冀教版(三年级起点)小学英语六年级上册Unit 4 Christmas过关检测卷(含听力音频)

试卷更新日期:2017-11-22 类型:单元试卷



  • 6. 选出正确的问句(  )
    A、What is Christmas? B、When is Christmas? C、Who is Santa?
  • 7. 选出正确的问句(  )  
    A、What are you going to do tomorrow? B、What do you do?     C、What did you do yesterday?
  • 8. 选出正确的问句(  )
    A、What do you want to buy?   B、What would you like for Christmas? C、Would you like a sweater?
  • 9. 选出正确的问句(  )
    A、What is she doing?  B、What is she going to do?  C、What does she do?
  • 10. 选出正确的问句(  )
    A、Where does the star go? B、Where are the gifts? C、Where is Santa?



  • 12. 完成句子。

        is Christmas. Yesterday I helped my father put Christmas lights on our house. This morning, we our Christmas tree.

        I always special gifts to my family for Christmas. Jenny and I are going to walk to the shop this afternoon. I am going to some gifts for my family. I can talk to Santa in the shop.



  • 14. 选词填空,补全句子。

    bought   open   give   invite   ate

    (1)、Here is a box. Let's it.
    (2)、Please me a pen. I want to write a card.
    (3)、My mother me some gifts yesterday.
    (4)、I want to my grandma to my home.
    (5)、Danny rice for lunch yesterday.    


  • 15. Christmas is a ________holiday.
    A、west B、western C、east
  • 16. She invites my family ________her house.
    A、to B、\ C、in
  • 17. Tomorrow we are going to ________the Christmas tree.
    A、put about B、put off C、put up
  • 18. Here are some Christmas ________. Let's put them on the tree.
    A、thing B、a thing C、things
  • 19. He brings a Christmas tree ________you.
    A、at B、for C、with
  • 20. Would you like a new car ________Christmas?
    A、to B、of C、for
  • 21. —What did she do yesterday?

    —She ________gifts yesterday.

    A、bought B、buy C、buys
  • 22. It's fun ________ with my toys.
    A、play B、played C、to play
  • 23. I asked my sister ________send it.
    A、to B、for C、from
  • 24. The book ________ her name on it.
    A、have B、has C、having



  • 30. 你会写圣诞卡片吗?请将下面的内容放在卡片的相应位置。(只填序号)

    A. Dear Jenny,

    B. We wish you a merry Christmas!

    C. My family is getting ready for the Christmas holiday. Yesterday we helped my mother put up the Christmas tree. Tomorrow we are going to buy Christmas gifts and some food.

    D. December 23

    E. Write soon, Lily  

     ⒉ ⒊ ⒋ ⒌


  • 31. 阅读短文,判断正误。

        Santa is ready to go! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming!

        He flies in the sky! He comes at night!

        He sees Christmas trees and lights!

        In children's houses, he gives the gifts to little girls and boys.

        He brings toys and special gifts.

        He goes to the West.

        He goes to the East.

        "Ho! Ho!Ho!" The happy little old man!

    (1)、Santa flies in the sky.
    (2)、Santa comes in the morning.
    (3)、Santa can see Christmas trees and lights.
    (4)、Santa brings gifts for little boys and girls.
    (5)、Santa is an old man.
  • 32. 阅读对话,回答问题

    Jenny: Yesterday we bought gifts. Tomorrow is Christmas. We are going to open our gifts. Today we are going to put up the Christmas tree. Let's ask Danny to help us put up the Christmas tree.

    Li Ming: Okay!

    Jenny: Hello, Danny. Would you like to help us put up our Christmas tree?

    Danny: Sure!

    Jenny: First, we are going to put the lights on the tree. Then we are going to put Christmas things on the tree. Danny, would you like to put the star on the tree?

    Danny: Yes, the star always goes on top!

    Jenny: Now, let's put our gifts under the tree. There! It's done!

    Li Ming: It's beautiful!

    (1)、What did they do yesterday?

    (2)、What are they going to do today?

    (3)、Do they ask Danny to help them put up the Christmas tree?

    (4)、What's under the tree?

    (5)、Is the Christmas tree beautiful?


  • 33.     以"Christmas"为题,写一篇作文,介绍一下圣诞节。(不少于40个词)