student, probably be at 3:00p. m. on April 25th?
    A、In Building A B、In Building B C、In the school hall. D、In the music room.
    (4)、What activity will the school have on May 23rd?
    A、A singing competition. B、A math exam. C、An English competition. D、A talk about how to learn English well.
    (5)、Where can you see this notice?
    A、In a shop. B、In a hospital. C、In a school. D、In a restaurant.
  • 18. 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。

        The other day, I heard from a girl. She said that her friend just got a dog. Her friend talked about the dog all the time. It made the girl feel bad because she didn't have one.

    Here's what I wrote back to her:

    Dear Judy,

    There are people who have nicer homes than us, have better jobs, or, in your case, own a cute dog you don't have.

    It's quite natural(自然的)to want things that we can't have, but instead, we should appreciate (珍惜)what we already have, or feel happy for people who have the thing we want.

    In fact, owning a dog means a lot of hard work. Dogs need care, attention, exercise and love.

    There's also a lot of cleaning you'd need to do for it. Dog hair and dirty paw prints (爪印)would be everywhere in your home.

    It's great to spend time with dogs though, so why not ask your friend if you can join her when she takes her dog out for a walk? You'd get to spend some fun time with your friend and get some exercise by walking.

    And who knows--one day, you might own your own dog, too.


    (1)、Who did the writer get a letter from?
    A、Judy. B、Dale. C、Judy's friend. D、Dale's friend.
    (2)、What was the girl's problem?
    A、She didn't like her friend anymore. B、She didn't like having a dog as a pet. C、She felt sad because her dog was lost. D、Her fiend had a dog and she didn't have one.
    (3)、What does the writer think of the girl's problem?
    A、So funny. B、Too bad. C、Really great. D、Quite natural.
    (4)、What is the main idea of Paragraph 3 of Dale's letter?
    A、Owning a dog is easy. B、Keeping a dog is not easy. C、Nicer homes are good for everybody. D、Dogs are the most difficult animal to keep as a pet.
    (5)、What does the writer advise(建议)the girl to do?
    A、Ask her parents to buy her a dog. B、Do something else with her friend. C、Join her friend to walk the dog together. D、Write to her friend to show her feelings.
  • 19. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。

        The lord had two daughters. One, Harriet, was always sick. She never left the house. The other, Anne, loved riding. She liked to ride me, and I liked carrying her. She was kind and gentle. One day, she wanted to ride one of the new horses. Her name was Lizzie.

    "Don't ride Lizzie," Anne's friend said. "You are not strong enough for her. "

    Anne didn't listen.

    "Don't worry about me," she said. "I can ride any horse. You ride Black Beauty."

    She rode away on Lizzie. Her friend followed her on me.

    Anne's friend went into a shop. Anne waited outside. She was sitting on Lizzie.

    Suddenly, a boy walked toward us. He was leading some horses. They were young and wild. One of them ran into Lizzie. She was afraid. She began to run. Anne could not stop her.

    "Help! Help!" she shouted.

    Anne's friend ran out of the shop. He jumped on my back.

    "Come on, Beauty," he said. "We must stop her."

    I ran after Lizzie as fast as I could.

    Soon we were getting nearer to Lizzie and Anne. Then Lizzie tried to jump over a gate. She fell. Anne fell, too.

    A man was working nearby.

    "Get the doctor!" Anne's friend shouted to him. "Take my horse!"

    The man jumped onto my back. I ran back to town as fast as I could.

    The man told the doctor about the accident (事故). The doctor rode off to help Anne.

    He brought her back to the house in a coach. She was alive, but her eyes were closed. She did not speak.

    She was sick for many weeks, and then she got better.

    You must always ride Beauty," her father told her. "You must never ride another horse. You can always trust(信任)Beauty."

    I was very proud.

    (1)、Who is "I" in Paragraph 1?
    A、The lord. B、A boy named Harriet. C、Anne's friend. D、A horse called Black Beauty.
    (2)、Anne's friend asked her not to ride the new horse because _______________.
    A、the horse was sick B、he himself wanted to ride it C、Anne was not strong enough D、the new horse was too young
    (3)、Why did Lizzie get afraid?
    A、Because Anne's friend ran after her. B、Because one wild horse ran towards Lizzie. C、Because Anne jumped on her back suddenly. D、Because the working man asked her to jump over a high gate.
    (4)、Which of the following is the correct order of what happened in the story?

    ①Anne rode a new horse Lizzie.

    ②Black Beauty ran to get a doctor to save Anne.

    ③Lizzie fell and Anne was hurt.

    ④ Anne got better after weeks.

    A、①②④③ B、①③②④ C、②①③④ D、③④①②
    (5)、What is the story mainly about?
    A、Why Black Beauty liked Anne. B、Why Anne's friend liked shopping. C、How Anne practised riding a horse. D、How Black Beauty helped save Anne.
  • 20. 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空—词。

    As the days get hotter, we can stay inside and turn on the air conditioning(空调)to stay comfortable. But do you know that in ancient(古代的)China, people used a different kind of "air conditioning?

    Starting from the Qin Dynasty, rich families began to store ice during winter. As summer began, they used ice to cool their homes. People would put a container(容器)with many ice cubes inside of it in their rooms. Servants(仆人)would fan the containers to make cool air.

    But common people couldn't store ice. So they spent hot days near wells(井). Some people would keep their food in empty wells. The wells would keep the food cool and fresh, just like a fridge.

    Chinese people also made their own summer drinks, such as well water and drinks made from herbs(草药). It is said that Kublai Khan(忽必烈)-emperor of the Yuan Dynasty-liked drinking milk with ice and sweet candy. Some people believe that it was the world's first ice cream.

    It is really amazing that there are still many other ways to make them cool. You can find out some on the Internet.


    Air conditioning in ancient .


    We can turn on the air conditioning to make ourselves .

    Main body


    *They stored in winter.

    *People put containers in their  when summer began.

    *Servants fanned the containers to make cool air.

    Common people

    *They would stay near wells during  days.

    *To keep food cool and , people put it in empty wells.

    Other ways

    *Chinese people made summer  from well water or herbs.

    *Kublai Khan liked drinking milk with ice and sweet .


    We can find out more  ways on the Internet.

  • 21. 回答下面5个问题,每题答案不超过5个词。

    Have you heard of bubble tea? It's from Taiwan. It's like a drink and a snack in one cup. Shops that sell it are opening all over.

    Bubble tea starts with milk tea. Then, treats are added. They usually rest at the bottom(底部). They're sweet. People call them "bubbles". Many times, there are also bubbles on top of the drink. You will see the bubbles when you shake the drink.

    Bubble tea was first made in Taiwan in the 1980s. It soon became popular. And it spread across Asia. In the 1990s, bubble tea shops started opening in the US. Now, they're everywhere.

    Some bubble tea shops sell over a hundred flavors (味道)! Would you like mango? How about chocolate pudding? And don't forget the toppings. How about red beans or something else?

    Bubble tea shops can be great places to have fun. In some places, kids go there to play with friends.

    (1)、Where is bubble tea from?
    (2)、When did bubble tea shops start opening in the US?
    (3)、How many flavors do some bubble tea shops sell?
    (4)、What may kids do in some bubble tea shops?
    (5)、What's the best title(标题)for the text?


  • 22. China has an of over 9, 600, 000 square kilometers. (面积)
  • 23. The little boy is too and can't walk any further. (虚弱的)
  • 24. If you want to learn more about art, don't the shows in the museum!(错过)
  • 25. The book of poetry is the earliest collection of in Chinese history. (诗歌)
  • 26. Sun bears usually live and are happy to spend their time by themselves. (独自)



  • 32. 学校英语俱乐部将举办“My e-friend”征文比赛活动,请你根据以下提示,用英语写—篇短文参赛。





    My e-friend

    This is my e-friend, Andy.